Treatment of cough

Treatment of cough

Coughing is one of the most common diseases that people suffer from, especially with the advent of winter, which causes a lot of problems for adults and children. It is an allergic reaction to many factors and because of bronchial secretions. In this report, we offer you the best cough treatment.

What is a cough?

Coughing is a common symptom of colds and flu. In general, symptoms are more severe with influenza.

Viral upper respiratory infections usually cause a dry cough, sore throat, and runny nose, although the nose may be blocked at first. Coughing can be sensitive and irritating.

 You may have watery eyes and a headache. The common cold can also cause sneezing. The flu can also cause fever, chills, if severe, and muscle aches.

A cough caused by COVID-19 may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as loss of taste or smell, fever, chills, shortness of breath, or sore throat. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should get tested immediately.

Some people with asthma may have a persistent cough. The airways become inflamed and very sensitive to asthma triggers. The cough is usually a dry cough and there may also be wheezing. Asthma cough may be worse at night.

Coughing in the chest produces thick mucus known as phlegm. This is also known as a wet cough. Phlegm comes from the lungs and lower respiratory tract. This type of cough can be worse in the morning. 

There may be wheezing, a chest cough can follow a common cold infection, or it may be due to long-term conditions, such as chronic bronchitis or asthma.

Whooping cough can lead to coughing fits, and there may be a loud sound at the end of the cough when the person tries to breathe again. They may vomit afterward.

Other short-term causes of a cough (lasting less than 3 weeks) include:


  • COVID-19
  • Laryngitis: Laryngitis caused by infection, overuse or irritation
  • , sinusitis
  • whooping cough 
  • , bronchitis and pneumonia.
  • Asthma that is not well controlled

Cough treatment

There are many treatment options that contribute to the treatment of cough, in many cases, the combination of the following treatments may be effective. These include:

steroids  Inhaled

steroids help reduce swelling in the airways. As inflammation has been reduced, it can also reduce irritation and coughing. 

Inhaled corticosteroids are usually taken even when there are no symptoms. They are considered prophylaxis to prevent symptoms. 

 Mucus remover

People with COPD often have thick or sticky mucus, which can make coughing difficult. 

A mucus remover can help clear the secretions until the cough clears. There are a variety of mucus removal devices, including a jacket worn over the chest that vibrates to loosen phlegm.

Handheld devices are also an option. Devices provide a controlled vibration that oscillates between small and large airways. Vibration helps loosen mucus from the airway walls to promote effective coughing.


agonists are long-acting vasodilators that open the airways. Bronchodilators can reduce coughing. Long-acting bronchodilators are often taken once or twice daily as a maintenance medication.

Drink plenty of fluids

Because mucus can become thick and sticky, drinking plenty of fluids can help thin the mucus, making it easier to pass.

 If you don't have fluid restrictions, drink several glasses of water a day. Hot drinks, such as tea, are also helpful in expelling mucus.

Try drinking warm herbs such as ginger, mint, and cinnamon, all of which help treat a cough.


Honey is a natural cough suppressant. Some studies, including a small study in adults with COPD, have shown that taking honey reduces coughing. 

Although honey may not completely clear a cough, it may reduce it somewhat. Honey can also soothe your throat, which can become sore from a chronic cough.

Since honey has no side effects, it may be worth a try.

 Treating Comorbidities

People with COPD are not immune to developing other diseases that also contribute to a cough. 

For example, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can also cause a chronic cough. 

Certain medications, including some high blood pressure medications, can also make coughing worse.

It is important to talk to your doctor to determine if your cough is caused not only by COPD but also by other problems.

Reducing your triggers

Certain factors can worsen COPD symptoms, including coughing.

Environmental irritants, such as pollution and smoke, are common culprits. Household cleaning products, perfumes, and scented candles can irritate the airways.

Track when coughing fits occur and see if there is a pattern. Once you have identified your triggers, you can take steps to reduce your exposure to them.

Follow all or some of the cough treatment methods and you will feel better, but if the cough persists for long periods, you must go to the specialist.


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