Inflammatory treatment of sensitive areas

Inflammatory treatment of sensitive areas

Itching and inflammation of sensitive areas are among the annoying problems that many women are exposed to, which occur due to skin irritation, allergies, or due to some sexually transmitted diseases .

Causes of infections of sensitive areas 

There are many causes of infections of sensitive areas, including:

  • Vaginal infections in women and the presence of yellow secretions.
  • Vaginal yeast infection, which causes a white, cottage cheese-like discharge that causes a foul smell and itch.
  • Wearing neon and polyester clothing causes allergic reactions in some people.
  • The use of antiseptics for rinsing, such as Dettol, whose frequent use leads to skin sensitivity.
  • Pinworm infection in women and children, caused by eating contaminated food or by infection, and causes itching in the anal area.
  • Genital herpes, a viral infection transmitted through sexual contact.

Treatment of infections of sensitive areas 


Here are some ways that help treat infections of sensitive areas:

  • Use Femi Fresh vaginal wash with its natural ingredients that help treat infections of sensitive areas by cleaning this area from bacteria that lead to inflammation while maintaining the pH of the vagina.
  • Make sure to drink plenty of water and fluids to prevent dehydration of the body, which in turn causes vaginal dryness
  • . Make sure to avoid moisture in the sensitive areas by drying them well with a clean towel.
  • Make sure to wear cotton underwear and not tight to avoid moisture from the sensitive areas
  • Use cold water compresses that relieve irritation and inflammation of the areas Sensitive
  • areas Put a little apple cider vinegar on a piece of cotton and use it to wipe the intimate area
  • Follow a balanced diet and reduce the amount of sugar
  • Avoid irritants: Avoid substances that irritate the pubic area or between the thighs, such as products that contain chemicals such as different perfumes and dyes.
  • Appropriate shaving: It is preferable to follow the following tips when removing hair from sensitive areas:
  • Use scissors first to get rid of long hair.
  • Use new blades every time.
  • Rinse the area with lukewarm water before shaving.
  • Use a large amount of shaving cream or gel.
  • Shave in the direction of hair growth.
  • Dry the area after completion and gently.
  • Dry the area: Bacteria and fungi grow in wet areas, so it is preferable to dry the skin after showering, and use powder to reduce sweating.


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