Treatment of skin infections as a result of burns

Treatment of skin infections as a result of burns

More than 40% of people suffer from burns annually, so it is one of the most important topics that people search for through search engines, so the focus of our conversation today is ways to treat skin infections as a result of burns, whether by natural or medicinal methods, so follow us.

What are burns?

When heat, chemicals, sunlight, electricity, or radiation damage skin tissue, burns result. Most burns are unintentional. Burns come in varying degrees. The degree of the burn is evaluated by your health care professional based on the depth of the burn and the area of ​​skin affected. Burns may cause pain An untreated burn can also become infected.


Frequency of burns?

Each year, about 500,000 people with burns visit the emergency room. Accidental burn injuries to children are very common, and more than 300 people need emergency burn care every day.

What types of burns are there?

Burns are categorized by levels of severity by healthcare professionals. Your doctor will assess the severity of the skin injury. Burn degrees consist of:

  • Mild first-degree burns (such as most sunburns) Although the top layer of skin often becomes red and uncomfortable, it rarely blisters.
  • A second-degree burn is where the upper and lower layers of skin (the dermis) are affected and there is a chance that you will feel pain, red, swelling and blisters.
  • Third-degree burns, and here the skin, dermis and fat are affected by burns, and the burn kills the sweat glands and hair follicles, and third-degree burns damage the nerve endings, so you will not feel pain directly at the burn site, but rather feel pain near it.

How are burns identified?

To assess the degree or severity of the burn, your health care provider will examine it and estimate the depth and extent of the burn affected by this procedure. Your doctor can classify a burn as follows:

  • Mild: First and second degree burns with body coverage say about 10% are considered minor and rarely warrant hospitalization.
  • Moderate: 10% or more of the body with a second-degree burn is considered moderate. Burns to the hands, feet, face or genitals can be mild to severe.
  • Serious: Third-degree burns covering 1% or more of the body are considered severe.

Treatment of skin infections as a result of burns

determines the type and extent of the appropriate treatment. Depending on the severity of the wounds and you need to keep all burns clean and apply appropriate dressings or dressings, the goal is to treat the person's discomfort as poor control may hinder proper wound care.

Skin infections can be treated as a result of burns by using Bernie Free Cream , which is highly effective in treating inflammation and burns together, as it contains moisturizing ingredients for the skin along with antibiotics to accelerate wound healing and prevent infection.

It is a natural burn treatment cream that enhances the healing and scarring process, enhances the appearance and creation of scars, and reduces discomfort It is used to treat acute wounds caused by trauma and burns of all degrees and is suitable for all skin types.

How can I prevent a burn?

There are many unintended causes of burns and the following actions can be taken to reduce the risk of burns:

  • Apply sunscreen.
  • The hot water heater in your home should be set to a temperature below 120 degrees.
  • Before getting into the shower, bath, or shower, always test the water.
  • Chemicals, lighters and matches should be closed.
  • Cooking safety tips include rotating the handles of pots and pans where they won't be messed up and never leaving the stovetop unattended.
  • It is not recommended to carry the child near hot surfaces, such as a stove.
  • Never leave a young person unsupervised and install safety measures around the heater.
  • Install smoke detectors in your home and test them frequently.
  • Install fire extinguishers in your home and learn how to use them.
  • Cover the ports and covers.

When to go to the doctor?

If any of the following occur, contact your healthcare professional immediately:

  • Burning hands, feet, face, or genitals.
  • Burns that have not healed after two weeks.
  • Severe pain,
  • fever, green or yellow discharge, or other symptoms associated with infection.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder or depressive symptoms.

Today we talked about ways to treat skin infections as a result of burns, which are side effects associated with burns and are very dangerous, so we always advise you, if the condition develops, you should immediately consult a specialist.


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