Anal fissure treatment

An anal fissure is a painful sore in the skin of the anus, small cuts in the lid of the anal canal, usually caused by passing hard or large stools during defecation, and can occur in adults or children.
Anal fissures are usually accompanied by bleeding from the anus and pain in the anal area. In most cases, anal fissures are treated without medical intervention. Ointments can be used if symptoms continue to relieve pain, but fissures that do not heal become chronic (chronic anal fissures) and cause inconvenience And you need medical intervention.
Causes of anal fissures
There are many things that cause anal fissures, including:
- Hard and large stools coming out of the anus
- Constipation or straining during defecation
- Inflammation of the anus and rectum such as inflammation of the intestine
There are risk factors for anal fissures to note, such as:
- Constipation in infants
- Constipation occurs in adults Because of lazy bowel
- , chronic constipation in general, the
- risk of developing anal fissures also increases in women after childbirth.
Can anal fissures be treated without surgery?
In some cases it is simple, but the doctor needs a consultation to describe a treatment plan based on following some habits that help the patient get rid of the pain, and here the doctor focuses on home tips and topical treatments that lead to a quick result in the beginning, including:
- Stool softeners: which help in constipation treatment.
- Fluids: with the need to drink in large quantities because it facilitates the expulsion process.
- Plant fibers: which are considered the magic and basic solution for the treatment of anal fissures. Because it facilitates the digestion process and thus facilitates the excretion of waste, and therefore it is necessary for the patient to eat large quantities of vegetables and fruits.
We never recommend taking any medicine without consulting the doctor, because he will determine for you the types of ointments and topical treatments that are appropriate for each patient’s case, taking into account that there are no side effects to it, and these treatments include:
- Hemo Free Cream , which consists of natural extracts that calm the anal area and reduce Itching and thus help in the treatment of anal fissures.
- Botox is injected into the anal sphincter, which prevents contractions of the fissure muscle during the excretion process by temporarily immobilizing the muscle.
- These treatments help treat anal fissures that occur due to constipation, but in some cases the response to treatment is slow or non-existent, making it unsuitable, so the doctor resorts to surgery that helps treat the problem completely.
Tips for dealing with anal fissures
The doctor advises people who suffer from anal fissures to eat fiber (25-30 grams/day), to prevent constipation and thus help speed up the healing process.
Eat foods rich in fiber:
- Fruits,
- vegetables
- nuts
- , all grains.
There are also many types of fiber pills or capsules that an anal fissure patient can take after consulting a doctor or pharmacist.
Do moderate exercises, such as walking, regularly for at least 30 minutes
The doctor advises to avoid straining or straining during the defecation process, as this may cause the wound to open or create another anal fissure.
It should also sit in warm water for at least 20 minutes because this would reduce the pain of anal fissures and help remove itching.
These were the most important ways to treat anal fissures that can be followed at home without referring to the doctor, but if treatment is not done or the situation worsens, consult a doctor.