stuffy nose treatment

The common cold is always accompanied by a stuffy nose, which causes a lot of insomnia and inconvenience to the patient because he is unable to breathe. What are the causes of a stuffy nose? What are the ways to treat a stuffy nose?
Adam's pharmacy has nasal drops and sprays that help treat a stuffy nose.
What is a stuffy nose?
A stuffy nose is known as nasal congestion and is caused by swelling of the tissues lining the nose, which occurs as a result of infection of the blood vessels with inflammatory symptoms.
Thus, it causes a buildup of mucus, difficulty breathing normally, and a stuffy nose associated with colds, flu and allergies.
It is often not a worrisome symptom for children and adults, but it is dangerous for infants, as it may make feeding and breathing difficult for them.
If nasal congestion lasts for more than a week or recurrent stuffy nose, the cause of a stuffy nose may be acute sinusitis, dry air, hormonal changes in the body, hay fever, asthma, pregnancy or stress, thyroid disorders, smoke and tobacco, congestion can occur Because of the presence of benign or malignant tumors, but this case is rare.
A stuffy nose may be accompanied by a runny nose and stuffy nose because it can cause anxiety and disturb sleep in children.
What are the causes of stuffy nose?
The causes of a stuffy nose are a viral or bacterial infection of the upper respiratory tract, such as
- the common cold.
- Infection with influenza virus.
A stuffy nose may also occur without a cold or the flu. Other causes of nasal congestion are the following:
- Sinusitis.
- seasonal allergies.
- Allergic rhinitis (allergic rhinitis).
- Pregnancy may also cause nasal congestion.
- A defect in the secretions of the thyroid gland.
- It may be the result of using a specific medicinal drug.
- . Nasal polyps
It should be noted that it is necessary to ensure that the patient, especially if he is a child, did not put anything in his nose that causes congestion, especially if the congestion is in one of the nostrils.
Methods of treating a stuffy nose
There are some home methods that help in treating a stuffy nose, we mention to you some of them:
- Use cold or hot compresses: it may help Placing a warm wet washcloth on the face will relieve the discomfort caused by a stuffy nose and open the nasal passages, specifically on the bridge of the nose, and this also applies to cold compresses. It is short-lived and does not help reduce existing infections, and these compresses can be made at home using bags of frozen vegetables, which are wrapped inside a towel and placed on the face, and hot compresses are made, by wetting the cloth and then squeezing it and placing it in the microwave for a minute, and it must be ensured Make sure it is not too hot before applying it to the face.
- Menthol: There are many products containing menthol or eucalyptus oil that can be obtained without a prescription and used to relieve nasal congestion, so that the chest is massaged with it and then inhaled the resulting steam. They are used in the form of oils, as they can be added to the water used for steam inhalation, and there are lozenges for the throat that relieve throat congestion, but also produce a vapor that helps open the nose.
Treating nasal congestion
A stuffy nose can be treated in the following ways:
- Steam inhalation: Always be careful when using this home remedy to avoid burns from boiling water. The boiled water is placed in a large bowl on a table and the person sits on a chair, then the face is placed on top of the bowl and the person begins to breathe normally. Normal for 5-10 minutes.
- A steam cup can be used as an alternative; It is a plastic cup with a lid and a mask, water is placed inside and closed with a lid, and the steam is inhaled through the mask.
- As for children, the best way to inhale steam is in the shower; The bathroom door is closed, the hot tap water is turned on, and the child sits outside the bathing area for 5-10 minutes, during which time the child can read a book or play with him.
- Using a humidifier for the air: The National Institutes of Health recommends using air humidifiers to relieve nasal obstruction caused by colds, flu, and sinusitis, because of its role in adding moisture to the air in a way that contributes to moisturizing the skin, including the nasal passages, and it also reduces mucus in the sinuses, Which facilitates breathing and the exit of mucus.
- Attention must be paid to the importance of maintaining the cleanliness and maintenance of the air humidifier properly to avoid creating an environment that causes illness in general.
- There are two types of humidifiers, warm and cool, and they both do the same job but differently. There are pros and cons for each type, and one has to choose the right one for him.
- Both are effective in relieving nasal congestion, and there is the possibility of adding some medicines to the warm vaporizer, but both should be used with caution as they contain a heating system that may cause burns, and therefore should be kept out of the reach of children and flammable materials, and not placed on the carpet or any upholstered surface, and it is worth mentioning that the National Institutes of Health recommends cool-air humidifiers for everyone and especially children in the home; To avoid the risks of burns associated with warm humidifiers or warm vaporizers, as mentioned earlier, here are some general recommended tips to follow when working with cold humidifiers:
- Follow the manufacturer's instructions.
- Change his water every day.
- Clean the humidifier well every 3 days.
- Use distilled water instead of mineral-rich tap water.
- Monitor the humidity level in the house using hygrometers available in various stores, the ideal humidity value is in the range of 30-50%; Humidity values above 60% encourage the growth of bacteria, mold and fungi.
- Acupressure: It involves gentle pressure on the bridge of the nose with the index finger and thumb, while holding the muscles on either side of the back of the neck with the other hand.
- Facial massage: Gently massaging the face where the sinuses are located may help relieve symptoms.
- Adjusting the sleeping position at night: congestion is usually worse at night, as it causes difficulty in sleeping for the patient due to difficulty breathing, so it is recommended to place an extra pillow or two under the head to keep it elevated, as this helps to drain the sinuses and relieve congestion as much as possible and make breathing more comfortable .
The problem of stuffy nose is not considered a big problem, as it can be treated with home methods, as we mentioned. You can also consult the specialized pharmacist at Adam Pharmacy to describe the nasal drops or spray that suits your case.