Treatment of diarrhea in adults

Treatment of diarrhea in adults

Treating diarrhea in adults is one of the most effective treatments without the need to take drugs that may affect the body because diarrhea often ends on its own.


of diarrhea A common symptom of diarrhea is passing watery stools more than three times a day. Diarrhea may also be accompanied by other symptoms, including:

  • bloating.
  • spasm.
  • Urgent need to use the bathroom.
  • nausea.
  • Stomach ache.

Some people may experience more serious symptoms including:

  • blood or mucus in the stool.
  • fever or chills
  • vomiting.
  • dizziness or lightheadedness;


 What causes diarrhea?

There are a variety of factors that can cause diarrhea. Temporary diarrhea, lasting 1 to 2 days, can be caused by a viral infection or by the food you eat or travel with.

On the other hand, chronic diarrhea may indicate a more serious problem. The most common causes of chronic diarrhea include inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis), chronic infection, and malabsorption syndromes (cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, lactose intolerance, etc.) in which food is not digested or absorbed.

Chronic diarrhea is a common complaint among our patients. The most common causes of diarrhea include gallbladder removal, inflammatory bowel disease, bowel dysfunction or pathogen imbalance, histamine intolerance, gluten sensitivity or digestive disorders, and dairy intolerance.

Treating Adult Diarrhea

In most cases, mild, uncomplicated diarrhea can be treated at home with an over-the-counter product you can get at Adam's Pharmacy.

However, over-the-counter medications are not always the answer. If your diarrhea is caused by an infection or a parasite, you will need to see a healthcare provider for treatment. When the diarrhea has been going on for a long time (several weeks), your healthcare provider will base your treatment on the cause. This may involve a few different treatment options, including:

  • Antibiotics: Your health care provider may prescribe an antibiotic or other medication to treat an infection or parasite causing the diarrhea.
  • Medications for a specific condition: Diarrhea can be a sign of many other medical conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, microscopic colitis, or bacterial overgrowth. Once the cause of the diarrhea is identified, the diarrhea can usually be controlled.
  • Probiotics: Collections of good bacteria. Probiotics are sometimes used to treat diarrhea in adults. 
  • Introducing probiotics can be beneficial in some cases, and some healthcare providers find it worth a try. Always talk to your healthcare provider before starting to take probiotics or any kind of nutritional supplement.

Treatment of diarrhea in adults in natural ways

There are a lot of foods and herbs that help treat diarrhea in adults, we mention some of them in the following points:

  1. Guava: Guava

is often used to treat stomach pain and diarrhea in children and adults. Evidence from animal studies shows that guava leaf extract may help treat infectious diarrhea.

You can get rid of diarrhea by eating a mixture of dried guava leaves, dried tangerine peel, green tea leaves, and fresh ginger. Boil it in water and drink it several times a day.

You can also use dried tangerine peel, dried baby guava leaves, and baked ginger. Boil it in water and drink the liquid twice a day.

Another option is to wash and chew young guava leaves. This remedy can keep you hydrated and balance your stomach quickly.

Eating guava is also a good option if you are suffering from diarrhoea.

2- Pomegranate juice:

Pomegranate is rich in phytochemicals, polyphenols and flavonoids that can treat heart disease and prevent cancer. Pomegranate also contains antioxidants from blueberries, raspberries, and green tea, and works well for improving the heart and healing blood vessels.

 You only need to drink 3-4 cups of pomegranate juice daily to get relief from the symptoms of diarrhea. To prepare pomegranate juice, wash a pomegranate, put it in a blender with a little water, strain it, and drink it.

3- Black Seed Oil: Black

Seed Oil is effective in treating digestive system diseases such as diarrhea, constipation, asthma, colic and gas. In addition, it can also reduce intestinal worms, nasal congestion, toothache, headache, parasites, hemorrhoids, cough, allergies, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, menstruation, and bowel control.

Mix a cup of plain yogurt with a teaspoon of black seed oil.

Eat the mixture twice a day to get rid of diarrhea.

4- Chamomile tea: Chamomile

is commonly used to treat hemorrhoids, gastrointestinal diseases, ulcers, insomnia, menstrual problems, muscle spasms, infections, and hay fever. Chamomile has an antispasmodic property that also helps relieve abdominal pain, diarrhea and upset stomach. It can also help significantly reduce inflammation.

You can steep a teaspoon of chamomile flowers and mint leaves in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes.

Strain and drink chamomile tea several times a day.

You can also replace it with green tea to improve digestive function.

5- Bananas:

Like other home remedies for diarrhea, bananas can help you get rid of diarrhea quickly using natural home remedies. 

In fact, eating bananas can reduce depression, increase energy, protect muscles, aid digestion, and are rich in pectin, promote the elimination of constipation, and treat diarrhea.

Because it is high in fiber, electrolytes, and potassium, you should aim to eat one ripe banana per day.

You should eat a few bananas to relieve the symptoms of diarrhea without taking medication.

Simple tips for treating diarrhea

We offer you some tips to follow about diarrhea:

  • Drink more fluids: Diarrhea tends to cause dehydration. Drinking water and fluids is one of the best home remedies for diarrhea. Whenever you are suffering from digestive issues, make sure you drink plenty of water and fluids. You should drink at least 8 glasses of water each day and add more fluids during your daily meals. Specifically, men should drink 13 cups of water per day and women 9 cups of water per day.
  •  Other good options for adults to stay hydrated are: broth, tea, sports drinks, carrot juice, celery juice, water, etc. Maintaining hydration is very important and necessary to get rid of diarrhea naturally and effectively.
  •  Eat Small Meals To make your stomach happier, you need to divide meals into smaller meals. Since large meals can overload the stomach and can upset the digestive system. Eating large meals can also lead to vomiting or nausea and an upset stomach. To treat diarrhea naturally and reduce the symptoms of this condition in a short time, you should eat at different times of the day and avoid eating close to bedtime.
  •  Avoid fruits with fructose: Although fruits can provide a significant amount of water, you should not eat any kind of fruit when you have diarrhea. The reason is that high fructose fruits will strengthen the digestive system. Fruits that contain fructose include dried plums, dried plums, raisins, dried apricots, cherries, pears, grapes, kiwi, blackberries, melons, star fruit, etc.
  • Maintaining hygiene is very important to prevent diarrhoea, and it is one of the simplest home remedies for diarrhoea. Diarrhea can be caused by bacteria from food. Make sure not to eat spoiled foods or raw foods, such as raw vegetables, shellfish, and street food. Wash your hands before meals and after using the bathroom, and use fresh water for cooking recipes every day. Diarrhea is an infectious disease, so it is necessary to prevent the transmission of bacteria and viruses from one person to another.

Try the natural methods of treating diarrhea in adults that we presented to you in this report. You can also seek advice from the clinical pharmacist at Adam Pharmacy to prescribe some medications that help treat diarrhea.


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