Vitamin D.. the sunshine vitamin

Vitamin D.. the sunshine vitamin

Vitamin D is one of the fat-soluble vitamins and is also called the sunshine vitamin, because the body makes it when exposed to ultraviolet rays, and sunlight is the most important factor in the manufacture of the vitamin in the body through the skin.


Recently, a deficiency of this vitamin has become one of the most common health problems, affecting nearly a billion people worldwide.


So we will learn together about the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency and the appropriate dose and what are its sources?

Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency


  • Cognitive impairment in the elderly: It plays an important role in brain development and regulation of its functions, and supports the health of the nervous system in general.
  • Common in people with Parkinson's disease or schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, depression, dementia, anxiety disorders, as well as in older adults with cognitive decline
  • Bone loss: Contributes to calcium absorption and bone metabolism, and low bone mineral density indicates that they have lost some calcium and other minerals.
  • It is worth noting that many elderly people with bone loss believe that the cause is low calcium levels and seek to increase the consumption of dietary calcium sources .
  • Vitamin D deficiency for a long period of time increases the risk of osteoporosis in the elderly, and it should be noted that the loss of muscle strength also significantly increases the risk of falls and bone fractures, especially in the elderly.
  • Bone and joint pain Bone or joint pain may indicate low levels in the body.
  • Slow wound healing: A decrease in the speed of the wound healing process can indicate a decrease in its levels in the body and the results of one study showed that it plays an important role in the wound healing process, due to its role in wound healing and the regulation of growth factors and other compounds that contribute to the production of new tissue.
  • Although the bones of adults do not grow in size; However it is constantly being remodeled and severe deficiency leads to a gradual loss of minerals in the bones while collagen remains in the bone tissue, resulting in osteomalacia.
  • It also plays an important role in maintaining the strength of the immune system and increases its ability to fight pathogenic viruses and bacteria. It also contributes to supporting the cells responsible for fighting infection directly, and thus the recurrence of diseases, especially colds or influenza, may be associated with low levels.
  • Depression may refer to low levels of it in the body, although some observational studies have shown that its deficiency is linked to depression in the elderly in particular.


Vitamin D sources


The body manufactures the vitamin after exposure to sunlight, so it is called the sunshine vitamin, and sunlight is the main source of deficiency treatment.


To treat vitamin deficiency from sunlight, you should do the following:


  • Expose the body to sunlight for at least 15 minutes in order to produce the daily need of it.
  • Wear open clothing so as not to prevent radiation from reaching the skin.
  • Sun exposure early in the morning or before sunset to reduce harmful UV rays.
  • Not using a condom The sun because it limits the access of the vitamin to the body.


It is also recommended that children get more sunlight than others because they are more prone to vitamin deficiencies.


There are many foods rich in this vitamin , which makes eating it with exposure to the sun an effective treatment for a natural deficiency of it.


Among the most important foods that contribute to the treatment of its deficiency are the following:


  • orange;
  • whale liver oil.
  • salmon.
  • sardine.
  • mushrooms;
  • tuna fish.
  • Dairy products.
  • Therefore, it is preferable to choose one of them daily and eat it, as this reduces the rates of vitamin deficiency.


Dietary supplements are the last option in the event that it is not possible to obtain the vitamin from its natural sources, as it has been noted that there are certain types of foods that contain the vitamin only and not many.


Also, prolonged exposure to sunlight may lead to significant health risks such as: skin cancer, so the doctor may resort to prescribing vitamin supplements after reviewing the results of the tests and determining the appropriate dose for the case.

Best vitamin d supplement

J with me vitamin d 3

Available in Adam's pharmacy to help fill your vitamin deficiency, it is:

  • An assistant factor to support the health of the body.
  • It also works to meet the body's nutritional needs.
  • Helps calcium absorption and metabolism.
  • It also enhances the body's immunity.
  • It reduces osteoporosis.
  • GB Vitamin D3 comes in the form of gelatin capsules.
  • You must consult your physician before taking this medicine


Adam Pharmacy also has a range of other supplements, such as:

  1. Dr flood vitamin d 3
  2.  purer Canada Calcium with vitamin Dr
  3. Mr. Tommy Calcium with vitamin Dr
  4.  Essential d 3


How to use vitamins


The vitamin is taken orally and this vitamin is absorbed when taken after eating, but it can be taken with or without food.


It is best to follow all directions on the product packaging.


If you are uncertain about any of the information, consult your physician or pharmacist.

medicine must be taken regularly to get the desired results, to help you remember take it at the same time each day if you are taking it once a day.


If you only take this medication once a week, remember to take it at the same time each day every week.


Use in normal doses usually does not have harmful effects. If you have any unusual effect, consult your doctor or pharmacist urgently.


Taking too much of it can cause high levels of calcium. Tell your doctor right away if you have any of these signs of high vitamin D/calcium levels.

Such as: nausea/vomiting, constipation, loss of appetite, increased thirst, increased urine output, psychological changes in mood, unusual tiredness.


There may be allergic reactions from the use of the drug, including rash, itching and swelling of the face and tongue.

Most people suffer from vitamin D deficiency


The risk of deficiency of levels 3 increases in some people, and the following is an explanation of this:


  • Breastfed babies: Breastfed babies need 400 IU of the vitamin per day, as breast milk is not a rich source of it.
  • The elderly: This is because the body's ability to manufacture the vitamin decreases with age, and the ability of the kidneys to convert it to its active state in the body decreases.
  • People with dark skin: the body's ability to produce it from the sun decreases, and the darker the skin color.
  • People who have undergone gastric bypass surgery.


Therefore, if you cannot compensate for the deficiency of the vitamin naturally from the natural sources that we mentioned, you should consult your doctor to take GB Vitamin D3 according to your health condition. It is available in Adam's pharmacy in a package of 60 capsules, 1000 international units.

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