Treatment of skin allergies

Treatment of skin allergies

Dry and itchy skin is one of the most common symptoms of an allergic rash. Most often, this skin allergy affects men and women of all ages. There are different types of rashes and allergies, whether it's a mild to severe reaction. Skin allergies and rashes must be treated quickly. . 

The severity of the skin condition can also vary from person to person however, the good thing about it is that you can treat skin allergy using natural and effective home remedies.

Causes of skin allergies

There are many causes that lead to skin allergies, we show you some of them:

  • Atopic dermatitis (eczema):

This is one of the most common types of skin allergies in children and is characterized by inflammation, irritation and dry skin. 

This is usually attributed to a food allergy or a genetic gene called 'filaggrin'. This skin condition often occurs along with other related conditions, such as food allergy, asthma, and allergic rhinitis.

  • Allergic contact dermatitis:

As its name suggests, this skin condition occurs when the skin comes into contact with an allergen. A common example of this condition is the appearance of a rash after wearing certain jewelry. This is because the jewelry is nickel plated and nickel is an allergen.

 Other common allergens that lead to this condition include plants: poison sumac, poison ivy, and poison oak. These plants are coated with an oil that causes an itchy red rash.

  •  Urticaria (hives):

In this case, it is an inflammation of the skin caused by histamine produced by the immune system. Histamine is a chemical responsible for allergic reactions and is produced in response to the body's detection of an external threat. 

There are two types of hives, acute and chronic. Acute rashes are usually caused by specific triggers such as food, medication, insect bites, etc. On the other hand, chronic urticaria does not have an identifiable cause and is therefore difficult to diagnose. Fortunately, both conditions are not contagious.

Treating skin allergies


It has been proven that treating skin allergies by natural methods is useful in relieving itching and pain. Here are some of the natural options that have been shown to provide a natural healing effect for rashes and allergies:

 apple cider vinegar


is one of the many natural home remedies that you can use to effectively treat and eliminate skin allergies.

It is known to treat some health conditions including skin problems. Often, rashes and allergies are associated with a fungus. 

Apple cider vinegar has natural anti-fungal properties that will help treat skin problems naturally.

 For some, this remedy may not work. However, it has been shown to fight fungal infections that affect the skin.

 Aloe vera gel

Another effective and natural remedy for itchy skin is aloe vera gel. While it is known to treat other health conditions, applying aloe vera is also better for some skin problems. 

It is one of the treatments that has been proven to give instant and quick results, moreover it is also best to use fresh aloe vera by applying it after showering and letting it dry on the skin to see effective results.

Coconut Oil and Tea Tree

This natural remedy has also been shown to provide instant relief from itching and inflammation of the skin. Most of the time, rashes and allergies can last for two weeks or more.

 However, by using coconut oil and tea tree oil, severe cases of fungal skin infections can be treated naturally.

 Serious skin conditions sometimes include a rash and can occur for many reasons. With this natural remedy, you can be sure to see good and immediate relief after several applications.

Oatmeal Bath

While it is known to be a good source of nutrients for your body, oatmeal is just another natural remedy that you can use to treat skin problems. 

It is one of the most recommended home remedies that soothe the skin naturally. Meanwhile this also provides a rejuvenating effect to your skin. You can simply end the burning sensation you feel from an allergy by mixing oatmeal with warm water and applying it to the affected skin area.



While it is most commonly used as a face mask, cucumber is also a good remedy for rashes and allergies.

 Cucumber has cool watery effects that naturally soothe the skin and relieve itching. You can put cucumber slices on the affected skin patches and the relief will be much faster if you apply them as many times as possible.

Essential Oils

This remedy is known to be best for general health as essential oils have been shown to naturally treat long-lasting acne. 

There are some oils that you can choose from, such as chamomile oil, almond oil, and tea tree oil. 

When mixed, these oils are known to revive skin's radiance while effectively treating skin sensitivity at the same time.

 Baking soda

Aside from the herbs that are commonly used as natural remedies, baking soda is also known to have a different effect on skin problems. 

You can simply make a paste of baking soda with vinegar and water to treat the rash. Apply the paste to the rash and let it dry completely. Its antibacterial properties have been shown to heal rashes naturally.

 Mint leaves

This remedy is usually available in any home today. The good thing about it is that it is another remedy that relieves rashes and allergies. 

It also provides a cooling effect on the affected skin area while relieving the burning sensation at the same time. You can repeat the procedure as many times as possible depending on the severity of your skin problems.

 Moisturize your skin naturally

One of the best remedies for acne breakouts is to keep the skin moisturized. There are natural skin regimes that can help you maintain smooth skin. To avoid dry, flaky skin, apply moisturizer before bed.

 whites are

Egg easy to find at home. You can mix it with cornmeal to make a natural paste. Apply the paste directly on the affected area and leave it for 30 minutes. You can wash it off with warm water and see results after several applications.

Tips for Healing Sensitive Skin

Follow these tips to speed up the healing process after dealing with sensitive skin:

  • Use calamine lotion to soothe rashes.
  • Use cortisone creams to relieve itching.
  • Do not rub the rash.
  • Use only fragrance-free soap.
  • Avoid showering with hot water.
  • Do not cover the rash with a bandage.
  • If you feel dry, use a fragrance-free moisturizer.
  • Avoid using cosmetics that can aggravate the rash.
  • Avoid scratching the rash. This will reduce the chance of infection.

After we showed you the treatment of skin allergy, apply it all or some of it according to your condition. You can also order an allergy treatment cream from Adam Pharmacy.


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