Treatment of persistent cough

Treatment of persistent cough

Coughing is a natural reaction to clear the airways and throat. An occasional cough is normal because it expels accumulated dirt, germs, and mucus. However, if your cough is caused by an allergy, infection, or asthma, see a medical professional and get treated. Unfortunately during the winter season, the chances of infection are higher. The disease is very high, if your cough persists after a viral infection and continues day and night, read the report to learn about ways to treat a persistent cough.

Adam Pharmacy has all over-the-counter cough medicines that you can order online through the website.


Causes of persistent cough

Besides colds and influenza, there are some diseases that cause persistent cough, we will learn about some of them through the following paragraphs:


Infection is the most common and expected cause of chronic cough, the effects of a cold or virus infection include irritation of the airways. 

Symptoms usually go away after a few days. However, because the airways can become swollen and hypersensitive as a result of the viral infection, the cough may persist even after the virus has cleared.



Chronic stress can make colds and coughs last longer. Slow down and relax. Sleep at least 7-8 hours every night.


Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease. In this disease, the airways are mostly affected. When a person has an asthma attack, the airway narrows and the mucus becomes inflamed, which leads to the narrowing of the airways. 

As a result, it is difficult to breathe through the airway. Difficulty breathing is usually noted with a wheezing sound.

Some people with asthma may have a chronic cough. Irritation of the cough reflex occurs due to the narrowing of the airways, which leads to persistent coughing. 

Usually, an asthmatic cough worsens with exercise and a person may wake up suddenly in the middle of the night. People with asthma have a dry cough. Many control their symptoms and outgrow the disease as they age, but some may have it for life. There is no cure for asthma, but effective management of the disease is possible.

 Heart disease

Fluid can build up in the lungs when the heart cannot pump blood efficiently, and when there is fluid in the lungs, a person has difficulty breathing. 

A person may also experience asthma-like symptoms that may accompany wheezing. Coughing can cause you to cough up productive mucus. 

A person's cough may worsen when lying down. Sometimes, a persistent dry cough can be caused by certain heart disease medications.

If you have a heart condition, don't delay and seek immediate medical attention if you still have a persistent cough.

Whooping cough

The causative agent of pertussis is a type of bacteria called Bordetella pertussis. This infectious disease is often accompanied by a characteristic "screaming" sound when coughing. 

This situation is not uncommon these days since vaccines were developed. It is more likely to occur in adults due to reduced immunity. The condition can be treated with antibiotics.

Treating a persistent cough in natural ways

Below we offer you the best natural ways to help treat a persistent cough:

  • Steam inhalation: Steam inhalation humidifiers loosen mucus and moisturize the throat. The hot steam also reduces the severity of the cough and relieves a sore throat. Place your head over a bowl of hot water. Cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam for 10 minutes. Repeat this 3-4 times a day.
  • Stay Wet: Keep your throat moist to keep your throat moist and mucus thin. Continue to drink soothing fluids, such as warm lemon water, herbal tea, vegetable soup, or warm water.
  • Gargling with salt water: to remove mucus from the back of the throat; Try gargling with salt water at least 3-4 times a day. Gargling once will not stop the cough. Gargling with salt water kills germs and soothes a sore throat. If you suffer from high blood pressure, it is best to avoid it. Make sure not to take salt water.

Herbal remedy for persistent cough:

  • Turmeric fights the body's immune system against germs and keeps colds and coughs at bay. Take your immune system seriously and include immune-boosting foods in your diet. Turmeric is an immune booster.
  • Turmeric has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. If you suffer from a persistent cough, try a simple mixture of honey and turmeric.
  • Mix two tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of turmeric. Make a soft dough. Consume half a teaspoon of honey and turmeric paste three to four times a day.
  • Garlic also contains antiviral agents that reduce the effect of coughing. Take a clove of garlic and a rose and eat it with a spoon before going to bed to relieve a cough.
  • Also, cut some garlic cloves and add them to your food. Finally, swallow a small clove of garlic every morning to strengthen the body's immunity and ward off seasonal disturbances.
  • Ginger To relieve asthma or a dry cough, drink ginger tea. It is anti-inflammatory and antiviral. Ginger relaxes the membranes of the respiratory tract and reduces coughing fits.
  • Black pepper to fight cough and cold: Black pepper clears the nasal passages and relieves chest congestion. Fights annoying mucus and stimulates blood circulation.
  • Add black pepper to ginger tea and drink it hot. Alternatively, add 2-3 teaspoons of black pepper to half a teaspoon of honey and eat it.
  • Honey is antibacterial, a mild antibiotic, and a natural cough suppressant. Reduces nighttime coughing and improves sleep. Add a teaspoon of honey to warm lemon water and drink it to soothe a sore throat and soothe a cough. Do not give honey to children under one year of age, as there is a risk of food poisoning in infants.
  • Fenugreek seeds have antibiotic properties and act as an expectorant. Purifies the airways and improves lung function. Boil half a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in two cups of water until the amount of water is reduced by half. Let it cool to an acceptable temperature. Strain and drink.
  • Apple cider vinegar thins mucus as it creates an environment unfavorable for the growth and reproduction of microbes. It is one of the natural home remedies for managing COPD symptoms. The probiotics in apple cider vinegar increase the body's immunity and effectively fight respiratory infections.
  • Take 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper, 1/4 teaspoon of ground ginger, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and 2 teaspoons of water. Mix the ingredients and consume a teaspoon of the mixture to relieve a cough
  • . Dilute the apple cider vinegar before drinking or it becomes sour; It can irritate the stomach lining. Also, rinse your teeth thoroughly with water after consuming apple cider vinegar to avoid damaging the tooth enamel.

All methods of treating persistent cough do not require medical prescriptions because they rely on natural methods that will not harm the patient, but if the coughing bouts persist for more than three days and these prescriptions do not bring positive results, go to the specialist doctor immediately to prescribe the appropriate treatment for your case.


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