hair straightener for kids

hair straightener for kids

children Children is a great blessing from God’s blessings upon us, rather they are the best adornment of life, and this is what was confirmed by the Almighty God in his precise revelation when he said:

(Money and children are the adornment of the worldly life), they are indeed the adornment of our lives, and they are the lamps of joy in this life, and from Others are not upright life.

For them we live, and for them we struggle. We have been building their future in life to be the best construction, and we are rented by the Almighty and rewarded for what we sacrifice for their eyes, and the struggle for them guarantees us mercy, and then heaven.

We all strive to make them always the best, the best in substance and appearance, the best in health and education, the best in manners and morals.

Based on the foregoing; Many are looking for improvement in their children’s hair, in case it is dry, frizzy, or brittle, so women resort to straightening their children’s hair with keratin or protein.

Some women, before the beginning of the school season, resort to straightening their children's hair; So that it is easy to release them before going to school to save them their time.

(All products o softness, smoothing and strength are available in Adam's pharmacy).

There are two ways to straighten hair for children:

  • Chemical methods (creatine - protein).
  • natural ways.
  • Chemical methods for straightening children’s hair:

hair, many women resort to straightening their children ’s hair with keratin or straightening it with protein, and although they produce a good and effective result in straightening the hair for children, they contain formalin or formaldehyde that is harmful to the general health of children, as:

  • Formalin is a carcinogen for children, and children do not have enough immunity to qualify them to resist this dangerous substance, which is easy to penetrate into the hair.
  • Formalin may cause sore throat in children, coughing
  • Formalin may cause severe itching.

All this results from inhaling formalin fumes while straightening the hair.

  • Formalin may cause damage to the nervous system in children, which causes children to be distracted, inattentive, and cause constant headaches, and may cause children to be excessively nervous.
  • Children may suffer from muscular dystrophy stiffness.
  • The use of the iron at a high temperature when straightening the hair of children results in split ends and the entire hair is completely damaged, which leads to hair loss, and this is after the individual substance is removed from the hair.

You should go to the doctor, dear, to make sure that your child does not suffer from anemia, or a lack of hair vitamins, which negatively affect the hair, resulting in hair loss after straightening the hair.

(All types of hair your children are available hair care Adam's pharmacy).

How do you get safe hair straightening products for your children?


It is preferable that the hair straightening product for children contains:

  • natural proteins, such as: (silk protein or wheat protein; so that it has the ability to repair damaged, brittle and thickened hair.
  • Aloe vera helps retain moisture and works on proper nutrition for the hair.
  • One of the types of natural butter, such as (Mango butter, cocoa butter or shea butter) as it prevents hair from drying out and works to moisturize it. It is
  • preferable that the straightening cream for children contains natural oils, such as (sunflower oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, or argan oil)
  • . that contain sulfates, phthalates, silicones, harsh chemicals or perfumes
  • Avoid products that contain alcohol, as they dry out your child's hair

 Alternatives to chemical straightening hair

  • creams are safe, but they do not straighten the hair completely
  • Use a flat iron Thermal hair helps your child to make his hair straight for a temporary period.You should
  • use the hot electric brush with your child to soften the

methods of straightening the hair for children:

(All masks, lotions and emulsions for safe and healthyR at Adam's pharmacy). 

Parsley and glycerin mixture to straighten hair for children:

Parsley helps stimulate healthy hair growth, and helps reduce hair loss, in addition to that glycerin is characterized by its high ability to moisturize hair and prevent its dryness that causes dandruff and scalp inflammation, which helps soften hair. your child.

  • How to prepare the parsley and glycerin mixture for straightening the hair for children:
  • Boil the parsley leaves for 5 minutes.
  • Leave the parsley water to cool.
  • Put on the parsley water 2 tablespoons of glycerin oil, and 2 tablespoons of lettuce oil.
  • Apply the mixture to your child's hair.
  • Massage the hair well, taking into account that the mixture reaches the scalp and thus to the ends of the hair.
  • Leave the mixture on your child's hair for 30 minutes, making sure to cover it with a plastic hair cap or shower cap.
  • Wash hair well with water and shampoo.
  • Repeat this process 1 time every week.

