Treatment of constipation for infants

Treatment of constipation for infants

Constipation is a common problem for infants and children and is the reason for approximately 3% of visits to the pediatrician. Constipation is usually defined as having infrequent bowel movements that are difficult and painful, and that cause a lot of pain for children. So we offer you the best constipation treatment for infants.

Causes of Constipation in Infants

It is often frustrating for parents to try to understand the causes of their children's constipation, although some parents know that the cause may be milk intake, a diet low in fiber, and not drinking enough fluids, they may have other children They have the same diet as those who do not suffer from constipation.

In addition to your child's eating habits, another major factor that contributes to constipation is infrequent bowel movements.

 This can happen after the child has had a large, hard and painful bowel movement, and because they may associate going to the bathroom with pain after this experience, they will try to hold their stools.

There are some medical causes of constipation, such as Hirschsprung's disease, cystic fibrosis and hypothyroidism.

Constipation is also often found in children with special needs, such as Down syndrome and cerebral palsy, and it can be a side effect of many medications.

Ways to treat constipation for infants


We offer you many ways to treat constipation for infants:

A warm bath

Giving a child a warm bath can relax the abdominal muscles and help him stop stress, and can also relieve some of the discomfort related to constipation.

Dietary changes

Some dietary changes may help treat constipation, but they vary depending on the child's age and diet.

While breastfeeding a baby, a woman can avoid certain foods, such as dairy products, from her diet.

 It may take some trial and error to determine which dietary changes help, and it is very possible that changes in diet will not have any effect on a child's constipation.


For babies who are fed formula, it is best to try other types of formula. 


Young infants do not usually need supplemental fluids because they get their hydration from breast milk or formula.

However, children with constipation may benefit from a small amount of extra fluid.

Pediatricians sometimes recommend adding a small amount of water, or fruit juice, to a child's diet when they are over 2-4 months old and suffering from constipation.

Massage Massage

is one of the best constipation treatments for infants. There are several ways to massage a child's stomach to relieve constipation. These include:

  • Using the tip of the finger to make circular motions on the stomach in a clockwise fashion.
  • Hold the baby's knees and feet together and gently push the feet toward the tummy.
  • Massage from the rib cage down after the belly button with the tip of a finger.

Treatment of constipation in children

The frequency of defecation for children will vary based on the individual, as some children have a desire to go to the bathroom twice a day, while others go once every two or three days.

 Constipation is characterized by hard or dry stools that are difficult to pass. If your child struggles to use the bathroom, the first thing to look at is his eating habits.

Incorporating more fiber-rich foods and encouraging plenty of fluids (especially water) will help your child produce regular bowel movements. 

Some good foods to add to your child's menu include:

  • Beans
  • Berries
  • Fruits with skin (such as pears)
  • Lentils
  • Oats
  • vegetables
  • Whole-wheat bread

Babies should get about 14 grams of fiber for every 1,000 calories they eat.

If your child is not used to eating high-fiber foods, gradually increase his intake to reduce the discomfort of gas or bloating.

One of the best ways to treat constipation for children is to eat vegetable soup because it contains a lot of fiber and added fluids.

Additional bran can also be helpful, including bran cereals, bran cakes, wheat and wheat crackers.

When should you visit a doctor

? It is recommended to go to the attending physician if the child has not defecation for two days, unusually, with the appearance of some signs, which are:


  • blood in the stool.
  • The child appears to be irritable.
  • The child suffering from abdominal pain,
  • the previous treatment methods did not work.
  • If home remedies do not work, the doctor may examine the child and, in rare cases, prescribe medications, such as:
  • laxatives.
  • Enema.
  • suppositories;

Treatment of constipation for infants in home ways

We offer you some simple home methods that help treat constipation in children:

  • Mix 1/2 teaspoon of sugar in a glass of water, give this solution to your child three times a day before feeding him artificial food, instead of white sugar, It is recommended to use brown sugar to prepare this solution.
  • Add diluted prune juice to your newborn's bottle of formula and it will help get rid of constipation.
  • If your baby is over 4 months old, mix 4 tablespoons of breast milk or formula with one tablespoon of prune juice. Give him twice a day.
  • Lubricate the anus. Put a little olive oil on your child's anus. It will lubricate the excretory passage, thus facilitating the process of excretion.
  •  Castor oil is the most commonly used remedy to relieve constipation in children. Use a cotton swab to clean the ear and dip it in castor oil and gently place it in the rectum. If your child is over two years old, drink a teaspoon of castor oil with milk as it facilitates the process of excretion.
  • Soak 5-6 raisins in water and keep them overnight, then grind them well the next day. Strain and give the baby raisin liquid to regulate the baby's bowel movement.
  • Take 2 cups of fresh mint leaves and anise leaves, boil 2 liters of water, pour it over the herbs, let it steep until the water cools down, fill the tea in a bottle and give it to the child.


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