Treating gingivitis and swollen gums at home

Treating gingivitis and swollen gums at home

There are many causes that lead to gingivitis and swollen gums, causing many problems, both in difficulty eating and discomfort during sleep due to severe pain. Therefore, many searches for ways to treat gingivitis and swollen gums at home, and this is what we offer you in our article today.

All medications for treating gingivitis can be ordered from the specialized clinical pharmacist at Adam's Pharmacy.

 Causes of gingivitis

Have you ever wondered what are the causes of gingivitis? Although it happens many times.

In the following paragraphs, I will explain to you some of the causes that lead to gingivitis: Gingivitis

  • occurs as a result of the accumulation of plaque between the teeth, and this type is the most common type of gingivitis, and although these bacteria help protect the mouth, but they cause tooth decay and gum problems.
  • Gingivitis also occurs when plaque is not removed, which leads to the formation of tartar on the bases of the teeth near the gums, which is difficult to remove without intervention using medical tools.
  • There are many factors that increase the risk of developing gingivitis, such as diabetes and cancer.
  • Smoking is also one of the causes of gingivitis, as studies have shown a marked increase in the incidence of gingivitis among smokers.
  • Also, advancing age increases the risk of developing gingivitis.
  • Malnutrition causes gingivitis, as does not eating foods that contain vitamin C.
  • Because of a change in the level of certain hormones that occurs during puberty, menopause or pregnancy.
  • Gingivitis also occurs as a result of poorly formed dental crowns or fillings, which leads to gum irritation and difficulty in cleaning.


Treatment of Gingivitis and Swelling at Home

You can treat gingivitis and swollen gums at home by rinsing with salt water, as studies have shown that gargling with salt water for two minutes 3 times a day can be beneficial in Treating gingivitis and swollen gums at home, as salt is a natural antiseptic that helps the body heal.


How does salt and water help treat gingivitis and swelling?

The water-salt mixture is the best gingivitis rinse and the most popular way to treat gingivitis at home among people. Salt helps treat gingivitis by: 

  • Soothing inflamed gums.
  • Relieve pain.
  • Reduce bacteria.
  • Remove food particles.
  • Reduce bad breath.

What is the method of treating gingivitis with water and salt?

Gum infections can be treated at home with salt water in the following way:

  • Add 1/2 to 3/4 teaspoon of salt to a cup of lukewarm water and mix it well.
  • Swish the solution in the mouth for at least 30 seconds.
  • Repeat the rinse two or three times a day.

But be careful,rinsing with salt water for a long time may have many negative effects on the tooth enamel, as long-term use leads to erosion of the teeth due to the salty and acidic properties of the mixture, so it should be left from time to time.

Treating swollen gums at home

Treating gingivitis and swollen gums at home with natural recipes, including the following:

Turmeric paste

is a natural remedy for treating swollen gums, as turmeric contains anti-inflammatory and anti-fungals, and also protects against dental plaque, where we mix turmeric with a little warm water. Until it becomes a paste, then put it in the place of swollen or swollen gums for 10 minutes and wash it well with lukewarm water.

Oil mist

Mix equal amounts of several oils such as peppermint oil, clove oil and thyme oil with a little water, then put them in a spray bottle that mixes the oils well and then sprays the mixture on the swollen place. This mixture of oils helps in treating swollen gums and relieving their pain.

Tea bags

have an effective role in treating swollen gums, as tea bags are placed in boiling water for five minutes, then taken out of the water and wait until they are easy to touch, and then placed directly on the swollen place for at least five minutes. .

Coconut oil

We gently massage the place of the swollen gums with circular movements, and it can be left for a long time without harming them, as it helps to get rid of bacteria and fungi.

Almond oil

works to cleanse the mouth and get rid of fungi and bacteria as well as swollen gums. We warm almond oil and then rinse with a little of it at intervals during the day.

Cold compresses

An ice pack is wrapped in a cloth and applied to the swollen gums.

Hot compresses

Soak a piece of cloth in hot water and then press on the outside of the mouth in the place of swelling or swelling.

Olive oil

is another popular natural way to treat gingivitis with olive oil, as olive oil helps to get rid of the bacteria that cause gingivitis when massaged on the gums daily for 3 weeks, not only olive oil but sesame oil and coconut oil as well. 


Although studies on treating gingivitis with herbs are scarce, the ability of cloves to prevent plaque build-up and reduce inflammation has been proven, because cloves contain pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory compounds. 

Clove is considered the best natural remedy for gingivitis, used in the following way:

  • Chop a teaspoon of cloves.
  • Dip a piece of cotton in the chopped clove.
  • The cotton is placed on the gums for about a minute.
  • Rinse the mouth well with water.


Surgical treatment of gingivitis

The dentist resorts to surgery to treat advanced cases of gingivitis and if all previous treatment methods fail. 

Surgery options include: 

  • Gum grafting surgery: In this process, the surgeon takes tissue from another part of the body, such as the palate, and implants it in the inflamed area of ​​the gums, covering the exposed parts of the teeth to prevent their loss or decay of bones and teeth.
  • Flap surgery: The surgeon lifts the gums so that he can reach the depth of the tartar, i.e. below the gum line, and then sews the gums back in place so that the gum tissue is well wrapped around the tooth, preventing the accumulation of tartar and deposits.

Types of gingivitis

There are many types of gingivitis, including:

  • There is inflammation in the gums caused by the accumulation of tartar on the teeth.
  • In addition to gingivitis caused by the side effects of taking some medications.
  • As well as gingivitis due to bacterial and viral infection. 
  • There is gingivitis caused by sensitivity to a foreign body, which results from the use of artificial teeth that are not suitable for the gums.
  • due to malnutrition.

Complications of gingivitis

One of the complications that occur due to gingivitis:

  • Gum ulcers are caused by a bacterial infection.
  • Poor oral health and gum disease are associated with cardiovascular disease and heart attacks.
  • Untreated gum infections lead to many complications, such as: the infection spreading to all gum tissues and then to the teeth and jaw bones.
  • It results in an abscess and causes gingivitis.
  • Tooth loss and jawbone erosion.


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