Mayonnaise mixture for straightening hair for children:

Mayonnaise is rich in proteins that help replace the proteins lost by hair; Which helps moisturize the hair and makes it more flexible and smooth, leads to hair density, reduces dryness, helps stop split ends, and increases hair softness.

  • How to prepare mayonnaise hair straightening mask for children:
  • Take two tablespoons of mayonnaise, add two tablespoons of coconut, two tablespoons of aloe vera oil, and add to the mixture one tablespoon of honey.
  • My dear, mix the ingredients well.
  • Apply the mixture to the hair, taking care to massage it well and reach the scalp, until it covers the entire head from the roots to the ends of the hair.
  • Leave the mixture on your child's hair for 30 minutes, covering it with a plastic hair cap or shower cap.
  • Wash the hair well with water and the shampoo for your child's hair.
  • Repeat this process 1 time per week to get smoother and softer hair.

Yogurt and sesame mixture for straightening hair for children:

Yogurt is rich in proteins that compensate for the proteins lost by hair; It helps to strengthen the hair of the head as it helps to treat split ends, and yogurt helps moisturize the hair, and it is also credited with softening the hair.

Sesame also helps moisturize the hair, and sesame has an active role in softening the hair, and also increases the freshness of the hair.

  • How to prepare the yogurt and sesame mixture for straightening the hair for children:
  • Put 4 tablespoons of sesame on half a cup of yogurt approximately 60 grams, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil, and add 1 tablespoon of black seed oil.
  • Mix the ingredients well in the blender.
  • Put the mixture on your child's head.
  • Massage the mixture well on your child's head, taking into account that the mixture reaches the scalp and thus to the ends of the hair.
  • Leave the mixture on your child's hair for 60 minutes, covering it with a plastic hair cap or shower cap.
  • Repeat the process 1 time every week.

Starch solution for straightening hair for children:

The starch contains corn germ that is useful for hair; As it is rich in many nutrients beneficial to hair health, such as copper and zinc, which ensure the health and freshness of the hair, and work to lengthen and intensify the hair, as well as help to soften the hair.

  • Prepare a starch solution for straightening the hair for children:
  • Mix 3 tablespoons of starch with 3 tablespoons of water.
  • The mixture is singled out on the hair strands, strand by strand.
  • Leave the mixture on the hair for 30 minutes. 
  • Rinse the hair with water.
  • You can repeat the process 2 times a week.

Yogurt, coffee and olive oil mixture to straighten hair for children:

It is known that blessed olive oil is beneficial for hair; As it resists the fungi that affect the hair, it also helps to intensify the hair and reduce hair loss.

(All hair oils and oil substitutes are available at Adam's pharmacy).

Coffee also helps to stabilize the hair loss hormone, preventing hair from falling out, and coffee also helps to strengthen hair, and coffee has been proven to help smoothness, smoothness and strength  for hair.

  • How to prepare a mixture of yogurt, coffee and olive oil for straightening the hair for children:
  • Bring a 120-gram box of yogurt.
  • a cup of coffee.
  • A cup of raw olive oil.
  • 6 teaspoons of almond oil.
  • Mix the ingredients well until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Apply the mixture to your child's hair, taking care to coat all strands with the mixture.
  • Leave the mixture on your child's hair for 60 minutes, covering it with a plastic hair cap or shower cap.
  • Wash off the mixture with water and shampoo.
  • You can repeat the process dear in your child's hair 2 times a week. 


We had a hair straightener for the kids.

We mentioned the reasons for individual hair for children.

The best ways to straighten hair for children.

Chemical methods and natural methods of individual hair for children. 

We mentioned the precautions that must be taken while straightening the hair for children. 


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