Dandruff and ways to get rid of it

Dandruff and ways to get rid of it

Everyone seeks to appear in a decent and appropriate appearance in front of people, and this is the natural matter; Because we all attract the attention of others.

Any change that affects a person will be criticized by others, or at the very least, will be of interest to others, and the change may be a subject of ridicule and ridicule from the owners of weak souls.

Dandruff is one of the things that attracts the attention of others, knowing that it is not a major hair problem as it affects the hair, and it is not a haunting problem like other hair problems (such as hair loss - scalp infections). head This is nothing to worry about.

But what is worrying about dandruff is its loss on the shoulders of a person, which may cause him embarrassment, especially on occasions or personal interviews. 

Therefore, many people are worried about dandruff, and are looking for a quick solution that is safe and without side effects. 

But before we talk about dandruff, we must talk about the causes of dandruff; So that we avoid them and enjoy healthy, safe hair without dandruff.

Causes of dandruff:


  • Skin diseases:

There are some skin diseases that lead to the spread of dandruff on the scalp, such as: (Eczema - psoriasis of the hair - rosacea disease - tinea capitis caused by a fungal infection - contact dermatitis - psoriasis - eczema).

Seborrheic dermatitis causes a lot of crusts on the scalp, especially for people with sensitive skin. As it leads to red spots on the scalp and then a thick white scale layer accumulates on it, and this is the worrying dandruff.

  • Malnutrition:

neglecting a lot of healthy, balanced food leads to many complications that harm the body and also harm the hair and head.

Malnutrition leads to important elements needed by hair, such as: (zinc - important vitamins such as vitamin B complex - vitamin E - vitamin A - vitamin D - iron), and a lack of hair vitamins leads to hair loss and brittleness, as well as to dandruff.

  • Some health and psychological diseases:

such as: (epilepsy - depression - weak body immunity - obesity - strokes - heart attacks - Parkinson's disease - acne - alcoholism).

These diseases lead to profuse hair loss, and also lead to worrying dandruff on the scalp.

  • Fungal infection:

There are fungi that lead to the accumulation of lumps of dandruff on the scalp. The troubling Malassezia fungus parasitizes on the scalp and feeds on the oils secreted by the hair follicles.

Sometimes the immune system exaggerates in confronting them, and secretes antibodies against them. When these cells die, they collect on the scalp mixed with the fatty substances secreted by the scalp; It leads to the agglomeration of crusty groups on the scalp.

(All antifungals are available at Adam's Pharmacy).

  • Some habits with hair:

Some habits in dealing with hair lead to the spread of dandruff in the scalp, such as: 

 Excessive use of oils in the hair.

Excessive combing of hair also leads to the spread of dandruff in the scalp.

  • The difference in temperatures in the winter:

when a person goes out from a warm place to a cold one, or vice versa; This air shock directly leads to the appearance of dandruff in the scalp.

  • Some shampoos, creams or straighteners that contain harmful chemicals:

These chemicals cause irritation on the scalp, thus causing dandruff to spread on the head.

  • Minimize the use of shampoos:

Some may be affected by certain types of shampoos; They resort to decreasing the use of shampoo, as this leads to the accumulation of lumps of dandruff on the scalp - especially with those who use creams excessively - thus spreading dandruff in the hair of the head.

Dandruff treatment with shampoo:

Dandruff worrying, the main treatment is the use of some types of shampoo, such as:

(All types of anti-dandruff shampoo are available at Adam's pharmacy).

1- Shampoo containing zinc that treats dandruff:

Because zinc is characterized by its ability to resist bacteria, it fights bacteria intrusive on the scalp that lead to the spread of dandruff.

2- Shampoo containing coal or tar to treat dandruff:

A shampoo containing tar helps slow down the death of cells in the scalp that leads to the spread of dandruff, and the result is good in this matter.

But charcoal shampoo may change the color of hair, especially with light-colored people.

It may increase the sensitivity of hair to the sun.

3- Shampoo containing salicylic acid: Salicylic

acid fights dandruff that has accumulated on the scalp, and also limits its spread.

(All shampoos are available in the hair care Adam's pharmacy).

Natural ways to treat dandruff:

1- Green

tea: Green tea is one of the plants that contain antioxidants, and it is supported by peppermint oil that also contains antioxidants, and vinegar is added to it.

  • How to prepare green tea to treat dandruff:

Mix a cup of green tea with a teaspoon of peppermint oil, and a teaspoon of vinegar.

Spread the mixture on the head and massage it well, taking into account that the mixture reaches the scalp.

Leave the mixture on the hair for 5 minutes.

Wash hair well with water and shampoo.

Repeat this process once a week, and it will give a good result.

2- Aloe vera for treating dandruff:

Aloe vera is one of the most important plants for hair. It helps strengthen hair and treat many of its problems. It helps moisturize and soften hair, and it is effective in treating dandruff. This is because it contains antifungals and antibacterials.

  • How to prepare aloe vera to treat dandruff:

The gel is extracted inside the aloe vera.

Apply the gel to the hair, then massage it well into the hair, taking into account that the gel reaches the scalp.

Leave the gel on the hair for 30 minutes, and cover with a plastic cap or shower cap.

Wash hair well with water and shampoo.

Repeat this recipe once or twice a week, and you will see fast results.

