Mandy Care Sweet Almond Oil 125Ml(0915)
Mandy Care Sweet Almond Oil 125Ml(0915)
Mandy Care Sweet Almond Oil 125Ml(0915)

Mandy Care Sweet Almond Oil 125Ml(0915)

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Mandy Care sweet almond oil 125ml


Sweet Almonds Oil is one of the oils that are of great importance, especially in terms of their cosmetic benefits for hair and skin.

Benefits of sweet almond oil for hair:

  • Smoothing and nourishing hair, making it grow healthy and shiny, it is useful for all hair types.

  • Protect hair from sun damage, with a natural sun protection factor (SPF 5).

  • Maintaining a healthy scalp: Almond oil can be used as a treatment for scalp problems due to its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, which make it effective in balancing the fungi that cause dandruff. Almond oil also works well in moisturizing the scalp and cleansing the hair follicles due to its easy absorption from the skin.


Maintain hair moisture

One of the basic steps to maintain the natural hydration of hair is to use the oil after applying a water-based moisturizer or leave it in the hair, preferably after washing the hair or showering. By doing this, a layer of oil fixes the moisturizer inside the hair, so that the hair dries more slowly over time, maintaining its moisture and luster. This step is an important step in moisturizing the hair, especially dry hair.


Stimulating hair growth and reducing hair loss

Massaging the scalp with sweet almond oil is an excellent way to stimulate growth, reduce hair loss, and maintain overall healthy hair and scalp. The fact that sweet almond oil is lightweight makes it an excellent base to which essential oils can be added. Although adding essential oils to sweet almond oil for scalp massage will certainly increase the benefits of massaging your scalp, but it is by no means necessary for the process. Massaging the scalp with sweet almond oil will provide nourishment to the scalp both locally and internally.


Contribute to strengthening hair and reducing hair breakage

  • Almond essential oil is a hair-strengthening oil, as the proteins, healthy fats and vitamins of sweet almond oil help strengthen hair and keep it strong, healthy, more resistant to breakage, and less prone to breakage.

  • The moisture-blocking properties of sweet almond oil help fight breakage and split ends, as dry hair is more susceptible to both than oily hair.


Reducing hair frizz and contributing to its smoothness

Sweet almond oil can also help detangle hair, which can be a challenging task while combing or styling, especially if the hair is curly. The oil lubricates each individual strand of hair, reducing friction and making it easier to glide each other to detangle and leave hair feeling smoother over time.


Increase hair elasticity

  • Sweet almond oil contains oleic acid and linoleic acid, both of which improve hair elasticity when treated with small amounts of the oil components.

  • Also if wearing wigs, or using hair extensions of any kind, applying a small amount of sweet almond oil to the scalp will help keep the scalp in good condition for the duration of the wig or hair extensions application.

  • It is worth noting that sweet almond oil is a light oil on the hair, so it does not cause the hair to be greasy.


How to apply sweet almond oil to hair

  • Rinse your hair well with warm water and comb gently to remove tangles.

  • Heat the almond oil in a small bowl in the microwave for 10 seconds until it is warm to make it easier for your scalp to absorb it quickly.

  • Put a small amount of the oil on the palm of your hand and then apply it to your scalp around the roots of the hair while massaging the scalp. Start by massaging the front of your scalp first and then the back and sides. Massaging your scalp will help you feel comfortable, stimulate new hair growth, increase the blood supply to blood vessels in the scalp, moisturize your roots, protect your hair, and prevent dandruff.

  • Use a wide-toothed comb or hairbrush to distribute the oil from the roots all the way to the ends of the hair.

  • Cover your hair with a plastic cap and let your scalp absorb the oil for at least an hour or leave it overnight and rinse in the morning if your hair is dry.

  • Wash your hair well with shampoo to get rid of the oil with continuous massage and rinse with cold water until the hair is completely clean.

  • Rinse your hair and dry it with a cotton towel and once it dries your hair will look soft and shiny.

  • To get the best results, it is recommended to use it once a week. Regular use of sweet almond oil for hair will help you promote the growth of new hair over time, as it will make your hair strong, shiny, soft and moisturized.


Benefits of sweet almond oil for the skin

Sweet almond oil contains many elements and vitamins that are beneficial for the skin and hair, which give it its importance for each, and the benefits of sweet almond oil for the skin are numerous, including:


  • Your use of sweet almond oil on the skin every morning helps as a sunscreen, thus protecting your skin from harmful sunlight and maintaining youthful skin because it contains vitamin E.

  • It helps in rejuvenating skin cells, removing dead skin and treating fine and fine lines on the face, because it contains Retinol or Vitamin A.

  • Sweet almond oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, which help in anti-aging and fighting wrinkles.

  • Sweet almonds act as an antioxidant and thus help prevent cell damage.

  • Sweet almond oil also helps to eliminate acne (Acne) and facial scars (Face Scar), because it contains zinc, which is known for its many benefits for hair and skin and its effectiveness in eliminating acne and also reducing the appearance of acne again and improving Cell regeneration.

