5 natural ways to treat a cough for children

5 natural ways to treat a cough for children

With the changes of the seasons and the change in the weather, children get cold and flu, which is accompanied by coughing, causing a lot of pain and discomfort to the child, which makes the mother confused and striving to find ways to treat children’s cough naturally without giving the child any medicines.

Causes of Cough in Babies

Cough is a sign that the child's body is trying to free the respiratory tract by getting rid of irritants such as cigarettes, car smoke, or from the mucus that runs down the throat.

 Other than colds and flu, common medical causes for a cough include:

  • Irritation of the esophagus: These can lead to frequent coughing, vomiting, heartburn or spitting up as well as a bad taste in the mouth.
  • Allergies or sinusitis: In addition to a persistent cough, it can cause an itchy throat, runny nose, watery eyes, sore throat or rash.
  • Asthma: Symptoms include a severe cough that gets worse at night, during play, or when exercising or other physical activity.
  • Whooping cough: It is characterized by a successive and recurrent cough followed by an inhale with a sound resembling a cock crowing, and its other symptoms can include a runny nose, sneezing and a low temperature.

Cough treatment for children in natural ways 


There are many natural recipes that mothers have used since ancient times to treat children’s cough, which are: 

  • Massage with menthol or peppermint oil: Peppermint oil can be used for young children over two years old, by massaging the oil on the child’s chest, front of his neck and back. .
  •  Inhaling the scent of the oil helps improve airflow through the nasal passages and relieve cough symptoms, as well as promoting the ability to sleep at night.

Honey and Lemon: Honey has antibacterial properties that help treat cough in children. It also soothes sore throats, relieves congestion, treats cough, reduces cough frequency and promotes sleep.

  • Doctors recommend not offering honey to babies under one year old to avoid the risk of infant food poisoning. 
  • To get the best results from honey in the treatment of cough, it is preferable to mix it with lemon to enhance its antibacterial properties with vitamin C found in lemon.

Herbal cough treatment

for children and adults:


aA number of essential ingredients that can be used to treat cough naturally.

The anti-inflammatory properties of these compounds make frankincense a potential herbal remedy for severe coughs and phlegm, especially when coughs are caused by colds, bronchitis, and asthma.

Male gum can be soaked in a glass of water and left for a day, then drunk the next day on an empty stomach. You can also chew male gum.

Cough treatment

with thyme Thyme is commonly used to treat coughs accompanied by phlegm in bronchitis, and its effectiveness in these cases can be due to its antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties. 

It can also be used if you wish to treat a cough with herbs as they have soothing properties and help relax the chest muscles, and can help reduce any sore throat caused by coughing. 

Thyme is used by boiling it in water and drinking it warm to calm the chest, and it is preferable to add it with olive oil and eat it.

Rub the chest area with essential oils extracted from thyme. 

Cough treatment for children with mint

It is known that mint contains menthol, as this substance helps soothe the throat and relax the muscles of the airways, which improves breathing in the patient. 

To use mint in the treatment of accessory cough, the following method:

  • Drink warm mint tea.
  • Add 7-8 drops of peppermint oil to a cup of boiling water, then inhale the steam.
  • Add peppermint oil to a humidifier.
  • Grease the chest area with peppermint oil. 

Cough treatment with guava leaves

Also, one of the ways to treat a cough with herbs is the use of guava leaves, which have anti-bacterial properties, and are also rich in vitamin C, and it is prepared by:

  • Add 3-4 leaves of guava leaves to a glass of water.
  • Boil the leaves in water for several minutes.
  • Drink one cup daily. 

Cough treatment

with pineapple Pineapple contains bromelain, which makes it one of the options that can be considered for the desire to treat cough and phlegm with herbs.

 As this substance has anti-inflammatory properties, it also helps to dissolve the phlegm accumulated inside the chest, and it also contains the ability to suppress coughing and reduce swelling.

You can take advantage of this benefit of pineapple benefits by eating 1 glass of pineapple juice 3 times a day, or by eating 3 slices of pineapple daily.

There are many herbs that are used in the treatment of cough. We have mentioned some of them to you, and they are highly effective for many people, but if the cough persists for more than 5 days, you should consult a doctor or contact the clinical pharmacist specialized in Adam's Pharmacy to prescribe the medication that suits your condition.


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