Asthma treatment

Asthma treatment

What are the causes and symptoms of asthma and what is the treatment of asthma? Asthma most often affects the respiratory system of children, but it can also affect adults. Recurrent episodes of shortness of breath, wheezing and other symptoms are ca...
Treatment of chronic constipation and difficulty passing stool

Treatment of chronic constipation and difficulty passing stool

Constipation is a condition in which bowel movements occur less frequently than they should and the majority of individuals suffer from constipation at some point in their lives. Although it is harmless, it is uncomfortable and can lead to unpleasant...
Hemorrhoids treatment in one day

Hemorrhoids treatment in one day

Hemorrhoids may appear quickly in a person due to severe constipation. As a result, a person resorts to a natural approach that can help treat hemorrhoids in one day and reduce the pain they cause. Suppositories and ointments for hemorrhoids are a...
Toothache treatment

Toothache treatment

If your toothache starts at a time when you can't visit the dentist, like in the middle of the night, you may feel like trying anything to get some relief so you can try one of the following home toothache treatments for short term relief. Den...
Effective natural ways to treat burns

Effective natural ways to treat burns

Many of us are exposed to burns, especially women in the kitchen, and minor burns cause discomfort, but burns can be treated at home and relieve pain without the need to visit a doctor. In common, this results in slight discomfort, redness, swelling...
5 ways to help treat cholesterol

5 ways to help treat cholesterol

Unhealthy eating habits increase the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, which can cause major problems for the heart and the arteries that feed it. ? In the following lines we will explain this. Cholesterol treatment with ginger...
Wheaten skin is a complete care routine to maintain it

Wheaten skin is a complete care routine to maintain it

Wheat skin is a lovely type of skin. It symbolizes the Arab peoples, as they enjoy a wonderful wheat color. This skin, although it is better than white skin in that it is protected from sun damage, is also exposed to many problems that make it necess...
Face pills causes most important recipes for treatment 

Face pills causes most important recipes for treatment 

Face pills causes and the most important recipes for treatment is what owners of oily skin are looking for, whose owners suffer a lot. Adolescents in their youth suffer from the problem of acne, which causes them a lot of embarrassment and distress,...
Causes of facial pimples Ways to deal with and treat them 

Causes of facial pimples Ways to deal with and treat them 

Causes of facial pimples are multiple and different according to age factors, skin type, weather and environmental factors exposed to them, as well as according to the life system of each person. Also, what are the causes of facial pills that can be...
Cleansing the skin: methods, benefits and the most important instructions

Cleansing the skin: methods, benefits and the most important instructions

Cleaning the skin is a daily task and one of the most important tasks related to care, which is related to the freshness of the face and maintaining the wonderful look as well as maintaining it in the long term. Methods of deep cleaning the skin and...
Types of facial causes and treatment

Types of facial causes and treatment

Types of facial pimples are varied and different according to the causes of their occurrence, skin type and the conditions that led to their occurrence, and despite their many forms and types, they fall under two types, inflammatory face pills and no...
Symptoms of omega 3 deficiency

Symptoms of omega 3 deficiency

Omega 3 is a fatty acid found in fish and many other foods, and it is responsible for the production of many substances that maintain vital processes in the body, such as blood pressure, body temperature, infections, tumors, pain and allergic disease...
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