The freshness of the skin, how to get it and methods of care

The freshness of the skin, how to get it and methods of care

freshness The skin is the goal of all people to have a beautiful look and a polished face, but the pressures of life and the weather and environmental factors lose the skin's freshness, luster and beauty, so how do we maintain the freshness of the skin? What are the ways and methods that enable us to obtain a fresh, polished skin with a velvety texture.

sessions for skin freshness and lightening

Recently, there have been sessions for skin freshness and clarity in order to treat many skin problems. There are multiple techniques such as laser skin rejuvenation sessions, masks for cleaning and moisturizing the skin, rejuvenation needles, plasma sessions, mesotherapy injections, and dermapen sessions.facial plasma sessions for freshness.


Features and benefits of freshness sessions 

  • Treatment of skin problems
  •  Unification of skin tone and treatment of pigmentation
  •  Treatment of problems caused by dehydration such as cracks, roughness and lack of moisture
  •  Treatment of pigmentation and dark circles
  •  Treatment of scars, distortions and burns
  •  Giving the face purity and smoothness
  •  Treating wrinkles and facial lines 
  • Hide the signs of aging.


The most important vitamins for the freshness of the skin 

Vitamins are the secret of the freshness of the skin and its deficiency is one of the reasons for the lack of freshness of the skin, and one of the most important of these vitamins is the vitamin responsible for whitening the skin, which is vitamin C, which works on whitening the skin by reducing the amount of melanin in the skin and when it is applied properly. Topical or oral affects by reducing melanin pigmentation and there are many vitamins useful for freshness , such as: Vitamin E, B, CD These vitamins can be obtained It is obtained by following a complete healthy diet full of grains, fruits, vegetables and leafy vegetables, and also can be obtained from nutritional supplements, as we have in Adam Pharmacy best and finest types of nutritional supplements Which contains a complete set of vitamins that help to get freshness, luster, luster and softness of the skin.


Tips to get the freshness of the skin for men   

The rare beautiful look is not only the goal of women, but the man is also looking for that rare look that gives strength of personality and strength in interaction in life and society and self-confidence, from the instructions and advice to men in order to obtain fresh skin, including


  •   theSkin type so that he uses products that suit his skin
  •  Use products based on natural materials
  •  Follow good shaving methods 
  • Use a facial cleanser suitable for his skin
  •  Use sunscreen to protect the skin from the sun 
  • Apply a daily moisturizing routine to protect against dehydration by using moisturizers that contain vitamins and natural materials
  • Use Exfoliating scrub made of natural materials cleaning deeper
  • Attention to the treatment of grains, pigmentation and all skin problems 


Types of skin freshness

cream You have a work or celebration appointment, then choose the types rich in vitamins and natural materials that are fast-acting, and

there are some creamsWith high technologies, you can get the freshness of the face in minutes. Of these types are the following: 

  • Moisturizing creams rich in vitamins and substances that maintain the natural internal moisture of the skin
  •  Pure day creams that contain rich materials and formulations
  • Sunscreen creams suitable for every skin with a high protection factor
  •  Night creams thattreats wrinkles and skin lines and maintains its youth and freshness 
  • . Some natural materials can obtain freshness from them. These creams are included in the formulations of these creams, such as berries, broccoli, guava, kiwi, orange, papaya, strawberries and sweet potatoes
  • . All sources of vitamins and antioxidants, they strengthen and support the presence of freshness in the skin
  • sweet almond oil, pine and corn oil 
  • There are many famous products and products of international brands that give freshness with high quality ingredients
  • Lancome face moisturizer cream, which contains 11 amino acids with aloe vera, which is one of the wonderful ingredients for freshness
  •  . Clarins cream is characterized by giving strong light to the skin, fighting signs of aging, and giving a natural pink color thanks to its ingredients. Soft skin that gives it natural nourishmentand
  •  it gives freshness quickly.
  •  Many products, from which you should choose those that support the composition of natural materials and completely stay away from chemicals.


Tips for the freshness of oily skin 

  • Paying attention to the use of fat-free creams
  •  Using a safe, pure face wash containing vitamins and nutrients
  •  Avoiding soapy cleansers or those containing alcohol or perfumes 
  • Using a sunscreen with zinc oxide and titanium dioxide and staying away from sunscreens that contain perfumes and oils
  •  Try to dry the natural fats that are secreted On the skin, 
  • use the scrub in a weekly routine of types that contain natural materials, and it is a deep skin cleanser that works to get rid of dead cells.
  •  Use a skin toner especially in places where there is an excess of oils.


Tips for freshness of dry skin 

  • Use skin moisturizers that contain vitamins and antioxidants 
  • Avoid chemical substances, products and makeup that lead to body irritation
  •  Apply a natural mask routine that gives the skin natural moisture and restores its purity 
  • Using a daily routine Night and day
  • cream Choose a sun cream suitable for dry skin
  •  Apply masks from oil Olives and natural oils compounds in the work of masks periodically.


instructions after fifty Freshness is 

freshness required at all ages and there is no age to stop looking for freshness, but at the age of 50 the skin needs more care as a result of hormonal change and the onset of facial lines and wrinkles, but it is possible to protect the face from wrinkles and maintain the freshness of the skin through some tips To achieve the freshness of the skin after fifty: 


  • Caring for food and adopting a healthy diet routine
  • Drinking large amounts of water suitable for the body
  • A diet based on vitamins, mineral salts and antioxidants rich in meat and fish products and keeping away from fats
  •  Attention to cleaning and moisturizing the skin with types of detergents and moisturizers suitable for every type of skin 
  • is necessary to try to treat dark spots that appear due to the change of hormones through materials based on natural substances.
  •  Attention to antioxidants that give the body luster, freshness
  •  . At this age, the body loses a large proportion of collagen, which is the main cause that causes wrinkles and manifestations of aging, so the body must be compensated for the collagen element Naturally, orally and through creams that contain collagen, they make the skin soft and supple.


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