Treatment of cough

Treatment of cough

Cough is a natural thing that keeps the throat free of phlegm, but its continuation causes a lot of insomnia and pain for the person, so everyone is looking for a cure for a dry cough or phlegm, and this is what we will present to you in our report today.


Cough Remedy You can't cure colds or flu, but you can relieve the cough and sore throat that sometimes accompanies them with some home methods, including:

  • Use cough drops or hard candy: Menthol and some herbal cough drops can numb a little and soothe a sore throat. But sucking on regular hard candy may also work.
  • Try a teaspoon of honey: This traditional remedy for a sore throat may help soothe a cough, too. Try adding a spoonful to tea, but don't give honey to children under one year of age.
  • Sipping with drinks will keep your throat moist and comfortable. When it doesn't hurt your throat, you may not cough. Almost any drink is OK except for alcoholic or caffeinated drinks. These can make your throat dry. Also avoid orange juice and other acidic drinks if they irritate your throat.
  • Sip some warm tea or chicken soup to warm the airways. Not only will this keep your body hydrated, but the warmth will help break up the mucus and make it easier to cough up.
  • Use of cough medicine. Sometimes you need to cough to get rid of bad mucus. But other times you need to calm the cough, like when you want to sleep. Over-the-counter cough medicines can help. The expectorant helps the viscosity of the mucus. Cough suppressants reduce the urge to cough. If you are not sure which type you need, ask your doctor or pharmacist.
  • Use a decongestant. These over-the-counter medications can help clear a stuffy nose. If postnasal drip irritates your throat and makes you cough, decongestants may help both your throat and cough. Be warned: While cold and cough medicines are useful for adults and older children, they are not safe for children under 4 years old.
  • Steam breathing. If a dry throat causes a cough, moisture may help. Try inhaling steam from a hot shower. Or use a humidifier or vaporizer in your room while you sleep. Steam can prevent your nose and throat from getting too dry and get rid of sore throats. Moisture can also make it easier for you to breathe and clear mucus, which helps you cough.
  • Avoid polluted air. You know smoking isn't good for you, but it's especially bad when you're sick. Coughing can really bother you. Do not smoke and stay away from smokers.


  • Relax. If you want to get rid of cold and cough, you have to take it easy. Your body needs energy to fight off the virus. Push yourself too hard, and it will tire you out. This can make your cold, cough, and sore throat last longer.
  • Gargling with salt water. Does this traditional remedy really work? Studies haven't shown it to be, but many people swear by it. See if it helps you. Mix 1 teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of warm water and gargle. Do this several times a day.
  • Use over-the-counter pain relievers. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) can help treat sore throat pain. Aspirin is appropriate for adults, but may be dangerous for children under 18 years of age.
  • Try a throat spray or lozenge. Some have medicines that help soothe and numb the throat. It can give you temporary relief from a sore throat. Just don't let children use it unless a doctor says it's safe.

When should you see a doctor?

You do not need medical attention for a regular cough or sore throat. Often you just need to give your body time to recover. Most are caused by viruses that antibiotics cannot treat.

But some cases of cough and sore throat need help from a doctor. You can deal with something more serious.

If you have a cough with any of these symptoms, see a doctor:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Cough with blood, bloody mucus, or frothy pink mucus
  • Coughing with green, brown, or yellow
  • Fever, chills, or chest pain when breathing deeply

If you haveSore throat that persists for more than a week or a sore throat accompanied by any of these symptoms, see a doctor:

  • Severe pain

Difficulty swallowing

  • Fever over 103 F in adults
  • Swollen glands
  • White spots on the throat or tonsils

These are signs that it might be a bacterial infection such as Sore throats, which can be treated with antibiotics. Or it could be another condition, such as GERD, and you may need other treatments.

Try the natural cough treatment that we presented in the article, and you can also contact the clinical pharmacist at Adam Pharmacy to prescribe the appropriate medication for your condition.


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