Laser facial bleaching, when is it the best option  

Laser facial bleaching, when is it the best option  

Laser facial bleaching is a modern technology that appeared as an auxiliary and cosmetic treatment to remove facial hair 

without an operation. It is an easy procedure that takes place in the doctor’s office and sometimes it is a complementary option after laser removal sessions 

.How is it implemented? And when is its use the best option? 


Laser facial bleaching. For those who have 


laser hair bleaching, it is suitable for lanugo hair in the face and neck. It is suitable for a person who has fine hair on the face and is suitable for light and dark hair, but the results appear better with dark hair. The technique is used for lanugo hair. It is short and not thick hair, it is like fluff. Laser bleaching can also be done in the arms, back and chest, and it is suitable for people who have performed laser hair removal, but there are a lot of fine hair, then choosing the laser hair bleaching technique is the appropriate and optimal option. 


Instructions for laser facial bleaching before and after 


The laser facial bleaching technique is  safe and fast, but there are instructions 

that must be taken care of before and after the procedure. One of the most important tips before laser facial bleaching is not to use creams or care products on the face, and unlike the instructions for laser hair removal sessions, this technique must There is no hair removal or shaving because the technique works on the hair itself and the skin must be cleaned well and dried immediately before the session, and protective glasses must be worn to protect the eyes from laser rays. Removing the colored layer of melanin from the hair loses its color and becomes transparent and blonde 

. After the session ends, the person can go about his normal life on the same day, with the need not to put powders or any cosmetics on the face after the session and for two days. 


benefits and advantages of laser 


  • an easy and fast technique that 
  • solves the problem of short lanugo hair that is difficult to remove 
  • is a suitable procedure for all skin types 
  • . It is a simple, easy process and is not surgical. It does not require anesthesia or a recovery period. 
  • Laser facial bleaching experiences have proven to be successful without side effects 
  • . There are no future damages 


The method and the number of bleaching sessions Laser facial The laser 


  •  facial bleaching treatment takes about 15 minutes 
  • . The doctor directs radiation to the hair in the targeted area of ​​the face
  •  . After two weeks, the hair color changes and then falls out. 
  • The hair appears within 6-8 weeks
  •  , after which the face needs another bleaching session. 
  • The number of sessions is determined by the strength of the hair. Follow
  • the instructions, tips and advice from the Adam Pharmacy  


Instructions and advice for laser facial bleaching  


The laser facial bleaching technique gives good results and suits all skin types and colors, and there are those who worry about laser hair bleaching increases hair? The answer is that it is a safe technique that does not affect the increase in the number of hair follicles, and it gives non-permanent results, so it is recommended to repeat the sessions every 6 weeks to get better results. You will not worry about the price. It is a simple, cheap and safe technique. You can return to work on the same day, taking care not to be exposed to the sun and not to put Cosmetics within two days after the session. 


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