Types of hair protein

Types of hair protein

Many seek to improve the condition of their hair, and give it freshness and vitality; Hair is the face of a woman, and a secret of her beauty.

A woman is beautiful in substance, beautiful in appearance, beautiful in her hair; Any defect in a woman’s hair causes her anxiety and confusion, and sometimes frustration, because It strives diligently to solve this problem, even if it is small.

If you suffer from:

  • a lack of hair density.
  • Hair breakage and breakage.
  • dry hair;
  • weak hair;

Here is the solution, a hair protein that protects and strengthens hair, and also repairs its defects.

(Adam Pharmacy provides all hair safe and effective

Hair protein benefits:

  • Helps detangle frizzy hair.
  • Protein helps to increase hair density.
  • Hair protein helps the thinning hair problem that many women suffer from.
  • protein treats dry hair; So it eliminates the problem of damaged and brittle hair.
  • The protein helps to soften the hair and give it elasticity and silky smoothness.
  • The protein also helps to give the hair an attractive shiny look.
  • Hair protein helps absorb excess moisture from the hair. 

Types of hair protein:


There are many types of hair protein that help its vitality, freshness, rebuilding and restructuring:

  • Collagen protein: Collagen

Protein is the most famous type of hair protein, as collagen is essential in building the body and nails, and it is essential in building hair.

Collagen protein replaces the collagen lost and lacking in hair, and gives hair freshness, vitality and softness.

  • Animal protein: Animal

Hair protein is one of the important proteins for hair, which helps to restructure it. As animal protein is rich in amino acids that hair lacks, it helps restore its freshness and vitality, and it also helps to straighten hair.

  • hair protein: Plant

-based hair protein is highly effective and safe. It is extracted from plants.

The plant hair protein is also characterized by the rapid response of the hair to it; It is easily absorbed by the hair, which is beneficial for the hair.

  • Caviar protein: Caviar

Protein is characterized by its effectiveness and great benefit, as it is extracted from natural caviar, which is characterized by containing vitamin A, which is one of the important vitamins for hair health.

Which in turn helps moisturize the hair, and caviar protein also helps to prolong hair.

  • Wheat hair protein:

Wheat protein is one of the newly developed proteins, and it has its own distinctive properties;

As it helps protect hair from dust and harsh weather factors, and helps strengthen hair, repair its defects and resist its weakness.

Wheat protein has a distinctive feature, which is that it has the ability to penetrate the hair follicles, making it more effective, and faster affecting the hair.

(All healthy and safe hair proteins are available in the hair care Adam's pharmacy).

Natural hair proteins:

  1. A mixture of eggs and yogurt to prepare hair protein:

It is known that eggs are the most protein-containing food, as it is very important for hair and helps restore its vitality.

Yogurt also contains calcium and protein, which benefit the hair and restore its vitality and activity.

  • Prepare the egg and yogurt recipe To prepare the hair protein:

Mix 1 egg yolk with 6 tablespoons of yogurt.

The mask is applied to the hair.

Take care to massage the hair well from the roots to the ends of the hair.

Leave the mask on the hair for 30 to 45 minutes, and cover the hair with a plastic cap or shower cap.

Rinse hair well with water and shampoo.

Take into account the repetition of this process once a week.

  1. Gelatin mask with bee honey and apple cider vinegar to prepare hair protein:

It is known that gelatin is characterized by its flexibility that benefits the hair and makes it smooth, and it also increases the strength of the hair.

(All Smoothing and Strength conditioners are available at Adam's Pharmacy).

Apple cider vinegar also has the advantage of fighting bacteria that are harmful to hair.

  • How to prepare a gelatin mask with bee honey and apple cider vinegar to prepare hair protein:

Put a spoonful of gelatin in 90 ml of water.

Add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 tablespoon of honey.

Mix well and apply to your hair.

The hair is well massaged, taking into account that the mixture reaches the scalp, and thus to the ends of the hair.

Leave the mixture on the hair for 30 to 45 minutes.

Repeat this process 1 time per week.

  1. mayonnaise hair protein mask:

Avocado and mayonnaise are characterized by containing a large proportion of protein, which supply the hair with the protein it lacks.

  • How to prepare an avocado and mayonnaise hair protein mask:

A ripe avocado is prepared, removed from its seeds, and then 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise are added to it.

Spread the mixture on the hair.

Massage the hair well with the mixture, taking into account that the mixture reaches the scalp and thus to the ends of the hair.

Leave the mask on the hair for 1 hour, and cover with a plastic cap, or a shower cap. 

Rinse hair well with water and shampoo.

This process can be repeated 2 times a week.

(All hair protein products are available in Softness, Smoothing and Strength 's Pharmacy).

  1. Banana mask, honey and coconut oil hair protein:

It is known that bananas contain sulfur, which helps protect hair from breakage and breakage, and coconut oil has its great ability to moisturize and strengthen hair, and treat breakage.

(All shampoos for damaged, brittle and thickening hair are available at Adam's pharmacy).

  • How to prepare a banana, honey and coconut oil hair protein mask:

Peel a banana and prepare, put 1 tablespoon of honey on it, and add half a teaspoon of vinegar to it.

Spread the mixture on the hair, taking into account that the mixture reaches the scalp and thus to the ends of the hair.

Leave the mask on the hair for an hour, and cover it with a plastic cap, or a shower cap. 

Repeat the process 2 times a week.

Mask of natural oils to prepare hair protein:

(All , lotions and emulsions for effective hair are available at Adam's pharmacy).

Mask ingredients:

castor oil.

Coconut oil. 

Sesame oil.

olive oil .

Almond oil.

an egg.

As these oils collectively prevent hair loss, help to lengthen and thicken hair, and also help solve the problem of dandruff, as they help moisturize it, help restore its freshness, shine and beauty, and have the credit of softening it.

(All hair oils and oil substitutes are available in the hair care department of Adam's Pharmacy).

  • How to prepare a natural oil mask to prepare hair protein:

Mix 1 tablespoon of almond oil with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, with 1 tablespoon of sesame, with 3 tablespoons of castor oil, and 3 tablespoons of olive oil.

  • How to prepare an oil mask to make hair protein:

All oils are mixed with an egg and mixed well.

The mixture is applied to the hair.

Massage the hair well with the mixture, taking into account that the mixture reaches the scalp and thus to the ends of the hair.

Leave the mixture on the hair for 60 minutes.

Cover hair with a plastic hair cap or shower cap.

Wash hair well with water and shampoo.

Repeat this process 2 times a week.

Hair protein damage:

  1. Dry hair:

The use of protein may lead to dryness; This is when the hair is rich in protein and does not need an external protein to support it, which leads to dry hair.

If your hair, dear, is rich in proteins, then you do not need hair protein.

  1. Weakness of hair: Hair

protein may lead to hair weakness, when used excessively.

You, dear, have to meditate in its use, as well as mediate in everything, as this moderation and mediation guarantees your hair health, beauty and vitality.

(All healthy and safe hair proteins are available hair care Adam's pharmacy).


We ate hair protein.

We mentioned its benefits for hair.

The different types of protein.

We singled out natural proteins that you can make at home.

We mentioned the minor downsides that can result from overusing hair protein.


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