The best home remedies for dry cough

Dry cough or dry cough is one of the annoying diseases that affect the respiratory system, which makes the patient feel a slight itching or dryness in the throat, usually not accompanied by phlegm. In this report, we explain to you the causes of dry cough and some effective methods in treating dry cough.
Adam Pharmacy has all the dry cough medicines that help in the treatment effectively. You can explain your condition to the competent pharmacist to prescribe the treatment that suits your condition.
Causes of dry cough
There are a number of reasons that lead to dry cough, it may be caused by allergies or diseases, including:
- Asthma, which may affect children or adults, it is a chronic lung disease.
- Influenza infection is one of the most common causes.
- Excessive smoking.
- Dust and smoke affect the respiratory system, causing dry cough.
- Tracheal irritation or allergy.
- Sinus infections.
Symptoms of dry cough A dry cough
may be accompanied by the appearance of a group of symptoms on the affected person, including:
- shortness of breath and wheezing during breathing.
- High body temperature, which may exceed 38.5 degrees Celsius.
- Feeling of general weakness in the body.
- Feeling of difficulty swallowing food.
- Severe pain in the lungs and sore throat.
Dry cough
can be relieved by following many tips and instructions, and the following is an explanation of this:
Menthol Cough Tablets Menthol lozenges
are available at Adam's Pharmacy, the best online pharmacy in Saudi Arabia. These lozenges contain compounds from the mint family, which work to calm irritated tissues and relieve cough dry.
Humidify the air Humidifiers
provide moisture to the air. Home heating makes the air in the home dry, which aggravates a sore throat. Therefore, it is recommended to turn on humidifiers during sleep in order to get rest and recover faster. This can also be achieved by using a mist, or inhaling water vapor by taking a hot shower torelieve throat pain and open the airway; So that a person can breathe easily.
Hydration with fluids
Increased fluids may help relieve a dry cough. This helps moisten the throat and facilitate healing, so it is recommended to drink at least eight glasses of water a day to relieve a dry cough.
Avoiding Irritants Irritants
entering the respiratory tract may cause the body to react to them by coughing, which delays healing. Common examples of irritants include:
- Perfume.
- Cleaning materials.
- Pet hair and fur.
- Pollen pills.
Tips to relieve dry cough
There are some other tips that can be followed to relieve dry cough, and the following is an explanation of these tips:
- Support the back with pillows or supports and keep them raised about 15-20 cm during sleep; For relief of postnasal drip or symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease, as these health disorders can be the cause of a dry cough.
- Avoid smoking and being in smoking areas; As inhaling cigarette smoke irritates the lungs and increases coughing, and if the patient is a smoker, it is recommended to consult a doctor to establish a smoking cessation program.
- Stay in a room with a moderate temperature.
- Complete rest and abstain from strenuous physical activities until the cough subsides.
- Drink warm drinks such as soup and tea, as it warms the respiratory system and helps to break up the mucus stuck in the throat and in the upper part of the respiratory system, in addition to maintaining the body's moisture.
- Gargling with salt water Although its benefits have not been scientifically proven, many patients have improved their sore throat symptoms after gargling with salt water, and the solution can be prepared by adding a teaspoon of salt to approximately 200 ml of warm water.
Herbs for the treatment of dry cough
Herbs have been used to strengthen the body and relieve some diseases since ancient times, most of the herbs are characterized by containing antioxidants that enhance the function of the immune system.
In addition to containing some substances that make it anti-inflammatory, so it can be used in some cases to relieve a sore throat .
Bearing in mind that there are some side effects of using herbs when herbs interact with each other, with other nutritional supplements, or with medications a patient is taking, it is recommended to consult a doctor before using any of these remedies.
Here are some herbal options that can be used to treat a dry cough:
- Honey: A study published in the International Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine in 2007 showed that honey has anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce sore throats and soften mucus. Honey can be used by dissolving it. In a cup of warm tea or in a cup of warm lemon water, it should be noted that honey should not be given to children under the age of one year, because it may cause a serious condition called food poisoning, which is one of the rare forms of food poisoning.
- Peppermint: Mint is widely used to treat cold symptoms. A study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition in 2013 showed the ability of mint to calm a cough, because it contains menthol, a natural decongestant as mentioned earlier, so it relieves dry coughs and sore throats.
- Ginger: A study published in the American Journal of Respiratory Cells and Molecular Biology in 2013 showed that ginger contains components that make it anti-inflammatory, so ginger may relieve symptoms of a dry cough, but in some cases, drinking ginger may cause an upset stomach or heartburn.
- Cabbage root, which has been used since ancient times to treat coughs and sore throats, a study published in the Journal of Research in Traditional Complementary and Natural Medicine in 2005 showed that cough syrups containing marshmallow root in addition to thyme and ivy helped relieve coughs caused by colds and infections. Respiratory system.
- Thyme: Thyme is used for culinary and medicinal purposes. As it is used to relieve coughs, sore throats, some digestive problems and bronchitis, a study published in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Research in 2005 showed that thyme contains antioxidants that help relieve coughing.
If you suffer from dry cough, you can seek advice from the specialized clinical pharmacist at Adam Pharmacy to give you a medicine that helps treat dry cough.