Methods of treating colic for infants at home

Methods of treating colic for infants at home

It is preferable not to treat colic for infants and newborns with medicines during the first months of their lives, and newborns often suffer from annoying colic in the first three months, so the mother must use the available and natural home methods to treat colic and reduce its symptoms.

In Adam's pharmacy, there are many safe medicines for treating colic for infants, and you can also seek advice from a specialized pharmacist.

Causes of colic in infants 

There are several causes of infant colic, which are:

  • Colic occurs because the digestive system of newborns is not accustomed to digesting milk or any external food, as it derives nourishment from the mother's blood through the umbilical cord.
  • Colic increases with breastfed babies.
  • It often stops after the third month of life, or its symptoms disappear.
  • Colic increases if the infant is constipated.
  • A child crying frequently causes him to swallow an amount of air, causing him to have colic and gas.
  • It is not preferable to give the newborn any medication to stop crying from colic, but the mother should know that the reason for crying is the feeling of colic, as she notices that he is grabbing the thigh towards the abdomen, and his face turns red, and some gases may come out of it.

Methods of treating colic for infants at home


There are some natural ways that help treat infant colic, including:

  • The mother can burp the child, as this is the first step to get rid of the air that he swallowed during breastfeeding, and thus the severity of colic is greatly reduced.
  • It is preferable for the baby to burp after each feeding from each breast and before transferring it to the other breast.
  • The mother can move the infant's legs like riding a bicycle to reduce colic.
  • The mother can also use the method of massaging the infant’s abdomen with warm olive oil, as the counterclockwise massage process helps control acid reflux in infants, mainly due to the secretion of cortisol from the brain, which makes him cry without interruption, and relieves symptoms associated with colic, such as cramps and outflow. gases;
  • The mother can offer drops of fennel or cumin seeds to the infant because fennel or as it is called “the white seed” helps to get rid of intestinal spasms, and boiled cumin seeds promote digestion and eliminate acidity and annoying bloating.
  • The mother can drink boiled mint leaves, and its effect in her milk will calm the child, and the mother should massage the child’s abdomen with drops of peppermint oil after mixing it with drops of olive oil.
  • The mother should not eat foods that cause bloating because she is breastfeeding her baby, and bloating substances are passed on to him through her milk, such as legumes, onions, garlic and soybeans.
  • A warm bath can also help reduce colic, especially in the evening hours, and expose the infant's abdomen to hot water in the form of a stream that relieves gas.
  • Providing water to the infant after the fourth month between feedings relieves gas, reduces constipation and reduces annoying colic.

Treatment of colic in newborns Colic in newborns

can also be treated by carrying them by following some tips, such as:

  • Increase skin contact between the mother and the newborn.
  • Hold newborns upright if they have gas.
  • Rock the baby using a swing or cuddling.
  • Wrap the newborn in a warm blanket.

Colic is also treated for infants by changing the nature of the diet by following some tips, such as:

  • If infant formula is used, it can be replaced with another type.
  • Feed less often, but less often.
  • Do not give the baby fast food or in large quantities, the bottle should be eaten within 20 minutes, no less.
  • Milk formula needs to be heated to body temperature.
  • Feed the newborn in an upright position.
  • If using breastfeeding, the mother should follow a diet free of allergens, such as: dairy products, eggs, nuts, wheat, cabbage, onions, and foods and drinks rich in caffeine.
  •  Squeeze the baby’s stomach softly, as many colicky babies feel comfortable when pressing on the tummy area, and this is done by placing the baby on your lap so that its face down, or holding it so that the baby’s stomach is facing the mother’s shoulder, or by lying down so that the baby lies, his stomach is On one arm, then gently rub or pat the child's back. 
  • Pacifier use, although many breastfed babies refuse to use it, provides relief for many babies. 
  • Make sure the child's temperature is normal, as too much heat or too cold can make him or her uncomfortable.
  • Holding the baby in a curved or C position where the crying baby tends to bend his back and extend his legs, so holding him in this position may help calm him. 
  • Exposing an infant to dim light may help calm children who are disturbed by bright light. 

Tips for dealing with newborn colic

There are a number of tips that you should know and follow regarding newborn colic, such as:

  • Newborn colic is usually a temporary condition, and is eliminated before the child completes the fourth month and does not mean the suffering of the newborn New from colic that he suffers from a disease.
  • You should help a family member to take care of the child to relieve the psychological pressure on you.
  • The child can be left on his back without any toys or blankets in the room for 10 minutes, eat a meal or breathe deeply, washing his face during this.

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