Treatment of diarrhea for children

Treatment of diarrhea for children

If your child has diarrhea, there are some easy home remedies that you can try. Treating diarrhea for young children only requires a few minutes of your time, while others may require more effort on your part, however they are all definitely worth trying if your child has a problem. in getting rid of diarrhea.

Causes of diarrhea in children

The suspected causes of diarrhea in children are:

  • A virus, usually called the stomach flu.
  • Bacterial infection
  • Food intolerance such as lactose intolerance or gluten intolerance
  • Food allergy
  • Reaction to medications
  • Gastrointestinal impairment.

Symptoms of diarrhea in children Diarrhea

can be acute or severe, with acute diarrhea lasting no more than a week. Severe or prolonged diarrhea lasts longer and has many other signs. 


Symptoms of diarrhea in children may vary from child to child. Symptoms may include in general.

  • stomach upsets;
  • Loose and watery stools.
  • Stomach ache.
  • vomiting;
  • Inflation.
  • spasm.
  • bloody stools;
  • drought .
  • Anorexia.
  • Fever.


In the following paragraphs, we offer you some effective natural ways to treat diarrhea for children, which are:


Home remedies for diarrhea for children Cooked or raw carrots as they are rich in insoluble fiber, which is very vital for intestinal health.

 Insoluble fiber helps add shape to stool. In fact, it moistens hard stools by providing enough water in the intestines.

Fiber also helps make bowel movements comfortable and regular. It can easily give anti-indigestion effects. 

It is beneficial for children, as it provides essential nutrients. 

To prepare healthy carrot soup and treat diarrhea, follow the instructions given below:

  • Step 1: Wash half a kilogram of carrots, scrape them and chop them finely.
  • Step 2: Balance with enough water and pressure cook for 15 minutes.
  • Step 3: Strain the liquid and add a pinch of salt.
  • Step 4: Drink the soup for the next few days if diarrhea persists.

Carrots are rich in fiber and are known to cleanse the intestines. It is also well-established as a diuretic, anti-diarrheal, and anti-anemic. 

Carrot soup is rich in alkaline elements and helps in maintaining the alkaline acid balance in the body. It contains beta-carotene, which is then converted to vitamin A in the liver. 

They also contain vitamin B6, folic acid, thiamine, potassium and magnesium.

9. Eat raw papaya

a natural remedy for diarrhea Papaya is a refreshing sweet, bright and exotic pear-shaped fruit, which can be easily seen in the market. Surrounded by numerous round, black, soft and gelatinous seeds, the edible papaya flesh is nutritious and offers multiple health benefits (along with diarrhea). Although papaya is the most controversial fruit for diarrhea, according to studies, eating papaya can help you beat this disease. Papaya, when used raw, can effectively treat loose motions. It also reduces stomach pain and relieves stomach cramps. To try this remedy, follow the steps mentioned below:


Step 1: You can grate the papaya and add the pieces to a bowl containing three cups of water.

Step 2: This mixture should be boiled for ten minutes.

Step 3: You can filter the mixture and consume it. But first, let it cool.

Step 4: Eat the mixture two to three times a day until you feel comfortable.

The two enzymes that make the mark are papain and chymopapain. Both help in the digestion of proteins in the body. Other vitamins like beta-carotene are also good at reducing inflammation.


Papaya is not good if:


You are pregnant. It can cause a miscarriage.

You are allergic to latex. You may suffer from allergies.

You are taking blood-thinning medicines.

You are consuming too much. It can cause discoloration of the skin or carotenoids in the blood.

You have respiratory disorders.

You have kidney stones.

Herbal Remedy for Children's Diarrhea

Although diarrhea is not a life-threatening disease, it causes disruption in our daily lives. 

Hence the search for herbs and natural remedies is always the best among the natural remedies.

 Therefore, fenugreek seeds are known to treat the problems of bouts of diarrhea, in fact it is widely suggested in the natural treatment of diarrhea.

 The reason is its organic mucilage (it offers strong anti-diarrheal effects). It helps in hardening the stool and relieving the pain or discomfort associated with diarrhea, making it one of the effective home remedies for diarrhea. 

Hence, to try this remedy, follow the steps given below:

  • Step One: Eat a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds and a tablespoon of yogurt.
  • Step 2: You can mix and chew the mixture three to four times a day.

How does this work?

This mixture is highly recommended as it has a high mucilage content. It can provide an anti-diarrheal effect and yogurt can aid the healing process.

Mustard seeds

Treating diarrhea in children with mustard is one of the modern treatments to reduce diarrhea symptoms. Mustard seeds have many health benefits, they boost metabolism and stimulate blood flow. 

Also proven to be a great food for the heart, mustard seeds come in different varieties, of which 3 are common - black, brown and white. 

However, black is used extensively for culinary purposes and has a pungent taste.

 It is widely cultivated in India, the United States, Pakistan, Great Britain, Canada, Argentina and Hungary. 

To try the mustard seed remedy, follow the steps given below:


  • Step 1: Add a quarter of a teaspoon of mustard seed in three teaspoons of water.
  • Step 2: Leave the mixture to set for an hour.
  • Step 3: The child drinks mustard seeds.
  • Step 4: Repeat the process four to five times a day to get rid of loose stools.

How does this work?

Digestion is stimulated due to the secretion of gastric juices from the spleen and bile from the liver. The process aids in digestion. Other benefits are that it enhances appetite.

You should see a specialist if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • Symptoms persist even after two days.
  • Dehydration begins - symptoms can be extreme thirst, tiredness, dizziness, dark-colored urine or no urination and dry mouth.
  • You suffer from severe pain in the rectum or abdomen.
  • You have black or bloody stools.
  • She gets chills and has a temperature of 39 degrees Celsius.

In the case of children, if the diarrhea is accompanied by fever, vomiting, or both, the symptoms are indicative of dehydration. A doctor should be contacted within 24 hours at this point.

  • The child has not wet his nappy for three hours or more.
  • Fever symptoms appear.
  • Stools are black or red with blood.
  • The child's mouth dries up, and when crying there are no tears
  • , the child shows symptoms of drowsiness, becomes unresponsive.

You can also contact the clinical pharmacist at Adam's Pharmacy and describe the child's condition to be sent to you with the appropriate medication for the child's condition.


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