Unification of skin color

Unification of skin color

The uniformity of the skin tone of a woman’s face is the secret of her beauty; It is her image in front of others, and it is said that this woman is beautiful with the beauty of her face, and weak-minded people also consider the ugliness of a woman to be the ugliness of her face, so we women women are very careful about our faces, all of us striving to improve his situation, preserve his freshness, and make him an attractive magician who missed us.

And when any of us suffers from a defect in her face, or one of the problems, this is the most difficult and most difficult affliction for a woman, as she was injured in her image; Which leads to the vibration of its image and its confusion in front of people and in front of the seers; So we all strive hard to solve the problems of our faces if they are injured or something bad.

One of the problems that haunt most women is the problem of skin discoloration; Where the skin color changes as a result of several factors, which affects its appearance and changes its image; As the change in skin color affects many people, it may lead to frustration, or lead to psychological problems for some.

So, madam, you must be familiar with and know the causes that lead to the problem of changing skin color, and the ways that save you from the problem of changing skin color.

( skin care Safe and healthy Adam's Pharmacy.)


Causes of skin color change:

The change in skin color that may affect many does not have a single cause, but rather has several causes.

Direct exposure to the sun:

Many people are exposed to the sun a lot and for a long time, especially in the summer and at the time of hot and noon, as this has a direct effect on the face as it affects the pigments of the face, which leads to a change in the color of the face.

( sunscreens at Adam's Pharmacy.)


Aging may lead to weak immunity in some women, and it may also affect some cells, which affects the melanocytes responsible for producing skin pigments, and this leads to a change in the color of the skin for some as a result of their age.

All age-removal are available at Adam's Pharmacy.

Hormonal imbalance:

A woman’s hormones disorder causes a change in the color of her skin.

Studies have proven that the presence of any defect in estrogen directly affects the melanin pigment in the skin, which eventually causes a change in the color of the skin. It has also proven that disorders that may be caused by the hormone progesterone also affect the melanin pigment, which changes the color of the skin.

Adam Pharmacy provides skin whitening and moisturizing safe and healthy

Use of some medicines:

There are some medicines that directly affect the skin and lead to a rash, redness or irritation of the skin, and may lead to skin , or dehydration, which requires quick intervention to treat the skin and unify its color.


Following a certain diet, or taking the path of a diet, may cause some women to have skin problems or a change in the color of their skin; This is because they do not have access to a balanced, complete food.

(All vitamins for hair, nails and skin are available at Adam's pharmacy).

When you follow a certain diet, you must be careful to get a healthy, balanced diet; So as not to harm your skin, skin and the rest of your body.

Means that lead to the unification of skin color:

There are many means that lead to the unification of skin color, and they are multiple:

  1. Natural means based on healthy foods.
  2. Means based on acids and chemical compounds.
  3. Means based on masks and skin masks.
  4. Means based on medical drugs.

First: - Natural foods that help unify skin tone:

All vitamins and immunity boosters are available at Adam's Pharmacy.

You, my dear, have to make sure to:

  • Drink plenty of water, whether in summer or winter, to protect your delicate skin from dehydration, irritation, or redness, and in order to preserve, dear, your skin color.
  • Eat all vegetables, they are all beneficial for your body and skin; As it provides your body with vitamins and minerals that maintain your general health, such as: (colored peppers - spinach - peas - broccoli - mushrooms).
  • eating fruits; It also provides your body and skin with the vitamins, minerals and sugars it needs. To ensure yourself, dear health and vitality, such as: (guava - strawberry - kiwi - orange).
  • Eat proteins such as chicken, and white meat in general.
  • Beware of some things such as:


Spicy foods.

Foods rich in fat.

Excessive intake of milk and dairy products.

Excessive intake of processed foods rich in sugars, and sugars in general.

Second: Acids that help unify skin tone:

There are many acids that help in unifying skin tone:

  • Kojic acid used to unify skin tone.

Kojic acid is an effective acid that helps lighten skin tone and also has a prominent role in unifying skin tone.

