Treating colds and sneezing in children

Treating colds and sneezing in children

Cold in a child is a common viral infection that affects the upper respiratory tract, it can affect all ages, but children and infants get cold more frequently than adults, so we were keen to present to you methods of treating cold and sneezing in children in this report.

Causes of a child's cold Children

usually get an average of 5-10 colds each year, and their symptoms last for about 10 days.

Coughs and colds in children are rarely dangerous, and most colds get better on their own

due to direct transmission; Cold viruses remain active on a person with a cold for about three hours. If the infected person touches another person and the other person touches their eyes, nose, or mouth,

some cold viruses can live on some surfaces, such as desk tops and door handles, for two to three hours

can spread Viruses are in the air by an infected person coughing or sneezing, then inhaled by another person.

Symptoms of the common cold The


symptoms of cold and sneezing in children are:

  • stuffy or runny nose and sneezing, unlike influenza, which can include fever, chills, aches and pains, lethargy and headache.
  • The cold can also be accompanied by some symptoms such as: coughing and sore throat in some cases and mild fever
  • Cold symptoms may disappear completely after about two weeks of infection

Treatment of cold and sneezing in children

There is no treatment for cold and sneezing during the infection period, as the child's body builds immunity that enables it to protect itself And resistance to infection

The provision of care is one of the best ways to treat colds and sneezing in children,

and treatments for a child with a cold are limited to medicines and treatments aimed at alleviating the annoying symptoms during the infection period.

can be used as Otosan with its natural ingredients that relieve the symptoms of cold and sneezing in children.

You should also avoid using antibiotics if you have a cold, as a cold is a type of viral infection.

Antibiotics are medicines that are used to treat bacterial infections only, and therefore do not work in treating a cold infection.

Here are some tips that relieve and help treat colds and sneezing in children:

  • Encouraging the child to get enough rest; Providing a calm environment for the child, and urging him to engage in activities that do not require much effort
  • Rest helps speed up the child's recovery from a cold or flu infection, especially since the body uses energy while fighting this infection.
  • It is recommended to provide the child with adequate amounts of fluids such as infant formula, breast milk or water
  • . This helps reduce the density of mucus accumulated in the nose, facilitates its elimination, and prevents the child from becoming dehydrated.
  • Older children are also advised to drink fresh fruit drinks, in order to provide their body with adequate amounts of fluid.
  • For infants, the use of a nasal aspirator can be resorted to, which allows to get rid of the mucus accumulated in the nose, and hinders the child from obtaining his need for breastfeeding.
  • Nasal strips can also be used for children over five years of age, as they are placed on the child's nose at bedtime.
  • Children over six years old can be taught how to rinse with salt water in case they have a cold, which helps soothe a sore throat.


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