Food that contributes to the preservation of hair

Food that contributes to the preservation of hair

Many women seek to preserve their hair, and they are also keen on making their hair shiny and attractive. The beauty of your hair and your vitality increases your brilliance and also increases your self-confidence. It is also one of the secrets of your beauty; Which increases beauty to your beauty, so you are always keen to improve the condition of your hair and are also keen to address any defect or accident that may arise, even if we deal with hair problems; We found that they are many between scalp infections, hair loss, hair breakage, or lack of density, and these problems make women confused and anxious, so they go looking for the best solution to treat these problems.

Here, my dear, is the ideal solution for many hair problems:

the safe and healthy solution that is available and that is not financially or physically expensive to obtain; It is present in our food life, is inexpensive and not stressful.

The solution to the problem of split ends, hair breakage, weakness, and dryness is to eat healthy food, and to eat a balanced, integrated diet that contains proteins and vitamins, and contains minerals that the body needs in general, as well as the hair in particular. It compensates the body and hair for the lost of these important nutrients; which helps to increase the density of hair, and contributes to its second restructuring; Which restores his freshness, vitality, health and beauty, and makes him enjoy good health.

Here is the talk about the most important foods that contribute to maintaining hair health:

(All hair care products safe and healthy are available at Adam's Pharmacy ).

The most important nutrients that contribute to maintaining hair health:

fatty acids - zinc - protein - iron - vitamin C - vitamin A - magnesium - selenium.

The most important foods rich in elements that contribute to maintaining hair health:

  • Spinach is one of the foods that contribute to maintaining hair health:

It is a leafy vegetable that contributes to maintaining hair health because it contains folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B, iron and all of these elements. Food promotes hair growth, improves scalp health, repairs damaged and brittle hair, and contributes to moisturizing it to avoid hair becoming damaged and brittle.

  • Vitamin A: 

It moisturizes the scalp and contributes to keeping hair strands fresh and shiny and prevents dry scalp that causes dandruff, scalp infections and hair loss.

There are many foods rich in vitamin A:

carrots, lettuce, cabbage and apricots, and it is abundant in sweet potatoes in particular.

Therefore, it is recommended to eat all the leafy vegetables necessary for the body daily, because they are an important source of vitamins, minerals and proteins, whether cooked or raw.

  • Vitamin C:

Spinach is a vegetable that contains vitamin C, which enhances the absorption of iron, which is an essential component of collagen production, which is one of the most important proteins essential for body tissues, as it supports the infrastructure of the hair follicle. Treating coarse hair, treating brittle and damaged hair, and strengthening the scalp and hair follicles.

Vitamin C is abundantly available in guava. It is rich in it and helps to strengthen fragile hair. Vitamin C is available in many foods such as cherries, berries, citrus fruits and sweet potatoes.

(All vitamins for hair, nails and skin are available at Adam's pharmacy).


  • Fatty fish is one of the most important foods that contribute to maintaining hair health:

Fatty fish such as (salmon - mackerel - tuna - shack - shrimp - anchovies - herring) are all a major source of omega-3 acids that are very important and necessary for hair growth and increase hair density as they work on Strengthen hair and contribute to reducing hair loss and maintaining length.

Fatty fish also contains high levels of vitamin B12, which is important and necessary for nerves and promotes hair growth and contributes to maintaining healthy hair, and therefore vitamin B12 deficiency is linked to hair loss, as vitamin B12 helps to form red blood cells that carry oxygen and nutrients. To the scalp and hair follicles, so it is active in hair growth.

  • Eggs are one of the foods that contribute to maintaining the health of the hair:

it is one of the foods that contribute to maintaining the health of the hair because it is rich in protein, vitamin B, iron and other minerals that maintain keratin in the hair follicles and these elements stimulate hair growth, renewal, strengthening and increasing its density. Also, the omega-3 present in eggs contributes to making the hair more smooth and elastic, as vitamin B helps the necessary blood flow to the scalp.