Due to its effectiveness, many cosmetics are based on it and kojic acid is included in its composition.

  • Salicylic acid used to even out skin tone.

where salicylic acid helps to exfoliate the superficial layers of the skin; Which helps to unify the skin tone, so it contributes to the installation of many topical creams to lighten the skin color and help unify the skin tone.

  • Glycolic Acid:

It is known for its unique ability to slightly exfoliate the skin. Which helps to get rid of acne scars. 

acne products are available at Adam's Pharmacy.

It also helps exfoliate brown spots on the face.

(All stain and blemish removal products are available in the skin care department of Adam's pharmacy).

Third: - Unifying the skin tone by means of masks and natural masks: 

All masks and healthy and effective the Skin Care Department of Adam's Pharmacy.

  • Turmeric and milk mask to unify skin tone and maintain its freshness:

Turmeric has an effective effect on the skin and treat its problems, and yogurt has an active role in exfoliating dead and damaged facial skin cells.

How to prepare a mask of turmeric and yogurt to unify the skin tone:

  • Mix a tablespoon of yogurt with a tablespoon of turmeric, drip a few drops of lemon, then mix them well.
  • Put the mask on your face, then massage it well.
  • Leave the mask on your face until it dries, then rinse it well.
  • Lemon juice, sugar and coconut oil mask to unify the skin tone and maintain its freshness:

Lemon juice helps reduce and block dark spots, and sugar helps exfoliate damaged and dead facial skin cells.

How to prepare a mask of lemon juice, sugar and coconut oil:

  • Madam, mix a tablespoon of sugar, a teaspoon of coconut oil, and half a teaspoon of lemon juice.
  • Put the mask on your face for 10 minutes while massaging it in a circular motion.
  • Then wash your face well.
  • Let your face dry, and then apply the appropriate compound for your skin dear.
  • Milk, flour and baking soda mask to unify the skin tone and maintain its freshness:

Milk contains lactic acid, which is known for its role in exfoliating the skin, thus lightening it, and baking soda has an effective role in lightening the pores.

How to prepare a milk, flour and baking soda mask for a skin tone: 

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of milk, 1 tablespoon of flour, and 1 tablespoon of baking soda.
  • Apply the mixture on your face for 20 minutes until it dries.
  • Rinse it well with water.
  • Aloe vera gel mask or aloe vera to unify the skin tone: 

Aloe vera is characterized by its regeneration of dead skin cells, and helps to repair damaged tissues, and is also distinguished by its elimination of dark spots.

How to prepare an aloe vera mask:

  • Apply aloe vera gel on your face and rub it well.
  • Leave it on your face for 30 minutes, or until the skin absorbs it.
  • Green tea bags for even skin tone:

Green tea has an antioxidant property; It has a great role and high effectiveness in eliminating spots on the skin, and it also helps to unify the color of the skin.

How to use green tea to even out skin tone:

  • Refrigerate green tea bags.
  • Put the bags on the pigmented areas.
  • Leave the bags for 15 minutes.
  • You can also mix green tea with kiwi juice.
  • Apply the mixture on your face for 10 minutes.
  • Wash your face dear with lukewarm water.

Fourth: - Medical methods for unifying skin tone:

There are many medical methods for unifying skin color, which are only performed by specialized doctors.

  • Superficial peeling of the skin, which is carried out by the doctor, which helps to stimulate collagen, and removes the discolored outer layers; Which unifies the skin tone.
  • Medical peeling materials carried out by the specialized doctor, which in turn helps to peel the surface layers of the skin to be replaced by new layers free of pigmentation.
  • Laser treatment, which is preferred to resort to when all treatment avenues are exhausted; As one of its complications is causing skin pigmentation.


We showed dear the problem of skin discoloration.

We mentioned the reasons that change the color of the skin.

And natural ways to unify skin tone.

And the acidic substances help to unify the color of the skin.

We mentioned natural masks and masks that help unify skin tone.

And medical methods to standardize skin tone.


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