3- Hot coconut oil to treat dandruff:

It is known that coconut oil contains anti-fungal properties, and it has great benefits for hair, as it contributes to solving many hair problems, and an effective solution to hair loss, as it helps moisturize hair. .

  • Prepare coconut oil for hair loss treatment:

Warm up a quantity of coconut oil.

Massage it into the hair, taking into account the arrival of the oil to the scalp.

Leave the oil on the hair for 5 minutes.

Wash hair well with water and shampoo.

Repeat this process once every week.

(All hair oils are available at Adam's pharmacy).

4- Honey, lemon and yogurt to treat dandruff:

It is known that this mixture is characterized by its great benefits for hair; Yogurt is famous for moisturizing the hair and protecting it from breakage, as it resists dandruff, honey also helps moisturize the hair and resist dandruff, and lemon is characterized by the production of oils that help moisturize the hair.

  • How to prepare a lemon, honey and yogurt recipe to treat dandruff:

Mix half a cup of yogurt with a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Put the mixture on the head and massage the head well, taking into account that the mixture reaches the scalp.

Leave the mixture on the hair for 30 minutes, and cover the hair with a plastic cap or shower cap.

Wash hair well with water and shampoo.

Repeat this recipe once or twice a week, and you will see impressive results.

5- Parsley infusion for treating dandruff:

Parsley is one of the most important plants for hair. It contains minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, which help improve hair condition and treat its problems. It also helps cleanse the scalp, which helps get rid of dandruff. Parsley, with its unique integrated formula, helps stimulate blood circulation. Which helps to increase hair density.

  • Method for preparing parsley soaked to treat dandruff:

A large cup of parsley is chopped.

Add to a cup of parsnip 2 cups of boiling water, and leave the soaked for 30 minutes to cool.

Massage the scalp with soaked, taking into account the arrival of the soaked to the scalp.

Leave the soaked parsley on the hair for 15 minutes.

Cover hair with a plastic cap or shower cap.

 Wash hair well with water and shampoo.

Repeat this process 2 times a week.

6- Onion water to treat dandruff:

Onions are characterized by the availability of vitamins, minerals, calcium, minerals, potassium and magnesium, all of which help in cell renewal; So it has an effective role in the treatment of annoying dandruff.

  • Prepare onion water to treat dandruff:

chop an onion, and extract the water to prevent it.

Mix onion water with a tablespoon of coconut oil.

Massage the mixture into the hair, taking into account its access to the scalp.

Leave the mixture on the hair for 60 minutes, massaging from time to time.

Wash hair well with water and shampoo.

Repeat this recipe once or twice a week to get a quick result.

7- Thyme plant infusion to treat dandruff:

Thyme is one of the plants that are useful for hair in general; It nourishes hair, stimulates blood circulation, strengthens weak hair, helps restore luster and vitality to dull hair, and thyme stimulates blood circulation of hair, which helps restore fallen hair and restore its density.

  • How to prepare thyme soaked to treat dandruff:

4 tablespoons of dry ground thyme are placed on 2 cups of water over a low heat.

Strain the mixture, then leave to cool.

The solution is applied to the hair; Taking into account the massage well for 5 minutes and the arrival of the solution to the scalp, taking into account that it reaches the ends of the hair as well.

Leave the solution on the hair for 3 hours, covering the hair with a plastic hair cap or shower cap.

Wash hair well with water and shampoo.

Repeat the recipe once, or 2 times a week to get a quick result.

8- Apple cider vinegar to treat dandruff:

Apple cider vinegar is very necessary for hair, as it has great benefits for hair; It contains acetic acid which is known for its antimicrobial properties.

Apple cider vinegar cleanses and cleans the scalp, which helps fight dandruff.

  • Prepare apple cider vinegar to treat dandruff:

Put 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water.

Apply the solution to the hair, massage it well for a period of time, and leave it on the hair for 5 minutes.

Rinse the hair well, and repeat this process twice a week; To get a quick result.

9- Garlic powder to treat hair loss:

Garlic contains important substances for hair growth and intensification, and to treat many of its problems; This is because garlic contains (vitamin C - lysine - anti-fungals) that helps stimulate blood circulation; Which helps to grow hair and increase its density, and also helps to eliminate dandruff.

  • Prepare garlic to treat dandruff:

Mix 3 tablespoons of garlic powder with a tablespoon of lemon juice.

Massage the hair well with the mixture, taking into account that the mixture reaches the scalp, and also reaches its ends.

Apply the mixture to the hair for 40 minutes, and cover with a plastic cap or shower cap.

Wash hair with water and shampoo.

Repeat the recipe once a week.

10- Banana and honey for treating dandruff:

Honey has many benefits for hair, as it contributes to cleaning the scalp, which helps to get rid of dandruff, and bananas are full of vitamins and minerals that nourish hair, and give it strength and vitality.

  • Prepare banana and honey to treat dandruff:

mash a banana, and add 2 teaspoons of honey to it.

Apply the mixture to the hair.

Massage the mixture well into the head and scalp.

Leave the mixture on the hair for 30 minutes; Cover it with a plastic cap, or a shower cap.

Wash hair well.

Repeat the recipe once a week, or 2 times to get a quick satisfactory result.


We mentioned the worrying and embarrassing problem of dandruff.

and its causes; So that we avoid them.

And shampoos that help get rid of dandruff.

And natural ways to treat dandruff.


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