Eggs also contain vitamin B7 (biotin), which is important for hair growth and increase in volume. Vitamin B7 deficiency in individuals leads to thinning hair and changing its color.

There are many foods rich in vitamin B7, such as: yeast, liver, walnuts, berries, lentils and wheat.

  • Nuts are one of the most important foods that help maintain hair health:

Different types of nuts contain the antioxidant zinc mineral, which maintains the sebaceous glands in the scalp, which promotes hair growth and repair. It is linked to hair, as a deficiency in it leads to hair loss.

It is also available in good quantities in pumpkin, yogurt, legumes, meat, chickpeas, mushrooms, sesame, oysters, garlic, and fruits in general, especially pomegranate.

  • Greek yogurt is one of the foods that contribute to maintaining the health of hair:

it is rich in proteins that work on the formation of cells, which contributes to improving hair growth. It also contains vitamin B5, which improves blood flow to the scalp, which affects the length and intensification of hair and helps treat Hair loss and lack of density.

Guava Food that contributes to maintaining hair health:

rich in vitamin C, which is important and necessary for dieters, as it must be included in the diet; It protects the hair from damage and breakage.

CarrotsFood that contributes to maintaining healthy hair :

 Carrots are rich in vitamin A, which is responsible for cell growth, as it maintains the moisture of the scalp.

Cinnamon  Food that contributes to maintaining healthy hair:

Cinnamon plays an important role in nourishing and strengthening hair, as it contributes to improving blood circulation and the arrival of blood loaded with oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles, making the hair more flexible, healthy and vital.

  • Avocado is one of the foods that contribute to maintaining healthy hair :

It is rich in protein, magnesium, folic acid, potassium, amino acids and vitamins, as vitamin E in avocado works to repair any damage to the scalp, and vitamin B is necessary for hair growth.

  • Seeds are foods that contribute to maintaining healthy hair :

Chia, flax, pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seeds are rich in amino acids that have a key role in improving hair growth and many minerals such as magnesium, zinc, copper, potassium, calcium, selenium and proteins, all of which are important nutritional components for long and healthy hair. and strong.


(All vitamins and immune are available at Adam's pharmacy). 

  • Wheat germ is one of the foods that contribute to maintaining hair health :

Wheat germ can be eaten in the form of flakes or as a food supplement or oil, as it is rich in many elements beneficial to hair health, such as copper and zinc.

(All women's supplements are available in Adam's pharmacy).

  • Oats are one of the foods that contribute to maintaining healthy hair :

Oats are used to treat hair loss and improve general health. It contains proteins, vitamin B, and minerals necessary for healthy hair.

  • Tomatoes are one of the foods that contribute to maintaining healthy hair :

They are a good source of vitamin C and contain all the carotenoids that help protect the hair and scalp from sun damage, as well as strengthen hair follicles and prevent their breakage.

  • Berries are food that contributes to maintaining healthy hair :

Berries help treat hair loss and maintain length, as they contain antioxidants, protecting hair follicles from damage caused by harmful molecules.

  • Yeast is one of the foods that contribute to maintaining healthy hair :

Yeast is rich in vitamin B, which is essential for healthy hair.

  • Sweet potatoes are one of the foods that contribute to maintaining healthy hair :

They are rich in beta-carotene, the synthetic vitamin A, which contributes to stimulating the production of fats that prevent hair from drying out and moisturizes it. It also protects hair from damage and increases the speed of its growth.

  • Foods rich in sulfur are foods that contribute to maintaining healthy hair :

such as garlic, onions, etc., as sulfur promotes the production of keratin, the main component of hair.

(All hair straightening products are available at Adam's pharmacy).

  • Some vegetable oils from foods that contribute to maintaining healthy hair :

such as olive oil, rosemary oil, and coconut oil, as they are very useful for promoting hair growth and health.

(All hair oils that nourish hair are available in Adam's pharmacy).


We have presented the most important nutrients that contribute to maintaining healthy hair.

The most important foods that contribute to maintaining the health of hair, which must be maintained in order to get healthy, strong, softer and shinier hair.


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