hair loss solution

hair loss solution

loss is one of the problems that many people suffer from. It is a worrying and worrying problem that needs quick and safe solutions, so we will discuss the best solutions for hair loss that are fast and safe.

(All medications for hair loss are available at Adam's Pharmacy).

Before talking about the solution to hair loss, we must first know the causes of hair loss:

towhat medical studies have proven, and what was stated on the webteb medicine website, the normal rate of hair growth is about 90% of hair grows all the time, and the time required for hair growth may range from as long as Between two and six years, as for the remaining 10% of the hair, it is in the resting phase for a period that may extend from two to three months, and then this hair falls out with the end of the rest period, and when the hair falls out, new hair grows from the hair particles; To start a new growth cycle from the beginning, as head hair grows between 10 to 15 millimeters every month, however, as a person gets older, the pace of hair growth begins to slow down. 


Hair loss phenomenon:

A- Natural.  

b- Caused by causes.

A - Natural hair loss:

According to what Professor Hani Al-Nazer, professor of dermatology, published:

(The problem of hair loss is satisfactory if more than 120 hairs fall daily, because this means that the hair falls automatically without any tension, and the hair that falls in the comb and brush and during washing There is no fear of it, because it will fall so that other hair can be replaced in its place. 

B - Hair loss caused by causes:

  • One of the causes of loss is physical and psychological stress They lead to a large percentage of its loss, as well as the excessive use of materials that contain chemicals Such as: (dyes - creams - hair straightening creams - shampoo) which harm the scalp; Because it is caused has a noticeable and rapid loss of hair on the head.

(Safe and anti-hair loss shampoos and creams are available at Adam's Pharmacy.)

  • What also causes hair loss is a lack of vitamins in the body, especially vitamin B7 and B12, as they strengthen the hair on the head, and prevent loss and damage.
  • One of the causes of hair loss and recently proven by medical studies and research is the high level of cholesterol in the blood, which may cause severe hair loss.
  • Stress and psychological and nervous pressure, which also leads to hair loss and a defect in the body’s immune system, which may cause general weakness and wasting in the body, and result in hair loss in the head.
  • The presence of a defect in the thyroid gland, and this imbalance results in the secretion of hormones in the body, and these hormones lead to hair loss.
  • Scalp infections caused by dyes, creams, individual creams or shampoos, or also caused by a lack of vitamins, these chemicals and this deficiency in vitamins causes damage to the scalp, which results in hair loss.
  • One of the causes of hair loss on the head In women of pregnancy and childbirth , especially with women who suffer from anemia or lack of vitamins, which causes severe and alarming hair loss.

Some studies have proven that breastfeeding may be a major cause of hair loss in nursing mothers during the breastfeeding period.

(Diet), (diet), or (diet) may lead to hair loss; Which causes anxiety.


and after we mentioned Reasons fall Poetry , to you Solutions:

A - Natural solutions.

B - Pharmaceutical solutions.

A - Natural solutions for hair loss:

are all simple and very safe solutions. These solutions are:


Using aloe vera gel:

material cactus, as it helps to clean greasy hair and renews its pores; It makes it more shiny.

It also nourishes the roots of the hair, which helps its growth.

Aloe vera gel contains a group of important vitamins (A - C) that restore vitality to the hair.

Aloe vera also helps get rid of dandruff.

It is characterized by being an effective moisturizer for hair and does not give a greasy layer.


Using fenugreek seeds: 

After soaking them for a day and then grinding them, the mixture is placed on the hair for 30 to 40 minutes, during which the hair is covered with a cap and then rinsed. The fenugreek seeds strengthen the hair, help treat damaged follicles, and stimulate their growth. 


 The use of Indian gooseberry juice:

It helps to accelerate the growth of natural skin papillary cells in the hair follicles, and this leads to increased growth.

 Putting onion juice on the hair:

it helps hair growth; Because it is rich in sulfur.


Scalp massage: 

Massage helps to improve hair density, especially when done regularly, with the use of suitable oil, especially almond oil.

as such helps massage using tea green- after soak it then sprinkle on me Poetry - on sentinel Head on me Produce Poetry new.

b - solutions pharmacokinetics to treat fall Hair:

wheremedicines contain large and concentrated amounts of vitamins and minerals that the body is unable to obtain from foods, the most important of these medicines are:

1 - Vitamin and mineral supplements:

they help to restore falling hair, especially those containing omega-3 extracted from fish oil; It provides a strong food that the body needs, and helps hair growth.

2 - Iron capsules:

Iron is one of the important elements that the body needs, and it is important in treating hair loss. Because its deficiency affects the body with anemia, which directly affects hair loss.

3- Topical biotin:

it is one of the vitamins that effectively helps in the treatment of hair loss. It increases blood flow to the follicles, stimulating them to produce hair.

4- Shampoos and foaming liquids:

ways effective to treat hair loss, as they have no side effects, and at the same time are safe for pregnant and lactating women

. 5- Ketoconazole:

It is available in the form of a shampoo, which helps treat severe infections, and promotes It strengthens the hair and improves its appearance.

Ketoconazole also treats androgenetic alopecia, in which the scalp becomes inflamed. It is an important drug in the treatment of severe hair loss in women.

6- Hormones: Hormones

are used to treat severe hair loss in women, as there is an imbalance in the level of hormones at menopause, and the body needs hormones to compensate for the lost.

Doctors suggest medications such as birth control pills, estrogen and progesterone hormone replacement therapy.

7- Minoxidil solution:

It stimulates the hair again, and reduces the area of ​​empty spots on the head.

Studies have also proven its effectiveness in treating women with androgenic alopecia or pattern baldness.

8- Minoxidil spray:

It is an effective treatment for solving hair problems.

A solution to intensify beard hair.

An effective solution for facial hair growth for men who suffer from lack of facial hair.

9- Corticosteroid injections:

They treat severe hair loss in women, and have proven effective in treating alopecia areata, as the injections help hair grow again.

(All medications for severe hair loss in women are available at Adam's pharmacy).

10- Hair transplant operations:

in which they transfer the hair root from one area and plant it in another area. Hair is usually taken from the back of the head to the frontal scalp area that has been affected by thinning or baldness; This is for the purpose of restoring lost hair.

But it is not accepted by many because

of its high cost, and the lack of doctors and specialized centers.

The length of the operation period is one of its drawbacks; The process takes 6 to 8 hours.

The transplantation leads to hair loss in the posterior area of ​​the donated area, and the hair remains in the frontal area - which is transplanted - which is contrary to nature and raises eyebrows and astonishment.

10- Laser hair transplantation:

This technique relies on shedding a group of light beams from very low-level laser beams, which are scientifically known as (LLLT), as they stimulate weak hair follicles in order to increase their growth rates, unlike other operations that depend on transplantation. Laser implantation does stimulation, not implantation, which distinguishes it from implantation. 

However, laser implants can have some drawbacks:

the appearance of crusts, but it is temporary.

Some scars, but they can be repaired surgically or locally.

Fungal and bacterial infections may occur.

Inflammation, swelling or redness may occur, but this is temporary.

Thinning of the transplanted hair may occur, which is contrary to the expected result.

The transplanted hair may fall out; But soon it can be remedied with some anti-fall medical preparations.


 And so we have addressed hair loss.

We have presented the main common causes of hair loss.

How to treat hair loss.

Natural solutions for hair loss.

Medication solutions for hair loss.

Surgical and radiological solutions for hair loss.


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