Hair therapist

All women are keen to take care of their hair; It is one of the secrets of their beauty and femininity.
Many women become disturbed and anxious when their hair is harmed or damaged, whether this symptom is brittleness, dryness, loss, dandruff, or inflammation in the scalp. Any of these problems makes women need a quick solution and are also distinguished. By health.
One of the solutions that have recently spread to treat hair and save it from damage, as it has proven its efficiency, speed and safety (hair treatment).
So here's to talk about a hair treatment that guarantees your hair health, luster and freshness.
(All healthy and safe hair treatments are available in Adam's Pharmacy ).
Types of hair therapist:
A- Natural therapist.
b- A chemical therapist.
C - Medicated hair treatment.
Or not . Natural hair therapist:
Many women prefer to deal with their hair to resort to natural solutions, as it is known that it takes a longer time than other hair treatment solutions; But it is safe.
There are recipes that are famous for being a hair treatment:
1- Yogurt egg mask:
Yogurt contains probiotics, which in turn actively improve hair health, and probiotics have the ability to eliminate fungi and also eliminate dandruff.
Eggs are characterized by containing a large proportion of proteins, and it is one of the best ingredients for hair treatment, and also helps to straighten hair, and strengthen its follicles.
Ingredients required for the Yogurt Egg Mask:
- An egg.
- 2 tablespoons of yogurt.
How to prepare the mask:
With normal hair: Mix the egg with the yogurt in a bowl, then whisk together well, until the mixture becomes homogeneous and smooth.
With oily hair: Only egg white is used.
With dry hair: use only egg yolk.
Then the mixture is spread on the scalp, and then left for 30 minutes.
Then rinse the scalp with lukewarm water.
Then rinse again with shampoo.
If you find an unpleasant egg smell, you can add some essential oils to the mixture.
Repeat the mask twice a week; In order to get quick and good results.
2- Banana and avocado mask:
It is one of the effective masks in treating hair; Because bananas and avocados are useful for hair.
because it contains a large percentage of vitamins, potassium, and contains natural oils, and all of these combined combinations maintain and enhance the chances of hair growth.
Avocado is characterized by containing amino substances, and it also contains omega-3, which helps to condition the hair, as well as maintain its smooth, smooth and shiny texture.
How to prepare the banana and avocado mask:
Mash the banana with the avocado well, until the mixture becomes homogeneous and free of lumps.
Then add any kind of oil to the mixture, then stir the mixture well.
The mask is applied to the scalp well.
Leave on hair for an hour.
The mask is rinsed off with cold water.
You can then use conditioner and shampoo, and treat the hair as normal.
Repeat the mask once or twice a week.
Secondly, Chemical
hair treatment: Protein hair treatment:
It comes with an effective and long-acting result, as its effect continues on the hair for many months.
It has a great ability to treat falling, limp and dull hair.
Helps straighten frizzy hair.
It has a great effect on coarse hair, helping to smooth it, because it contains oils and proteins that treat the scalp and hair.
The protein is divided into two parts, one of which is the normal type, which has a high ability to solve the problem of hair and the problem of hair loss and maintains the freshness of the hair, and increases its luster.
As for the protein developed with (nano) technology, it is highly effective and stronger than the normal type, as it works to break materials into small particles, these particles quickly spread inside the scalp and permeate the hairs.
The nano protein is also characterized by its great ability to straighten the hair in only 45 minutes, and its effect on the hair lasts for about six months, after which its effect begins to decrease gradually until it reaches a year. Scalp, and its effect is less than nano, as it reaches four and six months as a maximum.
And you must investigate when choosing a hair protein, and you make sure that all its components are natural, and also make sure that it does not contain chemicals, and also does not contain formalin.
Collagen hair treatment:
It is a capsule that is emptied on the scalp and left for a day until it penetrates into the hair.
Collagen is also available in the form of injections to control the scalp.
Oral hair collagen tablets are also available.
But you have to keep in mind that collagen is best taken with a prescription; Because if a person is treated with it while he does not suffer from a lack of collagen, it will cause him complications that harm the body in general, as it affects the digestive system, the respiratory system, and it has an effect on the bones, and negatively affects the joints, so you should consult a doctor before treatment with it.
(Collagen of all kinds is available in the hair care Adam Pharmacy).
Keratin hair treatment:
Keratin has an advantage that no one else has. It helps to straighten the hair because it contains formalin, which separates the hair in an impressive way. The higher the proportion of formalin, the greater its effect on the individual.
It helps to strengthen the hair, increases its density and makes the hair smooth without wrinkles.
But it has been proven that keratin is optimally used for hair straightening, as it helps to straighten hair more than it is a hair treatment. Excessive use of keratin is cautioned because it was discovered that excessive use of keratin leads to damage to hair follicles and hair loss in abundance, and it also causes scalp infections.
Third . Pharmaceutical hair treatments:
Hair vitamins:
are good solutions for treating hair; As vitamins contain nutrients for hair follicles, and maintain the freshness of hair.
It is preferable to take (zinc - folic acid - biotin - vitamin E).
(All hair vitamins are available in the hair care products section of Adam's pharmacy).
They help to solve many hair problems, and keep it from stress and damage.
(Antioxidants are available in the hair care department of Adam's pharmacy).
Antioxidants are also available in many foods such as (tomatoes - broccoli - walnuts - berries).
Here are some medical caveats when using a hair therapist:
- Make sure that your hair really needs a straightening treatment before making a straightening decision.
Do not buy a hair treatment of unknown origin.
Do not buy a hair treatment that contains formalin or harmful chemicals.
- Do not use hair dryers, dyes and irons a lot; As its damage is great on the hair, and if the hair is damaged, the treatment will be difficult and arduous and takes some time.
The result is effective with thick hair and with curly hair, so you should take care of it if your hair is thin.
You should consult your doctor before using it or replacing it and it is a better option than the individual.
Individual hair treatment has an effective result with women with damaged hair; This is because their natural hair bonds are broken and damaged, so they must replace them with artificial bonds until the hair growth is complete and the damaged ones are repaired.
Finally, it should not be extravagant, because excessive use of it breaks the basic bonds in the hair and replaces them with others, which makes the hair worse than it was before, and the hair becomes fragile and weak; Because he lost his basic bonds.
Thus, we have dealt with the hair therapist in detail:
We mentioned the extent to which the hair needs an individual’s therapist, its types, and the side effects of the hair therapist in order to be prevented.
We have mentioned the types of hair that the hair therapist is suitable for, and with which it comes with an effective result.