Sinusitis treatment at home

Sinusitis treatment at home

Many people suffer from sinus infections for several reasons, and the largest percentage is due to infections that have no cure, and people keep asking about treating sinuses at home, without the need to take medications or antibiotics, and this is what I will present to you in this article.

Types of sinusitis Sinusitis

can be divided according to the duration of the infection or by the cause of the infection. Types of sinusitis include:

Acute sinusitis

Symptoms of acute sinusitis usually appear suddenly as a result of a respiratory viral infection or seasonal allergies. 

Its symptoms usually last for 7-10 days, and it is cured after giving the appropriate medication from the medications used to treat sinusitis. 

However, acute sinusitis can sometimes last for 2-4 weeks. 

Sub-acute sinusitis Sub-acute

sinusitis is caused by a bacterial infection or allergy, especially if acute sinusitis is not completely treated. Symptoms of subacute sinusitis usually last one to three months.

Chronic sinusitis

lasting more than 3 months. Sinusitis may also be considered chronic if sinus symptoms recur three or more times a year. 

The most common cause of chronic sinusitis is a bacterial infection, but it can be caused by chronic allergies, asthma, nasal abnormalities, or adenoids. 

Recurrent sinusitis Recurrent sinusitis


results from 4 episodes of acute sinusitis each year, each lasting 7 days or more. 

Viral sinusitis Viral sinusitis

causes cold-like symptoms, such as a runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, and cough. This type of sinusitis usually clears up on its own within a maximum of 10 days. 

Bacterial sinusitis

is characterized by thick green or yellow nasal secretions, as well as pain and pressure in the facial area. Bacterial sinusitis requires antibiotic treatment and will not go away on its own. 

The types of bacteria that can cause bacterial sinusitis are:

  • Pneumococcal bacteria.
  • A type of streptococcus bacteria such as Streptococcus.
  • Haemophilus influenzae.
  • Moraxella catarrhalis.

Allergic sinusitis Allergic

sinusitis is also known as allergic sinusitis, and its symptoms can occur suddenly during a particular season of the year or may persist chronically throughout the year, depending on the allergens or irritants that caused them. It is characterized by sneezing and itching in the nose. Throat or eyes and nasal congestion. 

Treating the sinuses at home

In many cases, the sinuses can be treated at home naturally, quickly and permanently, without taking antibiotics. 

There are a number of home methods that help empty the congested sinuses and reduce symptoms. 

Here are some helpful ways to treat sinusitis at home:

  • Wash your nose with salt water.
  • Use warm water compresses on the face. 
  • These compresses help open the sinus passages and reduce swelling in the area.
  • Use humidifiers in bedrooms to reduce dry air.
  • drinking large amounts of fluids such as juice and water; Fluids help thin the mucus, making it easier to pass through the sinus passages.
  • Inhale the steam, by taking a longer shower in a hot bath, or covering the face with a cloth dampened with warm water and inhaling the steam coming out of it, or by boiling water in a jug, then pouring it into a pot, and bending over the pot after covering the head with a towel and inhaling the steam.
  • Sleeping with the head elevated.
  •  If the patient has pain in only one side, he should sleep by placing the side of his face free of pain on the pillow.
  • Add a few drops of menthol or eucalyptus oil to hot water or a washcloth soaked in hot water and inhale it.

Tips for treating sinusitis at home

After we got to know the treatment of sinusitis at home, we offer you some important tips, including the following:

  • Some people suffer from bacterial or viral infections in the sinuses, so it is recommended to consult a doctor to prescribe the appropriate treatment to eliminate the infection.
  • It is preferable to elevate the head with some extra pillows, as this will help prevent mucus from collecting in the sinuses.
  • It is advised to stay away from smoking, as it leads to a stuffy nose and aggravation of sinus symptoms
  • . Some relaxation exercises, such as yoga, can be used to relieve sinusitis and

reduce the risk of sinus problems. Here are some preventive tips:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water, especially in crowded places such as: Transportation General
  • Avoid contact with people with colds or upper respiratory infections.
  • Be sure to take the recommended vaccinations, and consult a doctor first to make sure there are no risks
  • . Use a humidifier to keep the air in the house constantly moist.
  • When should a doctor be consulted?

It is best to seek medical attention when any of the following symptoms appear, which include:

  • Temperature above 38°C.
  • swelling around the eyes;
  • Skin redness
  • symptoms persist for more than 10 days.
  • Symptoms worsen, even with medication.


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