Learn about the most important ways to treat sciatica

Learn about the most important ways to treat sciatica

Sciatica is defined as severe pain that extends along the path of the sciatic nerve from the lower back, through the hip and buttock, and down the leg. Most cases can be treated at home or with medication within a few weeks without the need for surgical intervention, but some severe cases need to undergo surgery. 

Adam's pharmacy has all the medications for sciatica that can be ordered online.

What is sciatica?

The term sciatica refers to any pain caused by inflammation of the sciatic nerve, which may be caused by many factors, such as pressure on the sciatic nerve due to a herniated disc, bone spurs, or narrowing of the spinal canal causing inflammation from the sciatic nerve and pain and tingling in the leg.

The sciatic nerve extends from the lower back to the hips and legs and down to the feet and is the longest and thickest nerve in the body.

 Although sciatica causes severe pain and weakness in the calf muscles, within less than two weeks, sciatica often resolves without surgery. But what is the way to treat sciatica permanently?

What are the causes of Sciatica ?


A person can develop sciatica due to many factors such as:

  • A herniated disc, a condition in which a herniated disc causes part of the disc nucleus to stick out and press on a nerve, causing severe inflammation.
  • Degenerative disc disease, a condition in which the discs between the vertebrae of the spine erode, which can cause the nerve passages to narrow and thus result in severe pressure on the sciatic nerve roots.
  • Spinal stenosis.
  • Herniated disc, in which one or more vertebrae move out of place in the spine, causing pressure on nerves 
  • . Horsetail syndrome, a rare and serious condition that affects the bundle of nerves at the end of the spinal cord.

What are the risk factors that may lead to sciatica?

Among the factors that make a person more susceptible to sciatica: Have

  • a previous injury to the spine or lower back.
  • Aging, as age may cause weakness in the spine, herniated disc, or erosion of the vertebrae, which increases the risk of developing sciatica.
  • Obesity, because being overweight affects the health of the spine and causes stress and many other problems.
  • Working in a strenuous job that requires strenuous physical exertion or lifting heavy objects.
  • Having diabetes, as diabetes increases the chances of nerve damage, and thus increases the chances of developing sciatica.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Smoking, because the nicotine in tobacco may damage the tissues of the spine or weaken the bones, thus increasing the possibility of erosion of the vertebrae, which may cause pressure on the sciatic nerve.
  • Adopting an unhealthy lifestyle devoid of exercise.
  • Sciatica may be common during pregnancy because pregnancy hormones can loosen ligaments in the spine, increasing the risk of a herniated disc.
  • Trying to avoid these factors may help you get rid of sciatica completely and avoid getting sciatica.


treatment for sciatica includes the following: 

  • Hot and cold compresses help relieve pain. Cold compresses are used on the lower back area for a few minutes, followed by warm compresses, and the process is repeated several times a day.
  • Over-the-counter Painkillers: Sciatica can be treated with over-the-counter pain relievers such as paracetamol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen. for prolonged periods without consulting a doctor.
  • Stretching exercises: Sciatica can be treated with exercises such as lower back stretches, piriformis, as well as hip stretches in a sitting position.
  • Rest: Rest is essential in treatment and while maintaining as much physical activity as possible, it is important to avoid prolonged periods of physical inactivity or bed rest.

Physical therapy for sciatica

The doctor may recommend physical therapy in some cases where the pain is somewhat mild, where the steps of natural treatment for sciatica include the therapist developing a plan for exercise therapy and supervising the patient during his performance, such as strengthening exercises, stretching and conditioning exercises, and light aerobic exercises such as Walking, swimming, hydrotherapy or therapeutic swimming. Physiotherapy aims to: 


  • Stimulate the exchange of fluids and nutrients in the body.
  • Strengthen the spine, lower back muscles, abdomen, buttocks and hips.
  • Tighten tight, inflexible muscles such as the hamstrings.

Treatment of sciatica by cupping

Cupping is one of the ways to treat sciatica with the Prophet’s medicine, and it has been found that cupping is an effective treatment in relieving sciatica pain without any side effects.

 It increases blood flow to the area, improves blood circulation, and relaxes you. surrounding muscles.

According to a 2016 study in Pakistan of 92 patients, cupping therapy for sciatica was effective in 67% of patients with severe sciatica caused by a disc or herniated disc.

Cautery Sciatica

Therapy, also known as internal electrothermal therapy or IDET, is a minimally invasive procedure used to treat lumbar back pain and sciatica. 

Sciatica is treated with cautery by inserting a needle with a catheter and electrode, then heating the electrode to destroy small, painful nerve fibers.

Recently, radiofrequency technology has been used as an alternative to electrothermal therapy, as it has shown better results and fewer side effects.

The duration of sciatica treatment varies from case to case, depending on several factors such as the severity of the case and the type of treatment, but often the patient needs a period of 4 to 6 weeks to get rid of sciatica. 

Some cases may need longer, especially with severe cases, it may be up to several months and require more aggressive treatment. 

The pain can also go away without any therapeutic interventions except for some exercises within a few weeks. 

Finally, to prevent sciatica, it is recommended to follow the correct posture when standing, sitting, carrying heavy objects, avoiding sitting for long periods, and exercising to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles in order to support the spine.


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