Treatment of chronic constipation and difficulty passing stool

Treatment of chronic constipation and difficulty passing stool

Constipation is a condition in which bowel movements occur less frequently than they should and the majority of individuals suffer from constipation at some point in their lives. Although it is harmless, it is uncomfortable and can lead to unpleasant symptoms including bloating, cramping, a feeling of heaviness, etc. Difficulties Chronic constipation and constipation So today we are talking about how to treat chronic constipation and difficulty excreting using medications and some tips and daily routine.

What is constipation? Constipation is

not dangerous, but it is common to us as a result of unhealthy eating habits, and it is caused by the retention of stool in the large intestine and it is difficult for the body to get rid of it naturally, and it is necessary to resort to medical solutions and natural laxatives to solve it permanently.

Treating chronic constipation and difficulty excreting with herbal tea


In order to treat constipation at home, let's learn about the best herbs, drinks and methods. Constipation is one of the most common diseases that affect the digestive system and cause severe pain to humans.


Anise is one of the essential herbs to maintain the health of the digestive system because it contains volatile oils that help relieve constipation. 

You can treat chronic constipation and difficulty passing stool by eating cooked anise once a day.


You can eat the chamomile plant, which relieves gas and stomach pain, and consume it by boiling chamomile leaves and sweetening them with honey to get rid of constipation.

Dill: Dill

is consumed by washing it well, boiling it, and then drinking the resulting water. Dill has the ability to get rid of gases from the body and relieve constipation.


Cumin is one of the natural laxatives used to treat constipation. A cup of cumin that has been boiled and mixed with lemon slices can be taken the next day after soaking overnight.

Treatment of chronic constipation and difficulty passing out at home

In addition to treating constipation, it is necessary to follow some tips:

  • Consuming an adequate amount of water to prevent digestive problems.
  • Consume high-fiber foods, especially those rich in soluble fibers found in barley, whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
  • Eat yogurt because it contains probiotics, because it contains beneficial bacteria for the stomach and digestive system.

Treatment of chronic constipation and difficulty excreting in three minutes

In recent years, many people have developed chronic constipation for several reasons, the most prominent of which is eating fast food. Treating constipation with honey because it is a quick and effective way to treat constipation.

  • To relieve constipation, eat 3 tablespoons of coconut in 3 minutes.
  • It may also be included in the food.
  • Add coconut oil to tea or coffee.
  • Add coconut oil to yogurt or cereal every morning.
  • Smoothies can be made with coconut oil.
  • Instead of using butter, sprinkle coconut oil over the popcorn.

Treating chronic constipation and difficulty excreting food 

by helping to increase the volume of stools and giving suspended wastes a volume that helps the intestines to push and expel them by stimulating normal and healthy intestinal contractions. Laxative Use:

Chia and Flax 

  • Seeds Chia seeds that are rich in fiber and pass through the intestines undigested are a natural remedy for constipation because they help add the right amount of suspended waste to facilitate transit.
  • In addition, flaxseeds provide natural laxative properties that help treat diarrhea and constipation.


  • A medium-sized pear provides about 22% of your daily fiber needs, making pears a particularly high-fiber fruit. 
  • Pears also contain a special type of sugar that is not easily absorbed in the intestines, which makes it contribute to softening the abdomen and expelling it.

Green leafy vegetables

  • because of the abundance of dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and magnesium that help draw water into the intestines to aid stool passage.
  • Leafy green vegetables can relieve constipation and soften stools in several ways.
  • Among the most important leafy vegetables recommended for constipation are cabbage, spinach and broccoli. Leafy greens are also high in folic acid and vitamin C, which aid in digestion.

 Kiwi and figs

  • Just one cup of finely chopped fresh figs provides about 30% of the recommended daily amount of fiber, and 300 grams of fig paste may help soften stools, soothe the stomach, and promote overall health.
  • Both figs and kiwi contain unique enzymes that are believed to help improve digestive and bowel movements, making them a natural laxative.


  • All berries contain two main types of fiber: The first type helps absorb more water from the intestines.
  •  The second type helps increase stool volume. Both types also have laxative and anti-constipating effects.


  • The entire family of legumes, which includes foods such as chickpeas, lentils, peas and various grains, is a natural laxative.
  • Legumes also help produce a certain type of acid in the body that acts as a laxative for the stomach and prevents constipation.


  • fruits are not only nutritious, they are high in fiber, especially those found in the peel because the pectin fibers help promote and speed up bowel movements.

Artichoke and Herbal

  • Lanolin, a type of probiotic fiber found in artichokes and dandelions, encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, making digestion easier.

Sweet potatoes Sweet

  • potatoes, in particular, may help relieve constipation that may affect cancer patients receiving chemotherapy because they contain good amounts of fiber, which acts as a natural laxative for the stomach.

Treatment guidelines for chronic constipation and difficulty

passing stool Although the normal frequency of defecation varies for each person, constipation is defined as not passing a stool for more than three days or having difficulty passing it. Chronic constipation is characterized by persistent difficulties in passing stool and is associated with a number of symptoms, including:.

  • Having an urge to defecate and being unable to do so, even after spending a lot of time on the toilet
  • Solid
  • stools Troubled stools.
  • bloating;
  •  A feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen.
  • Stomach pain.

Chronic constipation usually results in fewer than three bowel movements a week and lasts for several months. Some direct modifications in diet and lifestyle help relieve constipation and control stool movements, including:

  • eating high-fiber foods such as vegetables and fruits, because they are easier to digest and increase stool volume; This causes it to be pushed through the intestines. It encourages proper digestion and prevents constipation.
  • Drink more water because it softens the stool, making it easier to pass through the intestines and easier excretion. Eight glasses of water a day are recommended, although this amount can be increased by two to four if you suffer from persistent constipation.
  • Exercise, walk for 15 to 30 minutes a day to prevent constipation. Walking helps regulate digestion and move food through and out of the intestines, as the intestinal muscles strengthen.
  • Avoiding the urge to defecate As ignoring the urge to defecate, whether due to being busy or wanting to avoid using the bathroom outside the home, is one of the main causes of constipation. In addition, the longer the stool remains in the intestine, the more difficult it is to pass because the colon absorbs water from it and hardens.
  • Eat foods that contain probiotics. Increased levels of beneficial bacteria in the gut, caused by probiotics, help promote digestion.
  • Reduce milk consumption. Some people may become constipated from dairy products, especially those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, in which case it is best to stay away from milk and get calcium from alternative sources.
  • It is also best to schedule your visit in the morning because colon activity is higher and it is recommended to sit on the toilet after eating because the urge to urinate increases after eating. The movement is at its peak in the morning.
  • Relaxation Constipation can be caused by stress and an increase in the stress hormone in the body, so it is essential to reduce stress and try to practice relaxation techniques every day.
  • Drink herbal drinks Boiling mint, ginger, chamomile and other drinks can help treat constipation and accompanying bloating and nausea.

In conclusion, the focus of our discussion today was about the treatment of chronic constipation and difficulty in passing stool, which is a general phenomenon that a large proportion of people suffer from, according to the studies that have been conducted, and the aforementioned recipes can be used to get rid of constipation smoothly.


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