The best ways to treat alopecia

The best ways to treat alopecia

Alopecia areata is a condition in which the immune system of the patient is malfunctioning, which leads to hair loss. The amount of hair loss varies from one case to another because it may only affect certain sections of the hair of some people or the entire head of hair in other cases. People are looking for alopecia treatment because it seems Since this effect detracts from one of the body's most aesthetically pleasing features, it must be addressed immediately to prevent further damage to the beauty of the hair.

available in Adam's Pharmacy. 

What is Alopecia Areata?

Alopecia is an autoimmune condition in which the immune system inadvertently damages and destroys hair follicles, causing hair loss.

 Hair follicles begin to disappear, leaving occasional bald patches on different parts of the skin and the scalp, chin or any other part of the body may develop hair loss.

Alopecia areata

is an autoimmune disorder when the immune system misinterprets healthy body cells as foreign and dangerous entities that must be attacked. It results from an autoimmune disease where the immune system wrongly attacks hair follicles in alopecia areata, which results in hair loss and leads to follicles shrinking and stopping growth Poetry.

The exact etiology of this disease remains unknown to medical professionals and researchers, which is why many researchers have a strong suspicion that genetics may be an important factor in the development of alopecia areata. They also assert that individuals genetically susceptible to alopecia areata can develop the condition in the presence of certain environmental conditions.

Symptoms of alopecia

Before talking about the treatment of alopecia, we must know the symptoms The biggest challenge for alopecia areata patients may be the psychological effects of baldness. 

Alopecia areata does not have a catastrophic effect on the patient's life, unlike some diseases. It is painless and the patient does not feel ill and does not lead to any serious complications that endanger the patient's life; It is not considered a contagious disease, and the patient's social life is not negatively affected.

  • The symptom of alopecia areata is hair loss, which usually begins on the scalp but may also affect the beard, eyebrows, pubic hair, arms and legs.
  • Sudden bald spots that take on an oval or circular shape. These spots are often a few millimeters or less.
  • Smooth bald areas devoid of hair follicles.
  • Hair clumps on the pillow or in the shower may be the patient's initial observation.
  •  The spots may be drawn to the patient's attention if they are on the back of the head but other medical disorders can also lead to hair loss that follows a similar pattern. 

Alopecia Areata treatment


can not be diagnosed based on hair loss only Alopecia is a skin condition that can be treated with traditional medical procedures and natural remedies however Alopecia can often be treated with herbal remedies and within a few months the hair grows naturally in the affected areas so we offer you strategies to use Natural herbs in the following ways to treat alopecia areata:

Treating alopecia with garlic

Because garlic has many anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial qualities, it works wonders in treating alopecia. Take the following measures to reap the benefits of garlic: Garlic

  • should be applied directly to the affected area.
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse it well with shampoo and lukewarm water to get rid of the garlic smell.

Alopecia Treatment with Honey and Onion Juice

This mixture is high in sulfur that helps prevent free radical damage, promote blood flow in the scalp, and promote hair growth. According to a study, onion juice is essential for treating alopecia areata. The following is all you need to do so:

  • You should mix one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of onion juice.
  • Apply the mixture to the affected area and wait an hour.
  • Use cold water to rinse the skin.

Alopecia treatment with lavender oil

has antibacterial qualities that help stop the growth of germs and fungi, and a study discovered that lavender oil has the ability to increase the quantity and depth of hair follicles as well as deepen the skin of the scalp. 

  • As a result, optimum hair growth is obtained by massaging diluted lavender oil.
  • It is best to do this after taking a shower and leave the oil on for 5 to 10 minutes and then rinse it off.

Alopecia treatment with castor oil 

is a natural oil rich in vitamins and nutrients that can promote hair growth and is used in the treatment of hair loss.

  •  The scalp is cleaned.
  •  It can be used twice a day.

Treatment of alopecia

with fenugreek The fenugreek is used in the treatment of alopecia because it contains a number of substances and proteins that help in the growth of new hair and get rid of damaged cells.

To take advantage of the benefits of fenugreek in treating alopecia, do the following:

  • Two cups of water should be added to half a cup of fenugreek seeds in a basin and the mixture should be soaked there overnight.
  • We put the wet seeds in the blender after filtering the water.
  • Then we add water to make a cohesive dough.
  •  Massage the paste into the hair, leave it for 30 minutes, then rinse it off with shampoo and water.

Green Tea Alopecia Treatment

The increased nutrients that the hair and scalp receive as a result of the increased blood flow to the scalp from green tea significantly reduces hair loss. Vitamins E and C, which are present in green tea, are believed to promote hair growth.

To use green tea as a natural remedy for hair loss, follow these steps:

  • Add some hibiscus and some green tea in a pot of boiling water.
  • Take a piece of cotton and dip it well in the mixture.
  • Then the affected area is covered with alopecia.

Treatment of alopecia with

rosemary oil One study also showed the importance of applying rosemary oil topically in the treatment of alopecia, which makes it one of the techniques for treating alopecia with natural herbs. Rosemary oil also helps in promoting hair density and growth by stimulating cellular metabolism.

  • Applying a few drops of rosemary oil directly to the affected area twice daily helps treat dandruff and dry scalp.

Alopecia treatment with almond oil 

Almond oil eliminates dandruff and the irritation that accompanies it. It also promotes hair growth, stops hair loss, and increases hair density.

  • Applying almond oil to your hair after shampooing helps restore important nutrients to the scalp.

Alopecia treatment with flaxseeds

As they contain a large amount of fatty acids and omega-3, flax seeds are well known for their health benefits for the body and hair.

In addition to consuming flaxseeds as part of a balanced diet, you can also use them to make a natural head massage gel.

Follow these instructions to reap the benefits of flaxseed for hair:

  • A cup of hot water with a few tablespoons of flaxseed should be allowed to boil on low heat for ten minutes.
  •  When the mixture thickens and turns into a gel, remove it from the heat.
  • To effectively treat alopecia, daily massage your head or chin with the resulting gel.


for alopecia areata Patients with alopecia areata can benefit from a number of cosmetic and preventive recommendations in addition to the previously mentioned treatments, such as the following:

  • Wear shades to protect your eyes from the sun and other environmental risks, especially if you have alopecia areata.
  • Wigs or hats can be worn to protect the head.
  • Eat a nutritious and balanced diet as many minerals and vitamins are essential for hair growth.
  • Avoid stress because it affects many people during the stages.
  • Although the relationship between stress and alopecia has not been fully demonstrated, patients with primary alopecia have already experienced stress.
  • Hide or reduce baldness with makeup.

How do you deal with alopecia?

Due to the fact that some people can tolerate alopecia areata and wait for treatment to complete, which can take several months, it is necessary to take some steps to mask the condition. These steps include:

  • When the alopecia is on the scalp, wigs or hats or scarves.
  • When alopecia affects the eyelashes and causes them to fall out, put on false eyelashes or wear glasses.

Today we talked about everything related to alopecia areata, the factors, causes and treatment of alopecia areata in detail, and one last advice if you notice significant hair loss, you should see a specialist.

Although it has not yet been scientifically confirmed that stress may be one of the causes of hair loss and has an effect on the body's immune system, it is important to manage stress and maintain excellent mental health.

After we have clarified the best ways to treat alopecia naturally, we must note that if you do not get a result from these treatments, do not hesitate to contact the pharmacists at Adam's Pharmacy to prescribe the medication that suits your condition.


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