Treatment of cold

Treatment of cold

We offer you ways to treat colds that affect the nose and throat. We usually get colds two to four times a year. The symptoms of the common cold, which usually appear one to three days after exposure to the cold virus, include a runny nose, cough, nasal congestion, and sore throat. , sneezing, teary eyes, mild headache, mild tiredness, body aches, and fever.

Diagnosing a common cold

Diagnosing an uncomplicated cold rarely requires a visit to the doctor's office. Recognizing the symptoms of a cold is often all you need to know your diagnosis.

Of course, if your symptoms get worse or last more than 10 days, make an appointment with your doctor. You may actually be dealing with a different health condition, which your doctor will be able to diagnose.

If you have a cold, you can expect the virus to leave your body in about 7 to 10 days.

If your doctor diagnoses a cold, you will likely only need to treat your symptoms until the virus has a chance to run its course.

 These treatments can include using over-the-counter cold medicines, staying hydrated, and getting plenty of rest.

If you have the flu, it may take the virus the same time it takes the common cold to clear up completely. 

But if you notice that your cold symptoms are getting worse after the fifth day, or if you don't start to feel better after a week, it's a good idea to follow up with your doctor, as you may have developed another condition.

If you have the flu, you may benefit from taking antiviral medication early in the virus cycle. Rest and hydration are also beneficial for people who have the flu. Just like the common cold, the flu needs time to make its way through your body.



There are many natural ways to help treat a cold, which we present to you in the following paragraphs:


root is another common remedy for coughs, colds and sore throats. It is used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat coughs and colds accompanied by a runny nose with clear nasal secretions, headache, neck and shoulder pain, and white tongue coating



Hot ginger tea is a popular home remedy for cold symptoms and sore throats. Sometimes honey and lemon are added.

Although normal amounts of ginger in food rarely cause side effects, excessive amounts may cause heartburn and indigestion.

 People with gallstones and bleeding disorders who are taking "blood-thinning" medications (anticoagulants and antiplatelets) such as aspirin and warfarin (Coumadin) should consult a doctor before taking ginger. Ginger should be avoided before or two weeks after surgery.


Although there are many types of ginseng, one of them cultivated in North America called Panax quinquefolius has become popular as a treatment for colds and flu. Compounds called polysaccharides and ginsenosides are believed to be the active ingredients in ginseng. Cold-fX is one of the most popular ginseng products.

There is some concern that ginseng might decrease the effectiveness of blood-thinning medications (anticoagulants or antiplatelets) such as warfarin (Coumadin) or aspirin. 

May interact with diabetes medicines, antidepressants known as MAO inhibitors, antipsychotic medicines eg chlorpromazine, fluphenazine, olanzapine, and medicines that stimulate the central nervous system (used to treat conditions such as hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism, obesity, heart disease Estrogen replacement therapy or oral contraceptives.

Ginseng root is believed to have estrogen-like properties and is not usually recommended for people with hormone-related conditions such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and cancer of the breast, ovaries, uterus, or prostate.

 People with heart disease, schizophrenia, or diabetes should not take ginseng root unless under the supervision of a doctor.


Although recent findings call into question the use of echinacea for colds and flu, it is still one of the most common herbs used today. 

Herbalists often recommend taking echinacea every two to three hours at a total daily dose of three grams or more per day at the first sign of symptoms.

 After several days, the dose is usually reduced and continued for the following week. Echinacea is an over-the-counter vitamin and herbal supplement.


Cough treatment for children

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not recommend over-the-counter (OTC) medications for cough and cold symptoms in children younger than 2 years of age because these medications can cause serious and possibly life-threatening side effects. 

You may be able to help relieve a child's cold symptoms with the following home remedies:

  • Rest: Babies with a cold may be more tired and irritable than usual. If possible, let them stay home, not go to school, and rest until the cold is over.
  • Hydration: It is very important that children with a cold get plenty of fluids. 
  • Colds can dry them out quickly. Make sure they drink regularly. Great water. Warm drinks like tea can do double duty as soothing sore throats.
  • food. Babies with a cold may not feel as hungry as usual, so find ways to give them calories and fluids. Smoothies and soups are two good options.
  • Gargling with salt water. Gargling with salt water isn't the most pleasant experience, but gargling with warm, salty water can help soothe a sore throat. 
  • Warm baths: A warm bath may help relieve mild aches and pains common with colds.
  • Cool mist humidifier. A cool mist humidifier can help reduce nasal congestion. Do not use a warm air humidifier, as it can cause swelling in the nasal passages, making breathing more difficult.

How long is a cold?

An average breakout lasts 7 to 10 days, but can last up to two weeks. Depending on your overall health, you may have symptoms for longer or less. For example, people who smoke or have asthma may have symptoms for a longer period of time.

If your symptoms do not ease or go away within 7 to 10 days, make an appointment to see your doctor. If symptoms begin to worsen after 5 days, it is also important to see a doctor.

Symptoms that don't go away or get worse could be a sign of a bigger problem, such as the flu or a sore throat.

Tips to prevent colds

  • Wash your hands Washing hands with soap and water is the best way to stop the spread of germs. Use hand sanitizer gels and sprays as a last resort when you don't have access to a sink.
  • Avoiding sick: This is the number one reason why patients are prevented from going to work or school. It is very easy to spread germs in confined spaces such as offices or classrooms. If you notice someone is unwell, do your best to avoid them. Make sure you wash your hands if you come into contact with them.
  • Take care of feeding. Eat plenty of bacteria-rich foods like yogurt, or take a daily probiotic supplement. Keeping your gut bacteria healthy can help boost your overall health.
  • Don't touch your face. Cold viruses can live on your body without making you sick, but once you touch your mouth, nose, or eyes with infected hands, you can potentially get sick. Avoid touching your face or wash your hands before doing this.


After we have explained the best ways to treat colds and prevent colds, remember if the cold persists for more than 6 days, you must go to the specialist.


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