Hair removal cream

Hair removal cream

Undoubtedly, God Almighty created man, distinguished him from other creatures, and made the universe in his own accord, as well as his image in the best form. Loss of it, or brittleness, and this is for the hair of the head.

As for the increase and density of hair in the various parts of the body, it is one of the unpopular and undesirable things. Because it disturbs the person, he seeks and looks for a way to remove this hair or get rid of it.

But before worrying and looking for a way to get rid of excess hair, we must know the cause and treat it before we look for a way to remove the display.

Those who suffer from excessive hair must first go to a specialized doctor to do comprehensive medical examinations, which are thyroid tests, and make a television imaging of the uterus and ovaries, and then do the following tests:





After conducting these tests and analyzes, a defect

is found: if there is an imbalance in the body’s hormones, a hormonal treatment must be taken to stop the appearance of this hair, and then the existing hair is removed by any means, but it should be This method removes the hair from its roots, and after the hair is pulled out after taking the hormonal treatment, the hair that sprouts again is natural hair, not thick.

As for the natural hair on the body parts, hair removal creams are used with it, and it is one of the quick and safe means.


(All hair removal creams are available at Adam's Pharmacy).

How hair removal

cream works: Hair removal cream works in a fast and safe way; It works to get rid of the hair on the body parts, thanks to the presence of thioglycolic acid, which in turn works to analyze and break down the protein in the hair,

where the cream is placed on the area from which hair is to be removed.

Wait 3 to 8 minutes.

Wash or wipe the cream, so you get smooth skin.

should be noted that hair removal creams may vary, including: 

What suits all parts of the body, even sensitive areas.

Including what is commensurate with members without the other.

Removing hair from the body, face and sensitive areas is one of the tiring and exhausting things in the personal care routine, especially since the hair always reappears, so it is better for women to use a hair removal cream from the roots.

Types of hair removal creams from the roots:

They are many and varied in terms of composition and in terms of advantages

1- A quick and painless hair removal cream:

 It contains vitamin E to soften and moisturize the body after hair removal.

It contains a group of beneficial skin roots that prevent hair growth for long periods. It contains pumpkin seed extract and willow herbs, which have the ability to grow hair for long periods.

It is very safe on the skin, as it does not cause redness to the skin, nor does it cause darkening of the skin when used frequently.

2- A cream to permanently remove body hair from the roots:

At the same time, it gives the skin the nutrition it needs, as it contains a group of vitamins, vitamin E and vitamin B.

One of the features of this type of cream is its great ability to get rid of relatively long and thick hair.

Helps soften and calm the skin.

 It prevents any infections.

3- Hair removal cream containing avocado extract:

It contains rose extracts, it helps soften the skin after removing hair from it.

4- Hair removal cream in a very fast time:

 as it is able to remove hair in only 3 minutes, with its ability to prevent its appearance for a long time. It also contains vitamin E, which is able to prevent any complications or redness of the skin.

5- Hair removal cream contains a group of natural oils:

 such as aloe vera oil, and also contains vitamin E.

This cream works to remove hair, as it works to calm the skin and give the skin smoothness, prevents inflammation, and prevents 

the appearance of grains that occur after hair removal .

It is suitable for sensitive skin, as it leaves a distinctive scent of vanilla and floral fruits.

6- A cream that removes hair and exfoliates the skin:

leaves the skin moisturized and smooth.

It is very suitable for removing hair from sensitive areas, as it is characterized by its distinctive aroma composed of lavender, vanilla and ginger, which helps to calm the skin and prevent inflammation of the skin after hair removal.

7- Cream containing lanolin powder:

 which works to resist water and helps moisturize the skin after hair removal.

8- A cream suitable for hypersensitive skin:

 thanks to its special formula that contains a large group of natural ingredients such as:

(chamomile tea - aloe vera oil).

The cream works to remove hair in a deep and precise way and prevents its growth for long periods.

Able to moisturize the skin, and also prevents the occurrence of infections.

9- A cream specialized in removing hair from the whole face:

from the top of the lips, chin, cheek and jaw in just two steps.

And it was proven that it removes hair for 3 months.

10- A cream that contains aloe vera and a mixture of beneficial oils for the skin: it is

 ideal for the legs and body.

It is characterized by leaving the skin moist, soft and fragrant; This is because it contains (water - shea butter - urea - lithium - magnesium - sodium silicate - mineral oils - propylene glycol - glycerin - triple magnesium - perfume - potassium hydroxide).

(All hair removers are available at Adam's pharmacy).

11- A cream that contains materials:

collagen and pumpkin seed extract, which limit the appearance and growth of hair. The cream also contains vitamin E, which helps soften the skin.

This cream has a refreshing scent that contains vanilla.

It is composed of (water - vitamin E - calcium hydroxide - soluble collagen - sodium silicate - chyumer - alcohol - lanolin alcohol - mineral oil - vanilla).

12- A cream that is suitable for women who use hair removers every week or frequently:

 It is very suitable for sensitive skin as it contains (water - beeswax - calcium hydroxide - potassium sorbate - mineral oil - alcohol - sodium hydroxide - sodium benzoate - perfume).

13- Cream is characterized by the rapid and effective removal of thick hair and contains vitamin E and cocoa butter:

it is characterized by making the skin soft and lasting much longer than shaving and its formula contains water, sodium hydroxide, mineral oils, calcium hydroxide, perfume, alcohol, cocoa butter

( All fast and safe hair removers are available at Adam's Pharmacy.

Negative effects and disadvantages of hair removal creams:

 1- They leave a bad smell, although most creams contain attractive perfumes and odors, but these smells may change when the cream begins to remove hair, because creams contain sulfur and chemicals that give a bad smell.

(All hair removers that have an attractive scent are available at Adam's pharmacy).

2- Some removers lead to skin irritation, especially with those who suffer from severe skin problems or allergies, due to their poor quality or cheapness.

3- Some chemical burns may occur; This is because it contains chemicals such as potassium hydroxide, which helps to remove hair faster, but if it is left on the skin for a long time or not washed well, it will cause severe burns and infections on the skin; Therefore, it is recommended to use it in appropriate quantities on the skin and then wash it well with water.

4- It causes skin sensitivity. Where a rash occurs, redness and small blisters occur, so these types of creams must be tried before use on an invisible area of ​​the skin, if it is proven that they are not allergic to the skin, they are used.

Follow tips before using hair removal creams:

1- Follow the instructions recommended in the prescription.

2- Most hair removal creams are not 100% safe; Therefore, a person who suffers from skin problems should consult a doctor first.

(All hair removers are available at Adam's pharmacy).

3- Not to apply hair removal cream to pimples or itchy areas, or to apply it after peeling the skin.

4- When you buy hair removers, make sure to get the product that contains vitamin E, aloe vera or cocoa butter, and these elements protect the skin from irritation, inflammation and redness.

5- When you want to remove hair from sensitive areas, be sure to use the cream intended for these areas, because it may cause irritation or redness of the skin.

6- When you want to remove hair from the roots, it is better to use creams in the form of a gel or liquid because they are better than creams.

(All gel, liquid and safe root hair removal creams are available at Adam's Pharmacy).


So we have mentioned hair removal creams.

Best and safest combination.

And the downsides of cheap and shoddy ones to be avoided.

We stressed the need to follow up on skin changes immediately after using hair removal cream for the first time; Until its effects on the skin are corrected if it is not suitable for the skin.


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