The effect of the sun at noon on the skin risks and warnings 

The effect of the sun at noon on the skin risks and warnings 

effect The sun at noon on the skin is considered a dangerous effect, especially if the sun is exposed without using a sunscreen of the type that suits the skin and has a high degree of protection, so many risks that can occur such as burns, brown spots and skin pigmentation and also can increase the effects of acne On the face, which is difficult to treat, leading to warnings and fears of skin cancer, which may be dangerous, due to the effect of the sun at noon on the skin.



What is the effect of the sun at noon on the skin? 

Although there are many benefits that we can get from exposure to the sun, which are related to the skin, bones and growth, exposure to direct sunlight at noon is considered a dangerous matter that has serious consequences, especially on the skin, and among those negatives that can occur as a result of exposure to the noon sun next

  • occurrence Burns, ulcers and inflammation in the skin turn red and then dry and peel off 
  • , accelerate the appearance of signs of aging due to the skin losing its natural moisture,
  •  increasing sagging and wrinkles because the rays damage collagen fibers that give the skin its elasticity 
  •  It leads to freckles, which are brown spots and dots that occur due to ultraviolet rays that activate the secretion of melanin, which pigments the skin in the form of freckles.  
  •  Melasma is dark brown spots spread on the face and body that lead to a dull, non-uniform look 
  • from the effect of the sun on the skin of skin cancer.


Types of skin cancer and their symptoms The 


which can occur in three types: 

  • incidence 
  • canceris pink or red lumps found on the scalp, behind the ears, hands, shoulders and back
  • Melanoma appears in the form of moles, whether it was previously or newly formed, and increases on the face and arms


Skin cancer is one of the most dangerous that can occur from the impact of the sun at noon on The skin, so it is necessary to take good care of using sunscreens that protect against the dangers of ultraviolet rays of various types, such as sun block or sunscreen, and choose the right one for the type of skin.


What is the treatment of the effect of the sun on the skin? 

Treatment of the effect of the sun on the skin is based on the use of anti-inflammatory drugs inflammatory Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to reduce inflammation and treat skin irritation. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used based on the doctor’s orders in terms of dosage and duration. Hydrocortisone cream is also used 1% to reduce swelling and itching. There are simple procedures for treatment such as cooling the face by adding some natural substances To the bathtub water and then go down in it, such as apple cider vinegar, oatmeal, lavender oil, baking soda, these substances relieve skin irritation, redness and burns caused by sunlight, and in all cases, try to drink water in the quantities needed by the body so that the skin does not become dehydrated And that skin that was burned during the recovery period must always be protected from another exposure to the sun so as not to increase the burns and not be exposed to the possibility of developing skin cancer. And if blisters appear on the skin due to burns, we must not touch them or work to remove them manually so as not to cause infection, but must be treated according to the orders of the doctor who You will leave it until it peels off through treatments and creams without resorting to peeling it so as not to leave an impact that is difficult to treat.

What is sun damage to white

skin? White skin does not contain large amounts of melanin, which gives the skin color. These pigment cells work to protect the skin. In the case of white skin, its presence in a small amount makes the damage from sunlight and the effect of The sun at noon on the skin is more intense and stronger because the melanin pigment absorbs ultraviolet rays and prevents sunburn and also prevents dryness, ulcers and roughness of the skin. The sun as a result of excessive exposure for a long time to ultraviolet rays, and these burns are in the form of severe redness, swelling, high temperature of the place and general weakness. Which contains natural alcohol-free substances that do not cause skin irritation, and after treatment, the skin begins to improve within days, but full recovery may take weeks, and areas of the body that have been exposed to deep burns may be exposed to infection, which leads to the need for antibiotic treatment. The question here is whether the sun is tanning White skin ? Does the morning sun tan the skin? The sun at noon leads to the secretion of more melanin pigment, which in turn colors the skin in a darker color, and thus it tans the skin. In the morning, at this time, you can get the potential benefits, including enhancing nutrients in the body and absorbing calcium and vitamin D without fear of tan or sunburn.


Sun damage to oily skin 

Sun damage to the skin is the same regardless of the type of skin, but the sun damage to oily skin is more severe because the skin has multiple problems and is quick to irritate 

. Oily and greasy substances and does not cause skin irritation, the effect of the sun at noon on oily skin may increase the risk of skin cancer and contribute to early wrinkles and increase the effects of acne, pimples, pimples and pigmentation that cannot be easily eliminated


What are the benefits of the sun on the skin? 

The benefits of the sun on the skin are limited to the period before ten in the morning, as well as in the period before sunset in the afternoon, this is the best time to get the benefits of exposure to the sun, and one of the most important of these benefits is that the sun contributes to the absorption of vitamin D, which supports the skin and bones and also helps in the absorption of vitamin D. Calcium Exposure to sunlight at this time treats some skin problems because getting regular small amounts of ultraviolet rays helps treat eczema, psoriasis and vitiligo, as well as contributes to the treatment of jaundice in infants.


How do I change the color of my skin after the sun?

 When does skin color return after tanning? This is the perplexing question that women are exposed to every year, especially after returning from the summer resort, where they suffer from pigmentation that spreads all over the body, some of which tend to darken and others tend to turn red. ? Exposure to the sun for a long time leads to burns, and the skin works on Protecting itself by secreting melanin pigment in large quantities, which works to protect against these rays and reduce the severity of burns so that the skin does not get cancer in the future This substance is responsible for the darker color or the brown color, so its secretion in the skin means brown pigmentation, which protects against ultraviolet rays because prolonged exposure makes the skin need To such protection, the treatment is by using whitening and lightening creams, which are available in pharmacies with good types that contain substances of unnatural nature. Harmful free of chemicals Helps restore color naturally and contains vitamins, there are lightening creams in Adam's pharmacy best brands and many lightening and whitening techniques can also be used Recently used such as laser and peeling and this treatment needs to be under medical supervision.


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