treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome

treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Many are looking for the best treatment for colon and bloating, and in this topic you will find the best recipes for treating colon pain and bloating with drinks, herbs and medicines.

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Functional diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and irritable bowel are usually of a chronic nature, with periods of exacerbation of symptoms and periods of remission, which cause great suffering and affect the patient's quality of life.

Usually when a person undergoes screening for functional gastrointestinal disease, the results are normal, that is, they show no objective evidence of an anatomical abnormality or a biochemical disorder.

It is known that bowel movement, as well as the threshold of sensitivity to pain, is regulated by the cross-connection between the digestive system, the central nervous system and the brain, on the other hand, called the gut-brain axis.

Some IBS patients also suffer from depression or anxiety, but the prevailing opinion among experts is that these phenomena are not the cause of IBS, but depression or anxiety can aggravate IBS symptoms. .

Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

are characterized by:

  • Chronic abdominal pain.
  • Chronic diarrhea.
  • Chronic constipation
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation.
  • Increased gases.
  • flatulence;

Causes and risk factors for irritable bowel syndrome

There are many causes that may lead to irritable bowel syndrome, such as:

  • Cramps of the intestinal muscles.
  • Nerve problems related to the digestive system.
  • Some severe bacterial infections that cause diarrhea.
  • Living in stressful conditions.
  • An imbalance in the bacteria in the intestine.

Treatment of IBS with medications 

The doctor may prescribe some medications aimed at treating IBS, including:


  • Dietary fiber supplements.
  • Laxatives
  • , anti-diarrheal medicines.
  • Pain relievers.
  • Of course, your doctor's choice of medications depends on your health and the symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome.

Colon medicines in Adam 

  • Dospamin pharmacy 30 tablets |135 ml
  • 20 tablets |100 mg
  • 30 tablets | 135mg
  • Neocarbon 30 Capsules Pentasa
  • 50 Tablets |50mg

Treatment for Irritable

Bowel Syndrome is based on controlling and treating symptoms through diet and lifestyle changes. These tips can be described in some detail as follows:


Some people with irritable bowel syndrome have problems eating many types of foods. 

This is because of the body’s reaction to these foods, and although some types of foods may cause discomfort to patients, there are many foods that people with irritable bowel syndrome can eat without causing any problems, and the following is a mention of some of them: 

  • Eating any type of Cooked vegetables, except for cabbage and broccoli, as they may cause gas in some people.
  • Gradually increase the intake of foods that contain high amounts of fiber; Which can help many patients.
  • Make sure to drink approximately 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

Avoid dairy products for people with lactose intolerance, and replace them with lactose-free products.

  • Avoid or limit gluten-rich foods, as this may help reduce the severity of IBS symptoms in some people.
  • Eat meals on schedule, and avoid missing any of them. 
  • Avoid eating too quickly. 
  • Don't eat a lot of fatty, spicy or processed foods. 
  • Do not drink more than 3 cups of tea or coffee per day. 
  • Don't drink a lot of soft drinks. 
  • Eat a moderate amount of foods high in sorbitol as an alternative to sugar, such as dried prunes and prune juice.
  • Experimenting with some herbal foods and drinks that help relieve the effects of irritable bowel syndrome in some sufferers, such as: mint syrup, which helps relieve colic and relax the intestinal muscles.
  • In addition to ginger that relieves nausea and relaxes the stomach, chamomile, melissa and caraway to help relieve gas. 
  • To improve digestion, you can also try foods and supplements that contain beneficial bacteria. 

Exercise Exercise

can help maintain digestive function and reduce stress, thereby relieving some of the symptoms of IBS. 

Some studies indicate positive relationships between physical activity and the relief of IBS symptoms, for example, cycling helps protect the digestive system and relieve gas in the intestines, and yoga helps reduce IBS symptoms in adults and adolescents. 

Controlling stress Stress

plays an important role in increasing the number of episodes and severity of IBS symptoms, as there is a close relationship between the nervous system and bowel function.

Therefore, it is possible that a stressful lifestyle and current exposure to stress may be causing the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome to increase.

Specialists can be consulted to try these treatments, examples include cognitive behavioral therapy, which has helped greatly in controlling symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, in addition to hypnosis, and relaxation techniques. Such as meditation or breathing exercises. 

Quit smoking

Cigarette smoking affects all parts of the body, not just the lungs and respiratory system, so inhaling smoke can affect the stomach and intestines, cause irritation in the digestive system, and can cause bloating, cramps and gases in the stomach, which contributes to the exacerbation of IBS symptoms. . Irritable Bowel Syndrome, so quitting smoking can help relieve some of the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. 

Treating cramps, bloating and gas caused by Irritable Bowel Syndrome

, eat oats daily.

Eat a tablespoon of flaxseeds every day.

Stay away from hard-to-digest foods such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, beans, and onions.

Avoid consuming sweetened sorbitol, and this can be known by reading the ingredients of manufactured products before buying them.

Treating diarrhea caused by IBS

can reduce foods rich in fiber, because they help facilitate stomach movement and digestion to a large extent, you should avoid eating whole grains such as brown rice, brown pasta and whole grain bread.

Treating constipation caused by irritable bowel syndrome

Treating constipation requires drinking large amounts of water throughout the day, as water softens the waste, facilitating its excretion from the body  

in addition to relying on eating large quantities of foods that contain fast-dissolving natural fibers, and that Because it facilitates digestion, and helps to eliminate waste easily from the body, so we resort to eating whole grain products as an ideal solution to treat constipation in this case.

The most important herbs that help treat the colon

There are many herbs that help reduce the symptoms of the colon and contribute to its treatment, including:

  • Chamomile: Helps reduce anxiety and tension associated with irritable bowel syndrome, reduces bloating and gas, and helps reduce stomach and intestine irritation.
  • Fennel: helps to expel wind, reduce stomach bloating, and helps stimulate digestion.
  • Turmeric: It can be added during cooking, or drunk boiled as tea, and it is a strong anti-inflammatory, and it also works to treat diarrhea problems.
  • Mint: Helps reduce digestive problems, aids in the digestive process in general, calms the stomach, relieves abdominal pain, and reduces bloating.
  • Anise: Helps calm the stomach and improve digestion.


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