Toothache treatment

Toothache treatment

If your toothache starts at a time when you can't visit the dentist, like in the middle of the night, you may feel like trying anything to get some relief so you can try one of the following home toothache treatments for short term relief.

Dental pain medications and analgesics are available at Adam's Pharmacy.

Treating toothache at home

Each of these ingredients has the advantage of being easy to identify and free of any negative side effects To be safe especially if you are taking other medications, you should always make sure to speak with your doctor before using any of these remedies.

1. Curcumin

is probably in your kitchen and works as a remedy for a variety of ailments because it contains curcumin, an active ingredient that has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties as well as powerful painkilling properties.

2. Ginger

, due to the excellent anti-inflammatory properties of this substance, can relieve toothache and is also the best toothache remedy.

It is also a great remedy for digestive problems because it is often used to treat motion sickness, and the best part is that there are no negative side effects, and a strong and healthy tea can be made by combining cloves, turmeric and ginger.

3. Sea salt.

has excellent antibacterial properties and is particularly useful in treating toothache. When dissolved in water and gargled with it, make sure this generally relieves discomfort and inflammation



  • a teaspoon of salt 
  •  a cup of water.


  • To use salt, first dissolve it in a cup of hot water.
  •  Then stir it well and let it cool down, then gargle with this mixture for at least 30 seconds.
  • Making sure that the mixture reaches the painful area. 
  • Repeat this procedure every 15 minutes until you start to feel better.

4. Ice

is the quickest remedy for toothache caused by sudden irritation. In fact, all you have to do to get some brief relief is to put an ice pack on your cheek and apply pressure to the sore area for a few minutes.

To get a proper diagnosis and determine the source of the pain, the site advises going to the dentist. Sometimes you may need antibiotics that only a doctor can prescribe.

Treating toothache with aloe vera massage

The natural antibacterial qualities of aloe vera can help eliminate oral germs that cause tooth decay. Just apply aloe vera gel to the painful area and gently massage it to relieve toothache.

Treating Tooth Pain with Garlic

Garlic has many features that make it the best toothache remedy. Here are some of the ways garlic may enhance the health of your mouth and teeth:

1. To relieve dental discomfort,

use garlic topically on your teeth to relieve toothache symptoms until you can consult a doctor. Allicin, an ingredient in garlic that may have natural antibacterial properties, is one of the main ingredients that may help relieve toothache naturally.

Therefore, garlic has natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that may help relieve toothache, especially toothache caused by bacteria or tooth decay, which bacteria may have contributed to its origin.

2. Garlic for toothaches

If a person experiences mild to severe pain near their teeth or jaws only when suffering from toothache and this occurs when the pulp, which is the sensitive central part of the tooth, becomes inflamed.

  • If you have mild to moderate toothache, there are several home remedies that will help reduce the pain or irritation you feel as a result of a toothache.
  • Due to its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, onions are useful in relieving toothache.
  •  Just start chewing raw onions for a few minutes as soon as you feel a toothache so that the juices interact with the aching teeth and reduce the discomfort.

Treating Toothache for Children 

Although toothache is common in young children, we as parents may be concerned any time our child is in pain.

 Baby tooth pain may be caused by a variety of things, including tooth decay, plaque buildup, teething, broken teeth, or food getting stuck between the teeth.

 So what do you do if your child has a toothache? How to relieve a child's discomfort and provide the care he needs

Place an ice pack or a cold pack on your child's cheek from the outside for 10 to 20 minutes at a time to relieve facial pain and swelling. Protect your child's skin from ice with a small piece of cloth.

  • If your child has been given an antibiotic by the doctor, follow the doctor's instructions carefully and do not stop giving the medicine because your child is feeling better - the child needs to receive the full dose of antibiotics.
  • Anti-inflammatory medications should be given to your child according to the directions on the label to reduce discomfort and swelling.
  • If your child's pain worsens, avoid giving him or her hot, cold or sweet foods and drinks.
  • Every two hours, rinse your child's mouth with warm, salt water to help reduce pain and swelling. Older children - starting around age eight - can achieve this independently.
  • You should mix 250 ml (8 fluid ounces) of water and 5 g (1 teaspoon) of salt.

Treating toothache

with thyme Thyme is characterized by its antibacterial and antioxidant properties that benefit children suffering from toothache. 

  • Apply a cotton ball with a few drops of water and thyme essential oil to the affected area. 
  • Another option is to boil a cup of water with thyme leaves, let it cool, and then give your child a cup of this mixture to use as a mouthwash.

Treating a toothache by pressing the thumbs

Some people may find this quite unusual, but as a group of British doctors explained, all you need to do to reduce tooth discomfort with a massage or a hand massage is:

  • you should massage the fatty pad on the back of your hand, between your thumb and forefinger.
  • It is important to remember that this technique is a type of acupuncture, which relieves painful dental pain.
  • It is also important to note that a Canadian scientific study found that massaging that area of ​​the hand with ice reduced dental discomfort by 50%.
  • The scientific explanation for this is that the nerves in the hand send cold impulses to the brain, causing the brain to adjust its focus so that it feels cold in the hand rather than the similar strong pain coming from the mouth.

With this, our discussion of natural dental pain relief at home is completed using readily available materials, however you should not ignore the need to find a reputable therapist ASAP.


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