The best natural way to treat phlegm

The best natural way to treat phlegm

Many people suffer from the problem of phlegm accumulation in the respiratory system, which causes a disturbing situation for the person, so in this report we will present to you the best methods of treating phlegm.

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What is phlegm? 

In the beginning and before presenting the methods of treating phlegm, do you know what is phlegm?

Phlegm is the mucus that is produced inside the respiratory system specifically without the rest of the body, and it usually comes out of coughs laden with viruses and bacteria that cause disease in addition to immune cells that fight disease.

Sputum usually comes in several different colors, each of which has its own indications, as follows:

  • Green sputum contains disease-fighting cells.
  • Sputum that is brown or red in color indicates an internal scratching of the airways.
  • Yellow sputum generally indicates disease.
  • There are many diseases and causes that may lead to the settlement of phlegm in the chest, such as: sore throat, flu, coughing, allergies, and colds.

, the best ways to treat phlegm

There are different ways that people try to get rid of phlegm, including treating cough and phlegm with herbs, but it is always better to consult a doctor first with the most appropriate treatment to expel phlegm according to the condition of the person himself. 

Home and medical treatments to get rid of phlegm include:

  • Keep the air moist as dry air irritates the throat and nose, which increases mucus formation in order to lubricate the airway, and here lies the importance of using humidifiers, especially at night, as it helps you sleep better; It reduces mucus secretion in the nose by humidifying the surrounding air.
  • Make sure to drink plenty of fluids. Drinking fluids helps keep the body hydrated, especially if a person has a cold, as this reduces the viscosity of mucus and prevents congestion.
  • Place a washcloth wet with warm water on the face because inhaling through a wet washcloth restores moisture to the nose and throat and helps relieve pain and pressure. 
  • keeping the head high when sleeping, it is recommended to place several pillows under the head; This is because lying in an upright position makes the patient feel as if mucus has collected in the back of the throat. 
  • Don't try to stop a cough because coughing is the body's mechanism for getting secretions and mucus out of the lungs and throat, and sometimes cough medicines can be used to help with this. 
  • Using saline solutions and sprays to get rid of mucus or any irritant in the nose and sinuses, the most important of which are solutions containing sodium chloride. It should be noted that sterile water should be used to wash the nose using these solutions.
  • Gargling with salt water Gargling with salt water several times during the day will help soothe a sore throat and get rid of any remaining mucus in the nose. 
  • Using eucalyptus The eucalyptus plant helps calm phlegm and reduce phlegm, and it can be used by adding some eucalyptus oil in a warm bath or adding it to home sprays. 
  • Avoid smoking as smoking and secondhand smoke cause the production of greater amounts of phlegm and mucus, which hinders the rapid elimination of phlegm.
  • Minimize the use of decongestant nasal sprays because they dry up secretions and relieve a runny nose, making it difficult to get rid of phlegm permanently.

Natural ways to treat phlegm

There are many natural ways that can be used to treat phlegm, including:

  • Avoiding irritants and foods that cause allergies It should be noted the importance of avoiding irritants, chemicals, aromatics and pollutants, which in turn irritate the nose, throat and respiratory passages, which It leads to the production of mucus in larger quantities. Attention should be paid to food allergens that increase irritation and the desire to itch inside the throat, which increases the secretion of phlegm and mucus.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine because drinking alcohol and caffeinated beverages accelerates dehydration; That is why it is recommended to drink warm, caffeine-free liquids. 
  • Take a warm shower, as inhaling the steam clears the nose and throat and makes the mucus less thick. 
  • Gently blow your nose to help the thick mucus out, while avoiding blowing too hard; Because this can damage the nasal passages and increase pain and pressure. 
  • Pay attention to the quality of the food eaten Since the high-fiber fruit reduces respiratory problems, including the formation of phlegm, it is also recommended to avoid foods that cause acid reflux, which leads to heartburn, because acid reflux stimulates the production of phlegm and mucus.
  • It has been found that eating certain foods helps the respiratory system to get rid of phlegm, cold, cough and mucus, such as: ginger, lemon, garlic, berries, licorice and pomegranate. 

What are the causes of phlegm?

There are several reasons for the formation of phlegm in larger quantities than the body needs, and among these reasons we mention the following:

  • Exposure to colds.
  • Sinus irritation or inflammation.
  • Respiratory sensitivity.
  • Exposure to cigarette smoke and environmental pollutants.
  • Nose, throat or lung irritation.
  • Chronic lung diseases, such as pneumonia, various types of lung cancer, cystic fibrosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  • Some diseases of the digestive system.

Herbs to expel phlegm 

Some herbs can help in expelling phlegm, including these herbs:

  • Herbal tea Herbal tea plays a major role in clearing the chest of mucus, relieving coughs and sneezing, and reducing throat congestion. It is also considered a safe drink for patients who are sensitive to caffeine, because it contains a small percentage of it.
  • Ginger works to relieve and treat the symptoms of colds, especially acute cough accompanied by phlegm, and the nutritional value can be improved by preparing it with lemon juice and minced garlic, to get better and faster results 
  • Essential oils You can rely on essential oils extracted from herbs such as peppermint oil, lemon oil, and rosemary oil to eliminate bacteria and viruses that cause chest diseases, as it facilitates breathing, relieves coughing and gets rid of the phlegm associated with it. There are two ways to use essential oils: - Add drops of them to hot water and inhale the rising vapors. We put 12 drops of them in a glass containing walnut oil. Mix well and then massage the chest with this mixture. On the other hand, it is forbidden to take essential oils directly, taking into account not to massage the chest with them in case there are wounds on its surface.

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