  • Almond oil improves skin tone for its high moisturizing ability and increase the vitality of the skin. You can put an appropriate amount of oil on your fingertips and pass it softly on your skin and not rinse it afterwards until you allow it to be absorbed by the skin and thus benefit from it to get the appropriate hydration.

  • Sweet almond oil helps treat skin infections, reduce puffiness under the eyes, and reduce dark circles and circles in the eye area.

  • It is used to treat severe dry skin conditions such as: psoriasis and eczema.

  • Sweet almond oil also has benefits in increasing the smoothness of the skin, especially dry skin, because it contains vitamin E.

  • Sweet almond oil also contributes to reducing stretch marks, as almonds are an effective treatment in the prevention and reduction of stretch marks.

  • Sweet almond oil can also be used to clean the skin and remove impurities and dust. It can also be mixed with other types of essential oils such as: lavender oil. It is preferable to wash your skin two or three times after it to get rid of the excess oil. Almond oil is characterized by its ability to deeply clean the skin and purify it from toxins and open the pores of the skin. and get rid of harmful bacteria.

  • Almond oil is also used to remove makeup, as it is included as a basic ingredient in natural makeup remover products, where you can use several drops of the oil on a clean cotton and gently wipe your skin.

  • Sweet almond oil is distinguished by its ability to incorporate other types of essential oils that are beneficial for the skin and absorb them deeper into the skin.

  • Almonds are a great source of magnesium, phosphorous, copper and vitamin E, which helps in rejuvenating body and skin cells and maintaining overall health.

  • Almond oil is known for its ability to fight free radicals, boost your immune system and add vitality to your skin.

  • Sweet almond oil also helps soothe skin, especially dry skin, as it helps balance moisture absorption and water loss.

  • Almond oil is also used as an antifungal, especially for foot fungus, as you can rub it between your toes to eliminate the fungus and get rid of the unpleasant foot odor.

  • Almond oil can also be used as a skin scrub with sugar by rubbing the skin in circular motions to get rid of dead skin and revive the skin.

  • Almond oil also helps moisturize the hands and not leave them with a greasy feel, as it is a light oil on the skin.

  • The proteins in sweet almond oil help in the growth, strength and shine of nails.

  • Almond oil also helps moisturize and soften the lips, just put a little sweet almond oil on the dry and chapped lips and the nourishing properties of the oil will keep the lips moisturized and give you soft, plump lips.


Benefits of sweet almond oil for oily skin

  • Our bodies naturally produce an oily substance called sebum (sebum), which is important for protecting the skin to some extent. However, if your skin produces a lot of sebum, it can easily trap dirt and clog the pores of the skin, which can cause problems such as: pimples and acne.

  • Therefore, it is preferable to use almond oil, as sweet almond oil is great for cleaning the pores of impurities, dirt and unnecessary oils.


Sweet almond oil benefits for dry skin

The fatty acids in sweet almond oil help the skin retain moisture and keep it hydrated while Vitamin E soothes irritation.


Almond oil also helps to get rid of itching, dry skin and skin, and get rid of skin scales.


Benefits of sweet almond oil in the treatment of dark circles

  • Many women suffer from the appearance of dark circles around the eyes despite taking enough rest and avoiding the causes of eye fatigue, but this can happen as a result of the fact that the skin around the eyes is very thin and contains many capillaries that appear easily in case of fatigue, staying up late, fatigue and others as well as dryness The area around the eye and its need for continuous hydration, whether local hydration or internal hydration by drinking enough water, causing you to suffer from dark circles around the eye.


  • Sweet almond oil helps to avoid the appearance of dark circles around the eye area, as you can wipe with a clean cotton moistened with oil around the eye every evening and leave it until the morning to avoid exposure to dark circles and lighten the area and give a feeling of vitality and radiance to your skin, preferably the oil is cool and it is recommended to massage lightly with the cotton on the area The eye to stimulate the blood supply to the blood vessels in this area.

  • Sweet almond helps lighten dark circles and reduce under-eye puffiness due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

  • It also helps in constricting blood vessels in the eye area, which causes discoloration under the eyes because it contains a group of ingredients: Retinol, vitamin K and vitamin E, which work to calm the skin and the skin under the eye and moisturize and smooth the skin.

Tips to get better results while using sweet almond oil


  • Warm the amount to be used in a clean bowl in a warm water bath.

  • Wash the skin well with water and clean it from the deposits of make-up.

  • Add the oil to the skin and neck area and massage gently for 10 to 15 minutes.

  • Gently press the skin with a soft, clean tissue to remove excess oil.


Is it safe to use almond oil on your skin?

Almond oil is considered safe to use on your skin however, there are some safety precautions to keep in mind.


If you are allergic to nuts, avoid using sweet almond oil on your skin.

  • If you have never used sweet almond oil on your skin before, do an almond allergy test before applying it to your face.

  • You can do a patch test by dipping a small amount of almond oil inside a clean cotton ball and wiping it on your wrist or elbow. If there are no signs of redness, itching, burning or swelling within a few hours, the oil is probably safe for your skin and you can use it without fear or hesitation.


GTIN : 6287020820915
Weight : 0.125 KG
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