Baby colic treatment: causes and symptoms

Baby colic treatment: causes and symptoms

Children’s colic is one of the most annoying things for mothers, which makes the child in a state of constant crying due to stomach pain, so we will learn together about the causes of colic in children and ways to treat children’s colic.

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What is baby colic?

Infant or newborn colic is a relatively common medical condition that causes prolonged crying spells in infants.

The crying episodes associated with newborn colic or infant colic are characterized by continuation of more than three hours a day, and recurrence of more than three days a week, for three consecutive weeks or more. 

These episodes usually begin at two weeks of age, and peak at six weeks of age. Newborn colic goes away on its own when the baby is three to six months old.

What are the causes of colic in children?


The causes of infant colic or neonatal colic are uncertain and known. Breastfeeding, whether natural or artificial, has no effect on the high risk of infant colic.

There are some causes that lead to colic in children, such as:

  • Some changes that may occur in the microflora that colonizes the intestines and stool.
  • The occurrence of contractions in the digestive system as it continues to grow.
  • The presence of gases in the digestive system.
  • Mood swings in infants.
  • Continuous development of the nervous system.
  • The effect of hormones on the infant's digestive system.
  • The infant's sensitivity to light and sounds.
  • Lactose intolerance.
  • The presence of digestive problems such as incomplete growth or infections.
  • Excessive secretion of serotonin.
  • Improper feeding of the child.
  • Maternal smoking, or smoking cessation medicines that contain nicotine.

Symptoms of infant 

colic Newborn colic appears mainly in the form of chronic crying spells. Crying episodes associated with newborn colic or infant colic, and normal crying as an expression of the child's needs, can be distinguished by the following signs:

  • Crying episodes associated with newborn colic may occur at fixed times each day, and often start in the evening.
  • The seizures do not occur for any obvious reason, such as the need to breastfeed or change a diaper.
  • Episodes last more than three hours, are frequent at least three days a week, and for three weeks or longer.
  • The crying associated with colic in newborns is more intense and noisy than usual, and may be accompanied by severe facial flushing.
  • The baby does not stop crying when you try to comfort him by rocking or feeding him.
  • While crying, the infant presses his fists or limbs toward his stomach, or contracts his stomach muscles.
  • Crying accompanied by flatulence.

Treating children’s colic in natural ways 

  • Sleeping on one side of the body: Research has indicated that a child sleeping on one side of his body with his head slightly raised, by placing a pillow under it, helps calm colic significantly.

On the other hand, this research warns against sleeping on the stomach, as this position may put him at risk of death.

  • Massage: One of the natural methods used in treating children’s colic, as it helps relieve stomach pain, provided that the mother gently massages certain places in the child’s body, namely the back, abdomen and arms, taking into account the use of a moisturizing substance such as olive oil, because this helps him relax and sleep. .
  • Raising the baby's legs for a few minutes in case of colic, contributes to the expulsion of gases accumulated in his stomach, and helps him to burp easily after feeding.
  • If the child cries a lot because of colic, he should take a warm bath, because this helps him relax, reduces his sense of abdominal pain and makes him able to sleep.
  • Rocking: Although some doctors recommend rocking the baby to relieve colic, reduce crying and promote sleep, rocking may not be effective for some babies.

Treatment of infant colic Infant colic 

may not require any medical treatment or procedures, as infant colic disappears on its own when the infant reaches the age of three to six months. In some cases, your doctor may prescribe the following treatments for newborn colic:

  • A probiotic supplement containing Lactobacillus reuter is an option for treating colic in infants, as it relieves colic symptoms in breastfed infants. It is advised to avoid giving these supplements to infants who rely primarily on formula milk.
  • Processed milk is one of the options for treating colic in newborns, and it is for children who depend on artificial feeding, as the doctor may advise the child to use it to relieve symptoms.
  • Baby colic medicine, baby colic drops containing simethicone is one of the best options to try of baby colic drops to treat infant colic.
  • A mother who is breastfeeding her baby may be advised to stay away from foods that may cause allergies to the baby to treat infant colic, such as eggs, cow's milk, fish, nuts and soy.


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