The best way to treat a cough

The best way to treat a cough

Treatment for a persistent cough is a must. A persistent cough can be uncomfortable at times and may be helpful because it expels mucus and foreign matter from the airways that can irritate your lungs. Coughing can also be a response to inflammation or disease.

What is a cough?

cough , or what is known as a cough, is the body's way of cleaning the throat and airway and getting rid of foreign bodies, particles, microbes, irritants, mucus and fluids. 

Which may be entered voluntarily, or involuntarily, irritating substances stimulate the nerves, which in turn sends a message to the brain, causing the muscles of the chest and abdomen to exhale air from the lungs by coughing, in order to get rid of the body.

 A person may recover from cases of cough on their own, with the help of some home remedies, occasional cough is normal and healthy, but if the cough persists for three weeks without noticeable improvement, it is recommended to visit a doctor.

In most cases, there will be no serious cause, but in rare cases, it may be indicative of a serious illness that needs medical care and treatment, such as lung cancer, or heart failure.

 There are many symptoms that a person should see a doctor if they appear; Such as an increase in the severity of the cough, the appearance of lumps in the neck area, a permanent change in the voice, blood in the cough, weight loss, chest pain, or if the cough is accompanied by difficulty swallowing.


What are the causes of cough?

Coughing may occur under normal circumstances at a rate of once or twice an hour to rid the respiratory tract of any foreign body such as dust or pollen, but sometimes coughing may occur as a result of several reasons, and respiratory diseases may be the most important causes of coughing.

Here are a number of possible causes of a cough in an individual: A

  • cold or the flu, which are the two most common causes of a cough, in which case a cough may occur either during an infection or after the infection has passed for several days.
  • Bronchitis or asthma.
  • Allergic diseases, especially respiratory allergies, a case of allergic cough.
  • Croup, which usually causes a coughing sound similar to a hoarseness.
  • Whooping cough; It is an infectious disease of children, in which the sound of coughing is high-pitched.
  • Pneumonia, in which case the color of the sputum associated with the cough is yellow, green or, in some cases, red.
  • Tuberculosis: It is characterized by the appearance of red sputum, which is an indication of blood coming out with coughing.
  • Fungal infections such as Aspergillus, Histoplasma and Cryptococcus.
  • Cigarette smoke, dust and pungent odors.
  • Some chronic respiratory diseases such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema and cystic fibrosis.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease, which is a possible cause of coughing in case of cough, especially when the patient is in a lying position.
  • Postnasal drip occurs when an individual has congestion, as mucus drips from the nose into the throat, which may make the person cough.
  • Use of medicines. Coughing may occur as a side effect of some medicines, including nebulizers, some blood pressure medicines such as beta-blockers and angiotensin-converting enzyme blockers.
  • It should be noted that the nature of the cough and its duration may vary depending on the cause of the itching in the individual, for example, the use of medicines usually may cause a dry cough that may last for a long time. If the drug is not stopped, as is the case for pneumonia, it may cause a cough with sputum, which can be considered of the acute type.

Symptoms of Cough Coughing 

is a common symptom of many things, where the cough may occur suddenly, repetitively and involuntarily, and the individual may cough voluntarily and on purpose in order to get rid of anything stuck in the respiratory tract.

Symptoms associated with cough may vary depending on the cause of the cough, for example, in the case of a cough caused by influenza infection, it may be accompanied by fatigue and a runny nose.

When should you see a doctor when you have a cough?

Many may wonder when is a cough dangerous? Coughing is a common occurrence that one may get used to from time to time.

But sometimes an individual must visit a doctor and get a proper diagnosis, as coughing may indicate serious illnesses and needs immediate intervention.

Therefore, it is recommended to visit a doctor immediately in the following cases:

  • Persistent cough for more than 3 weeks, as one of the causes of persistent cough is chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma.
  • The cough gets worse over time.
  • Severe cough.
  • Cough with blood.
  • Swelling in the neck area.
  • Weight loss.
  • A person's voice changes permanently.
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Fever.
  • pain in chest.
  • breathing difficulties.

Treating cough with home recipes 

Sometimes a person with a cough may want to resort to some home remedies to reduce its effects, and here are some of the most important of these remedies: 

  • Honey and lemon: This home remedy is used to relieve sore throat, and it is especially useful for those who suffer from dry cough. Honey is soothing to the throat, and leaves a protective layer after ingestion.
  • Steam: A steam bath works to moisturize the respiratory system, and this is an effective treatment for dry cough.
  • Bear's Ear Herb: This herb has many soothing properties, which are used to relieve coughs and infections, as it can be used with honey to relieve coughing.
  • Pine: Pine is one of the wonderful plants that are useful and effective in relieving cough.
  • Thyme: Thyme is used to solve many respiratory problems, including coughing.
  • Garlic: Garlic has antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Regular garlic consumption can provide support for the body’s immune system.
  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a very important vitamin to support the immune system, and helps treat coughs, and vitamin C is found in many vegetables and fruits, such as: oranges, lemons, turnips, kiwis, and red peppers.
  • Water: Drinking water keeps the throat moist, and may make a big difference, as keeping the throat moist prevents it from drying out, which causes irritation and coughing.
  • Peppermint and ginger: It is recommended for use in mint and ginger syrup, as it is considered an effective cough suppressant.
  • Turmeric: Turmeric can be used to relieve a cough because of its many health benefits, and it has antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.


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