Seretide Diskus 50 250 Mcg | 60 Dose
Seretide Diskus 50 250 Mcg | 60 Dose
Seretide Diskus 50 250 Mcg | 60 Dose

Seretide Diskus 50 250 Mcg | 60 Dose

Requires Rx
SAR 126 45
253 Points
Requires Rx
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Seretide discs



Seretide Diskus contains the active ingredients salmeterol / fluticasone, which is a combination of long-acting beta-adrenergic agonists that relax bronchial muscles and reduce wheezing and coughing, which facilitates breathing, and corticosteroids that calm inflammation and control the severity of symptoms.


Seretide Diskus, also called a violet asthma spray, is used to treat asthma and other conditions of shortness of breath, as well as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease such as emphysema and bronchitis.

Rounded violet asthma inhaler


Seretide Diskus is available in different concentrations to suit all patients, as the doctor prescribes the dose according to the patient's age and state of health. Among the most popular concentrations are asthma violet 250 and asthma violet 500.

Asthma violet spray for pregnant women


Pregnant women can use Seretide Diskus inhaled sprays under close medical supervision, to adjust doses accurately and to know the need for use from one case to another.


What are the uses of Seretide Disk?


Salmeterol, fluticasone propionate is used to treat the following conditions:


    Cases of adults and children with asthma over the age of 12, as it helps prevent asthma attacks.

    patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pulmonary emphysema; To prevent aggravation of the disease and improve the patient's condition.

    Bronchodilator in cases of shortness of breath.


What are the contraindications for the use of Seretide Disk?


It is forbidden to use salmeterol, fluticasone propionate without consulting a specialist doctor in the following cases:


    Hypersensitivity to the components.

    Allergy to milk proteins.


What are the side effects of Seretide DiskS?


Common symptoms:


    Hoarseness, coughing, and throat irritation.

    Nausea and vomiting.

    Joint and muscle pain, headache.


What are the precautions for using a Seretide Disk?


Salmeterol, fluticasone propionate is used under the supervision of a doctor in the following cases:


    Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

    Heart patients, where the heart rate increases.

    Diabetics, increases blood sugar level.

    Glaucoma, which affects eye pressure.


    Nervous seizures.

    Osteoporosis, where the long-term use of medication causes osteoporosis, and the use of steroids makes it worse, especially with smoking.

    Tuberculosis or a bacterial, fungal, or viral infection.

    Lack of calcium and vitamin D from food.

    Lack of exercise.

    A relative has osteoporosis.


You should be careful not to use salmeterol, fluticasone propionate to treat sudden attacks of asthma, shortness of breath, or pulmonary embolism, as it is not suitable for sudden use, but it can be used to control symptoms until medical assistance arrives.


The drug may cause oral thrush, so it is recommended to rinse the mouth with water after inhaling the dose without swallowing, and then spit the water out of the mouth.

What are the drug interactions of Seretide Diskus?


It is preferable to tell the doctor or pharmacist about all medications, herbs, vitamins, and nutritional supplements before starting treatment.


It is recommended that salmeterol, fluticasone propionate not be concomitantly concomitant with the following drugs:


    Diuretics such as: chlorothiazide, which increase the low level of potassium in the blood caused by beta-agonists.

    Antidepressants such as: imipramine.

    Antifungals (azoles).

    HIV antivirals.

    Heart and high blood pressure medications.


What are the doses of Seretide Disk and how to use it?


    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients: fluticasone 250 mcg / salmeterol 50 mcg: inhalation of the drug by mouth once every 12 hours.

    Asthmatic patients: Fluticasone / salmeterol: 100/50 micrograms, or 50/250 micrograms, or 50/500 micrograms: Inhalation of the drug by mouth twice a day, the initial dose is determined according to the patient's response and condition. In the event of feeling short of breath before the time of the next dose, medicines use rapid-acting beta-2 agonists.

GTIN : 0000001002268
Weight : 0.100 KG
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