Hair protection spray from heat In 

Hair protection spray from heat In 

in general, women are looking for ways to improve the condition of their hair, and they are always keen that their hair is always beautiful and attractive, and they are greatly affected if their hair is injured or harmed.

A woman's hair is always evidence of her beauty, and one of the secrets of her attractiveness.

Therefore, many women are always looking for the best for their hair, and looking for new ones that make their hair more attractive and beautiful.

One of the means that improves the appearance of hair and increases its charm and attractiveness are thermal drying tools such as: (hair iron - blow dryer - and others), which help to style the hair, and give it the softness that some women may lack, and also helps them to come up with new hairstyles that give renewal The magic and the attraction.

But thermal dryers, despite their great effectiveness with hair; However, it may cause some damage to the hair, because it may lead to hair breakage and breakage, and also lead to dryness that may lead to hair brittleness, and heat dryers result in some problems.

How do I protect my hair from heat drying tools?

Of the things that have been issued recently (thermal hair sprays), which are added to the hair to protect it from the dangers of thermal dryers.

These sprays are sprayed after washing the hair, and before using heat dryers or heat-producing combing tools; It protects the hair from breakage and breakage, and also protects it from weakness and dryness that may affect it or affect it.

Here, my dear, talk about thermal hair spray:

(All safe and healthy heat protection sprays are available at Adam's Pharmacy).

Heat Protection Hair Spray: 

It works to wrap the hair and form a layer to prevent intense heat from reaching the hair. It is specially manufactured with materials that help protect hair from thermal dryers and help reduce the damage caused by it in the least possible way.

(All hairdressing devices and brushes are available at Adam's pharmacy).

Ingredients of a heat protectant hair spray:


In order to get a special heat protectant hair spray, get a product whose ingredients contain moisturizing substances such as: (Panthenol and Propylene Glycol) and silicones such as: (amiodithicone and dimethicone), as these ingredients lock in moisture and envelop the hair And insulate it from the heat.

How to choose a heat

Choosing a heat protection spray is due to some important factors:

  1. Hair quality:

 Madam, you have to know the quality of your hair to choose the heat protection spray that is most appropriate for your hair to get the best appearance and the best care, as there are many types available from Heat protection spray, each with its own type, according to the type of hair.

(All hair care products are available at Adam's Pharmacy).

  1. The nature of hair:

Madam, you must know the nature of your hair and what it needs, as the nature of each hair is different from the other. There are:

  - Dry hair that needs moisturizing, it is preferable to use a heat-protective hair spray with it that contains moisturizers for hair, as it gives hair moisture and luster.

(All moisturizing shampoo products for dry hair are available in Adam's pharmacy).

 needs Damaged and brittle hair vitamins to nourish, maintain and take care of the hair, so it is preferable to use a protective spray with it that contains a group of nourishing vitamins to maintain the moisture of the strands and strengthen them.

- Split hair, where it needs a heat protection spray that contains hyaluronic and antioxidants, as it treats hair dryness and brittleness.

Curly hair needs a spray that contains argan oil, which helps smoothen frizzy hair and gives it vitality and luster, as it penetrates the pores of the hair follicles, enhancing its flexibility in addition to protecting the hair from high temperatures.

  1. The components of the heat protection spray:

You should read the ingredients of the heat protection spray product before purchasing to ensure that it is free of substances that damage hair such as parabens and sulfates, as these substances work to damage the hair, especially since the hair protection spray remains on the hair for a long time.

It is preferable that the heat protection spray contains some ingredients such as:

  • beet derivative: 

It works to moisturize the hair, detangle and protect against heat because it contains amino acids, as it works efficiently with owners of fine and light hair, as it increases smoothness and luster.

(All styling creams effective detangling

  • Antioxidants: 

which contribute significantly to nourishing and moisturizing hair, thus preserving and caring for hair. It is suitable for dyed hair, as it maintains hair color and shine.

(All dyed hair protection are available at Adam's Pharmacy).

  • Shea Butter: 

It works to free the hair of unwanted wrinkles and makes it healthier, moisturized and shiny, and it is great for those who want to have smooth, non-volatile hair.

  • Hyaluronic acid:

It prevents hair breakage and damage and is ideal in protecting hair from heat.

  • Hair protein:

It nourishes the hair and makes it easier to style, in addition to protecting the hair from high temperatures.


  • Argan oil: 

It detangles hair and facilitates styling, as it reduces the damage caused by the use of heat dryers in order to maintain strong hair and free of breakage.

(All hair oils are available at Adam's pharmacy).

Types of heat protection sprays for hair: Heat

  • protection spray.
  • Thermal spray for heat protection and damage protection.
  • Protection and frizz control spray.
  • Heat protection spray for dry hair.
  • Thermal hair styling spray.

Features of heat protection hair spray:

  • It protects against hair loss and breakage when exposed to heat caused by thermal dryers or hot sunlight.
  • Prevents hair frizz.
  • It works on the shine and softness of the hair and also maintains the flow of the hair.
  • Preserve the structure of the hair, because the heat generated by the dryer damages the hair structure and causes frizz.
  • It helps to gradually heat the hair. 
  • Protects hair from high temperatures, as it reduces heat access to hair.
  • Prevents hair from drying out and brittleness due to damage caused by the use of heat dryers.
  • It gives the hair deep hydration, as it works to wrap the hair and insulate it as much as possible from the heat.
  • Maintains hair's vitality and radiance.
  • Rich in a group of hair vitamins that promote hair growth and protect it from weakness and loss.

How to use a heat protection spray:

  • Wash the hair well with shampoo and conditioner, as the hair must be clean.

(All daily care and deep cleaning are available at Adam's Pharmacy).

  • Comb hair after washing to detangle.
  • It is possible to use a heat protectant spray on both wet and dry hair due to the type of product used, there are products that work best with wet hair, and there is another type that works better with dry hair and there are some types that are used and then rinse the hair before Use thermal dryers.
  • Be sure to read the instructions included on the package to learn how to use it well to get the best desired result.
  • Choosing the right heat protection spray for your hair type, so you must be careful to know the quality of your hair.
  • Spray the spray mist on the hair and avoid reaching the scalp so that the scalp does not become greasy.
  • Comb the hair after spraying the heat protection spray to ensure that it reaches the hair evenly.
  • It is possible to spray the spray again if the hair is thick.
  • Avoid spraying the sprayer excessively or more than once at a time, but it should be used in moderation.
  • It is preferable while spraying hair protection spray from heat that it is at an appropriate distance from the hair to reach most of the hair and in the least amount to avoid damage to the hair.
  • Heat protection spray is used every time thermal dryers are used, so care must be taken to reduce the use of thermal dryers as much as possible to protect and preserve hair and reduce its exposure to risks and hair problems as it works to reduce the damage resulting from the use of thermal dryers as much as possible, but no Ban it permanently.


We had a heat protectant hair spray.

We mentioned the components of the protection spray.

How to choose a hair protection spray from heat.

We mentioned its types and features.

And how to use a hair protection spray from heat.


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